Store-wide Settings (All settings) Library
The “All settings (advanced)” section in Aspenware Commerce is used to configure how the store and its features function.
This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce. Setting names may need to be added before they can be configured or might not apply to your resort depending on the code version you are on, the POS system you use, and the features you utilize.
Detailed Setup Guide
1. Access the settings screen
To access the settings screen go to Configuration > Settings > All settings (advanced).
Once on the All settings (advanced) page, use the steps below to modify existing settings or add new settings.
2. Modify existing settings
On the settings screen, if the search fields are not expanded click the black text magnifying glass / Search to expand the Name and Value search fields.
Once the Name and Value fields are visible, search these fields for existing settings by typing in partially matching text or an exact text match of the Setting’s Name or the Setting’s Value then click Search.
Once you have found the setting you want to modify, click Edit and modify the value.
IMPORTANT: You can also delete settings here, but that will often cause unwanted behavior within the store. If you are uncertain of a setting’s use, review the directory section of this article for in-depth details on each setting.
3. Add new settings
NOTE: Settings may be missing or could have been deleted by accident. These can be re-added if necessary.
Go to the settings screen and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Setting Name: Type or paste in the setting name. This must match exactly as defined in the setting directory.
Value: Type or paste in the value name. This must be in the correct format as designated in the setting directory.
Store: Selecting “All” will apply this setting to all Stores setup on your version of Aspenware Commerce.
If you run one store from one instance of Aspenware Commerce: Then you can leave this setting as “All”.
If you run multing
iple stores from one instance of Aspenware Commerce: and IF the values for a single setting (i.e. season start date) differ per store, you must have a setting labeled as “All” and a setting for each individual store. Ie: if you have 2 stores, you would have 3 settings configured, one assigned to “All”, a second assigned to {Store 1}, and a third assigned to {Store 2}. The store-specific setting will override the “All” setting for the associated store, but the “All” setting is required to be setup. If you have multiples stores and a setting is the same across all stores, then only an “All” setting is needed and store level settings should not be set.
Add new record: Once you have the above steps completed correctly, click the add new record button and the setting will be added to your store.
Below is a comprehensive list of settings utilized in Aspenware Commerce. You can sort each column A to Z by hovering over the right corner of the column and clicking the arrow that appears. You can also use control+F (PCs) or command+F (Macs) to search this page for keywords. The directory’s columns provide the setting’s exact name, acceptable values and formatting, a description of what the setting does, an image example of what the setting modifies (when applicable), and the category relating to the setting.
Setting Name (Click on images to enlarge. ) | Details |
resortossettings.infrastructureisenabled | Setting which allows a resort that has previously adopted ResortOS infrastructure to transition off of any remaining ResortOS dependencies at their desired pace. This setting is defaulted to false for all resorts unless otherwise communicated. |
ecommercesettings.order.checkfinalpaymentamount | Feature: Checkout Flow Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = A comparison is run at checkout to protect their guests from the possibility of a dynamically priced product updating its price prior to checkout without displaying the new price to the guest. So, imagine a guest puts a product in their cart, walks away for a bit, and then returns to complete. When they return, that dynamically priced product has a different price. If set to TRUE, the guest will see a dialog that states that the price of a product in their cart has changed, allowing them to make the determination of whether they still want to purchase at the new price. False = If set to FALSE the guest will see the product with the original price, but will be charged the updated price. Note that for resorts using Affirm, the “checkfinalpaymentamount” call, is not made (even if the setting is enabled) when Affirm is the payment method. This allows Affirm-paid sales to successfully complete. |
| Feature: Shopping Cart Acceptable Values: Number (e.g. 50) Function: This setting limits the number of products that can be added to the shopping cart. It should be set at a number that you do not anticipate will be reached in terms of the number of products that would ever be placed in the cart. Many resorts set it to 1000 to avoid any problems. |
| Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Google’s CAPTCHA feature is enabled. False = Google’s CAPTCHA feature is disabled. |
captchasettings.showonregistrationpage | Feature: reCaptcha, Create Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Google’s CAPTCHA feature is displayed on the Create Account screen. False = Google’s CAPTCHA feature is not displayed on the Create Account screen. |
captchasettings.recaptchaprivatekey | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric (e.g. “d1k@PVO34@n9Jzs9a@3k!”) Function: Enables Google to provide human verification through CAPTCHA. Private reCaptcha key can be obtained by signing up for a free reCaptcha account through Google. |
captchasettings.recaptchapublickey | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric (e.g. “d1k@PVO34@n9Jzs9a@3k!”) Function: ensure your keys are for reCAPTCHA v3 and your resort url is added to ReCAPTCHA setup. If your resort url is not added to your reCaptcha account through Google then reCAPTCHA will fail on your site. |
