Identity Implementation Worksheet
Identity Implementation Worksheet
- Identify which applications (clients) you will be integrating with Aspenware Identity. For each application (client), call out if any of the decisions below differ for any one of these applications. NOTE that whenever a new application (client) is onboarded with Identity, some implementation is required.
Aspenware Commerce
Aspenware Arrival
Mobile Application
- Are you integrating 3rd party applications with Aspenware Identity? This refers to anything other than Aspenware Commerce and Aspenware Arrival.
- Are you in a multi-resort environment?
- Decide on a URL you plan to use for identity, such as http://login.resortname.com . Once you’ve decided on a URL, you’ll work with Aspenware to set up SSL and DNS for this Identity URL.
- Do you want to allow customers to log in or claim an account using their pass media/RFID number?
- Do you plan to use Sendgrid or Inntopia Marketing Cloud as the email sending platform that is integrated into Identity? Once you’ve decided on an email provider, you’ll work with Aspenware to set up the email integration for Identity.
- Aspenware offers the ability to text a code to a guest that has an account to verify that they are the owner, would you like to use Aspenware’s Twilio account and number or configure your own Twilio account? Once you’ve decided on a Twilio configuration, you’ll work with Aspenware to set up the email integration for Identity.
- Do you want to require that customers reset their passwords after a configurable period of time? If so, consult the configuration guide for reset password setting options and discuss with your Aspenware representative.
- Do you have guest checkout (including selective guest checkout) configured in any capacity for your store? If so, make your Aspenware representative aware so that the required settings can be adjusted.
- Do you want to enforce lockouts for customers with a configurable number of failed login attempts, if so how long do you want to enforce the lockout for? Consult the configuration guide for lockout setting options and discuss with your Aspenware representative.
- What age restrictions do you have in place for allowing customers to create accounts? 13 years old is the default cutoff age. Notify your Aspenware representative if you desire a different setting.
- Do you want to enable customers to opt into or out of marketing communications (setting their RTP|One Communications Profile) when creating an account in Identity? If so, discuss with your Aspenware representative.
- Do you want to enable reCAPTCHA on Identity? If so, discuss with your Aspenware representative after creating your account with Google reCAPTCHA.
For each unique resort theme, provide Aspenware with the following…
Ensure you’ve completed the GTM setup for Identity.
Logo file to be used in all emails sent from Identity
Link to the resort’s website (logo image in emails will link here)
Resort Name as you’d like it displayed
Resort Address (to be used in the email footer)
A number and/or email a guest can call for help if they run into an error with Identity. Share with your Aspenware Representative and they will update the necessary strings.
Any customizations you desire from default language strings.
Background Image
Background Overlay (for text readability)
Logo (long and wide logos work best)
Logo URL (where does clicking the logo take you?)
Primary Color (Buttons, Mobile Header Bar)
Button Color
Button Radius (rounding)
Button Hover Color
Button Font Weight (Bold, Normal, etc)
Button Font Size
Button Letter Spacing
Heading Font Color
Body Font Color
Link Font Color
Link Hover Font Color
NOTE: A single custom font can be supported for those who use CSS to import their custom fonts. Font customizations will apply to the Identity application, but the email font will be standardized as Helvetica for all customers. Supply the font URL to your Aspenware Representative, similar to the example below:
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