Configuration: Installing Identity with Commerce

Configuration: Installing Identity with Commerce

Setup Checklist

1. Infrastructure Tasks


1. Infrastructure Tasks


Install Identity Plugin and restart store Required


2. Commerce Tasks


Configure Identity External Authentication Required

Configure Guest Checkout optional

Detailed Setup

Prerequisite Tasks

Infrastructure Tasks

If you plan on using Aspenware Commerce’s Identity plugin, be sure to notify Aspenware that you will need it included as part of your release. Then, to begin using Identity, you must install, configure, and activate the Identity plugin. To do so, follow the steps below and then restart your store.

  • Find and install the Identity Plugin

    1. In the Aspenware Commerce admin panel go to Configuration > Local Plugins

    2. Search the list for 'ExternalAuth Methods : Identity Authentication'

       Select Install

    3. Once installation is complete, select Restart application to apply changes at the top of the page.

NOTE: This can take up to 7 minutes to complete, restarts should occur during low-traffic times.


Detailed Setup Guide

1. Configure Identity External Authentication

  • Go to Configuration > External Authentication

  • If the Identity plugin has been successfully installed you will see it on the admin screen

  • Select Configure

    1. Enter your OpenID ClientID, OpenID ClientSecret and Authority to use when connecting to OpenID

      (created and provided by Aspenware)

  • In the “Authority to use when connecting to OpenID” field enter the web address (url) that will be using identity (provided by Aspenware representative)

  • Select Save.

  • Top activate External Authentication - Identity return to the External Authentication Admin page and select Edit

    1. Select the check box under the Is Active column then select Update.

  • When completed, click the Gear icon in the upper right corner, and select Restart application.

NOTE: This can take up to 7 minutes to complete, restarts should occur during low-traffic times.

2. (Optional) Configure Guest Checkout

Guest Checkout is enabled with Identity 2.4 for resorts using RTP|One. If enabled at the store level in Aspenware Commerce, guests selecting “guest checkout” are routed to a simple registration form. Once registered, these customers are created in RTP|One with a specific IPTypeCode (configurable) including email profile, but no authentication profile. Guests and any additional members created and assigned during workflow also show in RTP|One with this specific IPTypeCode. If a guest decides to return to the store and checkout as a guest again another profile will be created in accordance with the guest’s selection. If birthdate or phone are collected as part of guest transaction these will also be added to the customer record in RTP|One.

See Aspenware Commerce Guest Checkout configuration guide for details on enabling guest checkout in Commerce.


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