captchasettings.recaptchathreshold | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: .5 Function: The recommended value for this threshold is .5. A threshold of 1 ensures everything fails, 0 ensures everything passes. |
captchasettings.showonaddfamilymemberpage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v3 for the Family Member Page. Note that due to ReCaptcha v3 validation occurs in background (nothing displays on page unless validation fails). |
captchasettings.showoncheckoutcompletepage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v3 for the Checkout Complete Page. Note that due to ReCaptcha v3 validation occurs in background (nothing displays on page unless validation fails). |
captchasettings.showoncheckoutpersonalizationpage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v3 for the Checkout Personalization Page. Note that due to ReCaptcha v3 validation occurs in background (nothing displays on page unless validation fails). |
captchasettings.showonfastflowpage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v3 for the Fast Flow Page. Note that due to ReCaptcha v3 validation occurs in background (nothing displays on page unless validation fails). |
captchasettings.showonmyaccountresortchargepage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v3 for the My Account Resort Charge Page. Note that due to ReCaptcha v3 validation occurs in background (nothing displays on page unless validation fails). |
captchasettings.showonvoucherspage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v3 for the Vouchers Page. Note that due to ReCaptcha v3 validation occurs in background (nothing displays on page unless validation fails). |
captchasettings.showonforgotpasswordpage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v2 for the Forgot Password Page for legacy login. Note that this setting only applies to legacy login, not Identity v3. |
captchasettings.showonloginpage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v2 for the Login Page for legacy login. Note that this setting only applies to legacy login, not Identity v3. |
captchasettings.showonregistrationpage | Feature: reCaptcha Acceptable Values: True/False Function: This enables reCAPTCHA v2 for the Registration Page for legacy login. Note that this setting only applies to legacy login, not Identity v3. |
catalogsettings.defaultcategory | Feature: Categories Acceptable Values: Format: {name of category or sub category} e.g. {lift-tickets} Function: Defines the page a guest will be redirected to when they navigate directly to the store. This is required to be set and should always have products assigned to it. |
catalogsettings.hiddencategories | Feature: Categories Acceptable Values: Comma delimited list of category IDs (e.g. 44,97,12) Function: The category ID#s that are entered here will be hidden and, therefore, not displayed for selection in the store. Admins and guests will only be able to navigate to this hidden category via direct links. |
customersettings.passmediafindmeskipemail | Feature: FindMe Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, guests without email, phone, and authentication profiles will be able to find their accounts via the Pass/Card find me or Personal Info flows. Once found, they will be prompted to enter an email address and password to create their account. When set to False, guests without email, phone, and authentication profiles will not be able to find their accounts by any FindMe method. If the guest has a phone profile and enough information to complete the Pass/Card or Personal Info FindMe flow AND Twilio is setup, the guest will be prompted to text a code to recover their account. |
customersettings.showfindme | Feature: FindMe Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, guests can access all enabled FindMe flows on the FindMe screen and the FindMe sidebar is displayed on the Create Account screen. When set to False, guests can only access the FindMe by email address flow and only through the Sign In drop down or Sign In screen’s “Find Your Account” link. |
customersettings.showfindmeemail | Feature: FindMe Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, the FindMe by Email Address link in the FindMe screens will be enabled. When set to False, the Find me by “Email Address” link in the FindMe screens will be disabled. Guests can still use the FindMe by Email flow by clicking the “Find Your Account” link as the initial landing page is the email flow. |
customersettings.showfindmepass | Feature: FindMe Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, the FindMe by Pass/Card link in the FindMe screens will be enabled. When set to False, the Find me by Pass/Card link in the FindMe screens will be disabled and guests will not be able to use the FindMe by Pass/Card flow. |
customersettings.showfindmepersonalinfo | Feature: FindMe Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, the FindMe by Personal Info link in the FindMe screens will be enabled. When set to False, the Find me by Personal Info link in the FindMe screens will be disabled and guests will not be able to use the FindMe by Personal Info flow. |
googletagmanagersettings.aspenwaregtm | Feature: Google Analytics Acceptable Values: Test = GTM-T52VWGV, Live = GTM-56JCKZP Function: Aspenware’s GTM ID for tracking GA data in Live and Test |
googletagmanagersettings.customergtm | Feature: Google Analytics Acceptable Values: GTM-###### (e.g. GTM-88JC479) Function: Resort’s GTM ID for tracking GA data in Live and Test. |
analyticssettings.transactionaffiliation | Feature: Google Analytics Acceptable Values: {Resort} Store (e.g. Big Mountain Store) Function: Sets the Google Analytics Transaction Affiliate Name. |
kountsettings.apikey | Feature: Kount Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric (e.g. tgWnb2GJTVDn6bc%uF@AhFA) Function: A required setup task to enable Kount’s fraud protection. API key can be obtained by logging into Kount’s admin screens. Note: Requires a separate Kount subscription and the Kount plugin must be installed. |
kountsettings.devicedatacollectorendpoint | Feature: Kount Acceptable Values: Function: Required setting for Kount integration, do not modify. Note: Requires a separate Kount subscription and the Kount plugin must be installed. |
kountsettings.riskinquiryserviceendpoint | Feature: Kount Acceptable Values: Function: Required setting for Kount integration, do not modify. Note: Requires a separate Kount subscription and the Kount plugin must be installed. |
kountsettings.merchantid | Feature: Kount Acceptable Values: Alphanumeric (e.g. 4RUd8qWYx*@4NPtkML#X) Function: A required setup task to enable Kount’s fraud protection. The Merchant ID can be obtained by logging into Kount’s admin screens. Note: Requires a separate Kount subscription and the Kount plugin must be installed. |
kountsettings.siteid | Feature: Kount Acceptable Values: DEFAULT - Do not modify Function: Required setting for Kount integration, do not modify. Note: Requires a separate Kount subscription and the Kount plugin must be installed. |
kountsettings.connectiontimeout | Feature: Kount Acceptable Values: 4000 Function: Required setting for Kount Integration. “4000” is the recommended timeout from Kount. If the Aspenware Commerce site cannot reach the Kount Risk Inquiry Service or Data Collector service within a reasonable period of time, the site will continue. Note: Requires a separate Kount subscription and the Kount plugin must be installed. |
customersettings.dateofbirthminimumage | Feature: Login, Create Account Acceptable Values: Number (e.g. 18) Function: Defines the minimum age a guest must be in order to create an account using native login, not Identity. Note: This setting does not affect minimum age for resorts using Identity, that setting must be changed in Identity settings. |
unitysettings.customersessiontimeout | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Number (e.g. 10080) Function: Defines the number of minutes that a user is automatically logged out of the store due to inactivity. Defaulted to 10080 minutes, the equivalent of 7 days. |
customersettings.allowpassmediaonlogin | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, guests can login with their PassMedia #. When set to False, guests cannot login with their PassMedia #. |
customersettings.allowrfidonlogin | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, guests can login with their RFID #. When set to False, guests cannot login with their RFID #. |
account.login.hidemediahelp | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: The Login Help setting can be adjusted to show or hide login/media number help on the sign in page. Setting this to True will hide the help link. Setting this to False will display the help link. |
ordersettings.anonymouscheckoutallowed | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, guests can checkout without logging in. When set to False, guests are required to login to checkout. Note: If you run multiple stores then this can be configured at the store level by adding a new record and inputting the store this applies to. |
ordersettings.anonymouscheckoutbyproduct | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, Selective Guest checkout is enabled, meaning that guest checkout is only allowed on products that have been configured for guest checkout. When set to False, Selected Guest checkout is disabled, meaning that guest checkout is allowed on all products in the store (if ordersettings.anonymouscheckoutallowed is TRUE) This can also be done through the modal in Additional Order Settings. |
checkout.guestcheckout.preferguest True: False: | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: When set to True, customers entering checkout first see the screen that enables them to checkout as a guest and can optionally click to login instead. When set to False, customers entering checkout first see the screen that enables them to checkout by logging in and can optionally click to checkout as a guest instead. Note: If you run multiple stores then this can be configured at the store level by adding a new record and inputting the store this applies to. |
customersettings.passwordminlength | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Number (e.g. 6) Function: Defines the minimum length required to create a password on Create Account screens or password reset flows. |
customersettings.failedpasswordallowedattempts | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Number (e.g. 5) Function: Defines the number of times a guest can attempt to login with an incorrect password before being locked out of their account. After this defined threshold is reached, the error message is displayed. |
customersettings.passwordrequiredigit | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Guests are required to include a digit when creating or resetting a password. False = Guests are not required to include a digit when creating or resetting a password. |
customersettings.passwordrequirelowercase | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Guests are required to include a lowercase character when creating or resetting a password. False = Guests are not required to include a lowercase character when creating or resetting a password. |
customersettings.passwordrequirenonalphanumeric | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Guests are required to include a nonalphanumeric character when creating or resetting a password. False = Guests are not required to include a nonalphanumeric character when creating or resetting a password. |
customersettings.passwordrequireuppercase | Feature: Login Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Guests are required to include an uppercase character when creating or resetting a password. False = Guests are not required to include an uppercase character when creating or resetting a password. |
customersettings.membercanaddmedia | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = A customer who is logged in may optionally add existing media to all of their group members on the My Account page, checkout’s Pass Media page, and the PDP when configured. False = The add media button is not displayed and customers are unable to add media to their account or the accounts of group members. |
customersettings.showmedianumber | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = A customer who is logged in can view their current media # on the My Account page, checkout’s Assignment screen, and the PDP when configured to allow assignment. False = A customer who is logged in will not be able to view their media #. Note: If the setting “customersettings.membercanaddmedia” is set to “True” guests will always be able to view their media # on checkout’s Pass Media screen regardless of this setting. |
customersettings.displayrfid | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Media # displayed to guests will be their RFID #. False= Media # displayed to guests will be their pass media code #. Note: The setting “customersettings.showmedianumber” must also be marked as True or neither RFID nor pass media code # will be displayed. Both RFID and pass media code # cannot be displayed simultaneously. |
mediaisvalidtype | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: “RFID” or “PassMediaCode” Function: When set to “RFID”, guests are not able to reload media that has not yet been printed. When set to “PassMediaCode”, guests are able to reload active media that has not yet been printed. | | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: “Reload” or “Purchase” or “None” Function: When value is “Reload” then customer who is able to Reload will have radio button default select “Reload” | | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: If a guest can have multiple cards associated to their account that are either active, or can be automatically activated at the gate, this setting allows the guest to see all of the card numbers associated with their account. TRUE = Allows guests to see multiple media cards that are associated with their account. Multiple cards will display as: FALSE = Allows guests to see a single active card if they have media associated with their account. If a guest has media, the single active card will display like this: Note that the setting should be set to FALSE. |
customersettings.medianumberinputmask | Feature: Media Acceptable Values: “#” and “-” (e.g. ###-#######-## OR ######### ) Function: Setting will display a mask indicating the required formatting for entry on the Add Media entry page in the My Account screen and Checkout’s Media screen. The quantity of “#” signs entered is also the maximum amount of characters a guest can input. For example, a media # that is LT-1234567 can be input as “##-#######” and will display the “-” in between the second and third character a guest enters and will also limit the guest to entering a max of nine characters. |
customersettings.hidevoucherstab | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The Voucher tab in My Account is hidden. False = The Voucher tab in My Account is visible. |
customersettings.hidewaiversigning | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The Waiver Signing link in My Account is hidden. False = The Waiver Signing link in My Account is visible and the page is accessible to guests. |
customersettings.hideresortcharge | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The Resort Charge link in My Account is hidden. False = The Resort Charge link in My Account is visible and the page is accessible to guests. |
customersettings.hidepaymentplanstab | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The Payment Plan link in My Account is hidden. False = The Payment Plan link in My Account is visible and the page is accessible to guests. |
customersettings.hideorderstab | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The Orders link in My Account is hidden. False = The Orders link in My Account is visible and the page is accessible to guests. Note: This setting is also accessible via Configuration > Settings > Customer Settings > Additional Settings. |
No setting but if the Subscription plugin is installed this will appear in the My Account Screen. | Feature: My Account Function: Subscription Plugin not installed = The Subscription link in My Account is hidden. Subscription Plugin installed = The Subscription link in My Account is visible and the page is accessible to guests. |
customersettings.optoutemailcheckboxenabled | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = An “Opt Out of Marketing Emails” checkbox is displayed for guests on the My Account page and optionally on the Account Create screen when configured to include it. This field maps to RTP’s Communication Profile “Do Not Email” checkbox. False = The checkbox does not show in My Account or Account Create screens. |
customersettings.optinenabled | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = If the checkbox is enabled, this will default the box to checked. False = If the checkbox is enabled, this will default the box to unchecked. |
customersettings.allowuserstochangeusernames | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The username field AND email field displayed for guests on the My Account page can be edited. False = The username field AND email field displayed for guests on the My Account page can not be edited. |
customersettings.usernamesenabled | Feature: My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The username profile is displayed for guests to see on the My Account page. False = The username profile is not displayed for guests to see on the My Account page. |
| Feature: Order Configuration Acceptable Values: two characters (Example: “AW”) Function: Defines the orderID prefix that will be sent to the POS system and can be used to lookup orders submitted through Aspenware Commerce. Prefix entered here must match the prefix defined for Unity’s setup. |
customersettings.membercaneditphoto | Feature: Photo/Image Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = A “New Photo” textbox is displayed. Guests who are logged in may optionally add a new photo or update their existing photo by clicking this button which appears on the My Account page, checkout’s Assignment page, and the PDP when configured to allow assignment. Changes will update the photo in the POS system. False = The “New Photo” textbox is removed. Note: Guests who are logged in can still add/update their photos by clicking their image icon whether the textbox is displayed or not and changes will update the photo in the POS system. |
catalogsettings.dynamicpricingcalendar.pricingcountmessagethreshold | Feature: Pricing Calendar Acceptable Values: Integer (Example: “64”) Function: For dynamically priced products utilizing the large calendar view, if the number of products left at the current pricing tier is less than this setting number, then a message will display notifying guests how many products are left at the current tier’s price. Note: this setting’s messaging will be replaced with low inventory messaging if the minimum quantity setting “shoppingcartsettings.minimumquantity.quantitymessage” is triggered. This setting is also used with the Enhanced Dynamic Pricing Calendar to set level inventory threshold levels that denote color coding of the calendar. |
catalogsettings.dynamicpricingcalendar.inventorymessagethreshold | Feature: Pricing Calendar Acceptable Values: Integer (Example: “52”) Function: For products utilizing the large calendar view and inventory pools, if the number of available reservations is less than this setting number, then a message will display notifying guests of low availability. This setting is also used with the Enhanced Dynamic Pricing Calendar to set POS inventory threshold levels that denote color coding of the calendar. |
seasonsettings.startdate | Feature: Product Availability Acceptable Values: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (Example: “2023-02-21”) Function: Defines the first day that date-based products are available for reservation. Note: If you operate multiple stores through Aspenware Commerce then this setting is required to be set for “All stores” and each individual store may have a unique setting if desired. |
seasonsettings.enddate | Feature: Product Availabiity Acceptable Values: Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (Example: “2023-02-21”) Function: Defines the last day that date-based products are available for reservation. Note: If you operate multiple stores through Aspenware Commerce then this setting is required to be set for “All stores” and each individual store may have a unique setting if desired. |
seasonsettings.productcutofftime | Feature: Product Availability Acceptable Values: Time in military time (##:##) format. (Example: “17:12”) Function: This store-wide setting defines the time a date-based product will become unavailable for same-day booking and is based on military time for the time zone set in Aspenware Commerce. Note: If a product has the specification attribute Product Cutoff Time [Cutoff Time] defined, then the specification attribute will override this setting for that product. |
catalogsettings.rentallocationsmapurl | Feature: Rentals Acceptable Values: Image URL (Example: “/images/uploaded/map.jpeg”) Function: For products utilizing Rental Locations, the image URL entered will display the associated image in checkout before a rental location is selected. |
shoppingcartsettings.showdiscountbox | Feature: Shopping Cart Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Discount Code entry box is displayed in the shopping cart. False = Discount Code entry box is not displayed in the shopping cart and an “Apply Discount Code” button is displayed instead. |
catalogsettings.hiddenattributes | Feature: Shopping Cart Acceptable Values: Product Attribute Name (Example: “LockID” or “AssignedTo”) Function: The Product Attributes that are entered here will not be visible to guests on the PDP’s “Add to Cart box” ‘chips’, or the PDP’s shopping cart ‘chips'. If AssignedTo is hidden for this setting, the assignment will display in confirmation emails and in Order History (regardless of whether that attribute is assigned to the product or not). If AssignedTo is not hidden for this setting, there will be no display of assignment in confirmation emails or in Order History regardless of whether that attribute is assigned to the product or not. confirmation Note: The attribute value for this product attribute will appear as a ‘chip’ in checkout and on the order confirmation email. The attribute will also appear as a selection on the PDP but can be hidden by adding the text prompt “[Hidden]” to the attribute. |
shoppingcartsettings.showunassignedheader | Feature: Shopping Cart Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = When a product is added to the cart but not assigned to a specific Group Member, the cart will display “Unassigned” for that product. False = When a product is added to the cart but not assigned to a specific Group Member, the cart will not display “Unassigned” for that product. Note: For both settings if a product is added to the cart and the product is assigned to a specific Group Member, then the cart will display the Group Member’s name. |
shippingsettings.hideshippingtotal | Feature: Shopping Cart Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The cost of shipping line will be hidden from the shopping cart and checkout screens. False = The cost of shipping line will be visible in the shopping cart and checkout screens. |
subscriptionsettings.subscriptionproductid | Feature: Subscriptions Acceptable Values: productID (Example: “514”) Function: A required setup task to create an Aspenware Subscription product. The product ID can be found at the end of the URL while on the product editor screen in Aspenware Commerce.
shoppingcartsettings.displaytax | Feature: Taxes Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The line item for taxes will be displayed on the shopping cart and checkout and are defaulted to the language strings shoppingcart.totals.taxlabel for the shopping cart and for checkout. False = The line item for taxes will not be displayed on the shopping cart. Notes: Checkout will display the tax line whether this setting is True or False. Depending on this setting, inclusive vs exclusive taxes, and the setting for 'taxsettings.hidetaxinordersummary”, the cart display may vary. |
ecommercesettings.taxes.displayitemized | Feature: Taxes Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = The language strings that set the tax labels in the shopping cart and checkout are overwritten and are now displayed as the Tax Category Name assigned to each product added to the cart. False = The language strings are not overwritten. Note: If this setting is True, and all products added to cart are tax exempt, the word “Taxes” still appears in the shopping cart and no tax line appears in checkout. |
taxsettings.displaytaxrates | Feature: Taxes Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = If configuring taxes by shipping location, it is required that ‘taxSettings.DisplayTaxRates’ is set to 'True.' If the setting ecommercesettings.taxes.displayitemized is also set to True AND the language string messages.order.taxrateline includes “{0}”, then order confirmation emails will display the Tax Category Name exactly as it is saved along with any other text in that language string on the confirmation email WHEN a product purchased has a tax assigned to it. If no products in cart have tax assigned to them, then no tax line appears in checkout. False = The language string messages.order.taxrateline will ignore the “{0}” and the remaining text in the language string will be used to determine what appears on the order confirmation email when products in the cart have tax assigned to them. |
taxsettings.hidetaxinordersummary | Feature: Taxes Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Checkout will display the amount for the Tax line item - $__. False = Checkout will always display a $0 value for the Tax line item. Note: Depending on this setting, inclusive vs exclusive taxes, and the setting for shoppingcartsettings.displaytax, the cart display may vary. |
waiversettings.1riskurl | Feature: 1Risk Waivers Acceptable Values: URL provided by 1Risk. (Example: https://dev.1risk/info/aspenwarev2/) Function: URL to enter will be provided by 1Risk. This directs to the iframe for the 1Risk waiver. |
| Feature: 1Risk Waivers Acceptable Values: Either RTP or SW (RTP or Siriusware) Function: This let’s 1risk know which POS your resort is using and configures accordingly. |
waiversettings.1riskpos |
waiversettings.oneriskdateformat | Feature: 1Risk Waivers Acceptable Values: Date format (Examples: mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy) Function: Defines the format mask that will be displayed to guests as well as the format in which the date is stored. |
| Feature: Access Control Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: Defines whether access control is ignored or respected. True = If NOT using customer roles to show and hide products, set to True, as ignoring ACL can improve shop performance. False = If using customer roles to hide and show categories/products, ensure that this is set to False. |
adminareasettings.richeditoradditionalsettings | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: settings.force_br_newlines=true;settings.force_p_newlines=false;settings.forced_root_block=false;settings.verify_html=false;settings.preformatted=true;settings.schema='html5';settings.valid_children='+body[style],+a[div],+a[span]'; Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. Setting enables Rich Text Editor, JavaScript, and CSS or HTML to function on Widgets and email templates. |
adminareasettings.richeditorallowjavascript | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. Setting enables Rich Text Editor, JavaScript, and CSS or HTML to function on Widgets and email templates. |
| Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. Setting enables Rich Text Editor, JavaScript, and CSS or HTML to function on Widgets and email templates. |
customersettings.hidedownloadableproductstab | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: True Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
customersettings.hidebackinstocksubscriptionstab | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: True Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
catalogsettings.showproductreviewstabonaccountpage | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
rewardpointssettings.enabled | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
customersettings.disablemyaccountaddresses | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: True Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
customersettings.disablemyaccountorders | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: True Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
customersettings.disablemyaccountchangepassword | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: True Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.commerceprojectcode | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: commerce-csrr1 Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.enabled | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.organizationid | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: 5xkyyl Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.start.categoryids | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: -1 Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.start.confirmorder | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.start.entercheckout | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: False Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
loggingsettings.logrocket.start.productids | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: -1 Function: Required Aspenware setting, do not modify. |
producteditorsettings.crosssellsproducts | Feature: Required setting. For use by Aspenware Admin only. Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Activates Cross Sell feature. False = Disables Cross Sell feature. |
shoppingcartsettings.crosssellsnumber | Feature: Cross Sell Acceptable Values: Integer (Example: “4”) Function: If set to ZERO (0), Cross Sell is deactivated across the entire store. No objects will appear, neither in the lightbox or the mini cart. If set to any other integer, the integer will determine the maximum number of items displayed as cross sold items, in the lightbox and the mini cart. |
productassignmentsettings.promptcode | Feature: Fast Flow Acceptable Values: RTP PROMPT CODE Function: Sets the default prompt code that will be used for all Fast Flow products that do not have a Fast Flow Prompt Code defined at the product-level. |
productassignmentsettings.qrcodeformat | Feature: Fast Flow Acceptable Values: QR Code Regex (Custom) Function: Sets the defaut Regex that will be used for all Fast Flow products that do not have a Regex defined at the product-level. This is an optional setting only required if using QR codes that have values that are not the guest’s exact media#. |
customersettings.hideorderstab | Feature: Order History/My Account Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Hides the Order History tab link in My Account. False - Displays the Order History tab link in My Account. |
ordersettings.collectmissingcustomerInfo | Feature: Login/Checkout Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: Enable to require the capture of additional customer address and/or phone information for any guest completing a purchase when that information is not already saved through the Create Account flow. |
| Feature: My Account/Communication Preferences Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: True = Communication Preference tab in My Account will not be visible. False = (Default) Communication Preference tab in My Account will be visible. |
| Feature: Communication Preferences/My Account Acceptable Values: Custom URL Function: This URL manages the Communication Preferences redirection to a third-party site if your resort utilizes a third party to manage guest communication preferences. The URL will be linked to the button on the Communication Preferences Tab in My Account and the user can simply click on it to update their preferences. The logged-in customer’s email can be passed in to the third party site as a parameter. |
order.ipblocking.enabled | Feature: Payment Complete Setup Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: Globally enabled the IP blocking functionality which limits the number of times an IP address can fail upon payment complete within an hour. Used in conjunction with order.ipblocking.threshold. |
order.ipblocking.threshold | Feature: Payment Complete Setup Acceptable Values: Integer (Example: “5”) Function: This is the threshold for the number of times within an hour that an IP address can fail upon payment complete within an hour. For example, if this setting is set to 5, the block will be triggered on the 6th failed payment complete and the IP address will be blocked. Used in conjunction with order.ipblocking.enabled. |
seosettings.customheadtags | Feature: Adobe Analytics Acceptable Values: Custom Script Function: This is used for loading Adobe Analytics credentials. |
waiversettings.1riskemailapiendpoint | Feature: 1Risk Waivers Email Feature Acceptable Values: Custom URL (Provided by 1Risk.) Function: This is used for the 1Risk Email feature and contains the 1Risk endpoint provided by 1Risk. |
waiversettings.1riskemailapisecret | Feature: 1Risk Waivers Email Feature Acceptable Values: Value provided by 1Risk Function: This is used for the 1Risk Email feature and contains the 1Risk secret key provided by 1Risk. |
calendarsettings.useposinventory | Feature: Cloud UI Pricing Calendar Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: If TRUE, the color shading of the calendar is based on inventory. This is required for the Cloud UI Calendar if calendarsettings.enabledadvancedcalendar is set to true. |
calendarsettings.lowinventorybackgroundcolor | Feature: Cloud UI Pricing Calendar Acceptable Values: HEX Color, Recommended #F6D241 (yellow) Function: Color used to shade calendar on low inventory dates. |
calendarsettings.soldoutstatustext | Feature: Cloud UI Pricing Calendar Acceptable Values: Text, EX: UNAVAILABLE Function: Legend text for sold out dates |
awcloud.redirectenabled CLOUD UI CUSTOMERS ONLY | Feature: Cloud UI PDP Acceptable Values: True False Function: This setting ensures that if a deep link from the marketing site is not properly set, the user will be routed to the correct PDP. Routing will direct to Cloud UI PDP or Legacy PDP, based on what is set at the product level. |
rentalprofilesettings.prepopulatedselectedage | Feature: Rental Profile Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is TRUE) Function: If True, the age will be preset for the guest and the drop-down selection will not appear or allow guests to change the setting (based on their profile’s date of birth). Note that the age will be set based on the DIN age in RTP|One. |
rentalprofilesettings.collectshoesize | Feature: Rental Profile Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is FALSE) Function: This will display the shoe size during the personalization step. If the Unity app setting is set to true, this will be ignored and this setting should be set to true instead. |
rentalprofilesettings.requireshoesize | Feature: Rental Profile Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is FALSE) Function: If shoe size should be required, set this to true. |
aspenwarecommercesettings.hidepricingonpromotionalproducttiles (Available in 3.4 or later) | Feature: Product Configuration Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is FALSE) Function: When set to true on promotional product tiles (related products or cross-sell), prices are hidden on these tiles across legacy and Cloud UI Product Detail Pages (PDPs); when set to false, prices remain visible. Admin users are advised to ensure Meta Text on these tiles does not imply the presence of a price, as prices will be hidden when the setting is True, while Meta Text will still display. |
ecommercesettings.dynamicpricing.cachetime | Feature: Dynamic Pricing Acceptable Values: Integer Function: Standard Dynamic pricing will respect this setting and the PDP will display updated pricing on this schedule. Tiered Pricing is not cached and Admin updated values will immediately be reflected on the PDP. |
auth0externalauthsettings.emailmarketingconsentenabled | Feature: Sign Up Acceptable Values: Boolean Function: This setting enables a resort to collect marketing consent for all new guests signing up for an account. If the guest opts in, the resort can then email the guest with marketing informational emails. |
auth0externalauthsettings.customconsentenabled | Feature: Sign Up Acceptable Values: Boolean Function: This setting enables consent to be taken during sign up, particularly for rewards programs. If the RTP rewards module is enabled, this will enable the guest to enroll in the Resorts reward program. |
auth0externalauthsettings.customconsentdefaultvalue | Feature: Sign Up Acceptable Values: Boolean Function: This is an additional setting for consent, defaulting the checkbox to checked or unchecked. Depending on the scenario, context, or legal constraints, a Resort may want to default this option to ‘true.' |
publicui.voucherentry.showvoucherslink | Feature: Cloud UI Vouchers Acceptable Values: Boolean Function: This setting causes the “Sign in to view my vouchers” link to appear beneath the voucher code entry field. If the setting is TRUE, the link will appear. If FALSE, it will be hidden. |
awcloud.tooltips.isenabled | Feature: Cloud UI Tool Tips on Item Summary and Cart Notice Acceptable Values: Boolean Function: This setting causes the tool tip to display next to the savings badge in the Cloud UI Item Summary and Cart Notice. If the setting is TRUE, the tool tip will appear. If FALSE, it will not display. |
checkout.assignment.isgroupmembertoolbarenabled | Feature: Group Member Selection Acceptable Values: Boolean Function: On desktop, when there are more than 18 family members, the show/hide group button gets cut off and the Manage Your Group text doesn’t fit within the box. Setting this setting to FALSE will disable the view. TRUE will show the button. |
customersettings.emailmanagementenabled | Feature: Customer Email Management Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: TRUE: Email management will be set to TRUE by default FALSE: Disables email management feature. |
customersettings.hidecustomerprofileemail | Feature: Customer Email Management Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: TRUE: Hide email profile (communications email) from My Account → Customer Information FALSE: Email profile will be visible from My Account > Customer Information |
customersettings.usernameenabled | Feature: Customer Email Management Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: TRUE: This will show auth profile (account email) from My Account → Customer Information FALSE: This will hide auth profile (account email) from My Account → Customer Information |
customersettings.hidemyaccountsignoutbutton | Feature: Customer Email Management Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False Function: TRUE: This will hide the ‘sign out’ button from My Account → Customer Information FALSE: This will hide the ‘sign out’ button from My Account → Customer Information |
loyaltysettings.baseapi | Feature: Loyalty Enrollment Checkbox for Identity v3 (Powered by Auth0) Acceptable Values: Must be a URL with /api/ at the end. Function: This is the URL that points to the Unity server with /api/ at the end. Example: |
loyaltysettings.apikey | Feature: Loyalty Enrollment Checkbox for Identity v3 (Powered by Auth0) Acceptable Values: Valid subscription key Function: The subscription key to the APIM thing. This will be used to authenticate requests through APIM. |
loyaltysettings.loyaltyenrollmentproductid | Feature: Loyalty Enrollment Checkbox for Identity v3 (Powered by Auth0) Acceptable Values: RTP ID Function: The ID of the loyalty product in RTP that will be assigned to users who enroll. If not set, the system will default to trying to use LOYALTYENROLL. |