Language Strings Library
The “Languages” section in Aspenware Commerce is used to configure custom site messaging.
This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce. Language strings may need to be added before they can be configured or might not apply to your resort depending on the code version you are on and the features you utilize
Detailed Setup Guide
Editing language strings
Go to Configuration > Languages > English > Edit.
Expand the String Resources section. From here, search for existing values by partially matching text or by an exact text match of the String’s Name or the String’s Value.
Once the desired string to be modified has been located, click “Edit” and modify the value.
IMPORTANT: Avoid deleting language strings.
NOTE: Language strings only accept alphanumberic characters.
Below is a comprehensive list of language strings utilized in Aspenware Commerce. You can sort each column A to Z by hovering over the right corner of the column and clicking the arrow that appears. You can also use control+F (PCs) or command+F (Macs) to search this page for keywords. The directory columns provide the resource’s exact name, acceptable values and formatting, a description of what the setting does, an image example of what the string modifies (where applicable), and the category relating to the language string.
NOTE: Some values may be missing from this document as it is continuously being updated. If you notice anything you believe should be modified please leave a comment at the bottom of the page and the Aspenware team will address your feedback.
Additionally, some language strings require a value to be input but the resort may want to display a “blank space” for that language string. If this is the case refer to the very bottom of this guide for inputting a “blank space” value in a required language string.
Resource Name | Value | Location | Example (Click to enlarge) |
---|---|---|---| | Media Card(s) will be added to your order | Checkout > Media - Media Cards |
| | Reload existing Media Card(s) | Checkout > Media - Media Cards | |
checkout.unassignable.agerestriction | Age Restriction | Product Assignment - Dropdown for Assignment Eligibility |
checkout.unassignable.fastflow | Fastflow | Product Assignment - Dropdown for Assignment Eligibility | |
checkout.unassignable.mediarequired | Media required to assign | Product Assignment - Dropdown for Assignment Eligibility | |
checkout.unassignable.missingbirthdate | Add birthdate to assign | Product Assignment - Dropdown for Assignment Eligibility | |
checkout.unassignable.restricteditem | Assigning to restricted item | Product Assignment - Dropdown for Assignment Eligibility | |
account.login.checkout.personalize.getmilitarycodelink | <a href="(insert Sheer ID URL here)" target="_blank">Click here to retrieve your Military Verification Code</a> | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.personalize.getstudentcodelink | <a href="(insert Sheer ID URL here)" target="_blank">Click here to retrieve your Student Verification Code</a> | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.personalize.requiresmilitary | Requires Military Verification | Checkout - Personalize | |
account.login.checkout.personalize.requiresstudent | Requires Student Verification | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.personalize.verifycode | Verify Code | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.personalize.verifycode.invalid | Invalid Code | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.personalize.verifycode.verified | Verified | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.personalize.verifycode.verifying | Verifying.. | Checkout - Personalize |
shoppingcart.totals.taxlabel | Tax (Estimated) | Shopping Cart | | | Tax | Checkout - Payment Step, Confirm Step, Complete step | |
account.login.checkout.payment.paymentplanmessagetext | Payment methods are limited to credit card when your order contains a payment plan product. You must also choose a saved card or select to save the payment for future user. | Checkout - Payment - of checkout when payment plan products in cart |
account.navigation | This release includes a feature that adds a new language string to the homepage. Previously, the words “My Account” were hard-coded and it was confusing to users who were trying to get to their My Account page. Now that text is configurable and a My Account button has been added to the menu that appears when the guest hovers over the account sign-in/out text that will take them to their My Account page. | Store home page |
| Subscription Card Management | My Account, Title for the page to manage cards associated with subscriptions. This is the title |
| Description around updating cards and terms of memberships | My Account - Subscriptions -Description for the page to manage cards associated with subscriptions. This is the title |
affirm.payment.paneltext | Pay over time with Affirm | Within checkout on the payment screen. This is the text associated to for the Affirm payment option. |
affirm.payment.text | You will be redirected to Affirm to securely complete your purchase. Just fill out a few pieces of basic information and get a real-time decision. Checking your eligibility won't affect your credit score. | Within checkout on the payment screen. This is the description for the Affirm payment selection. |
affirm.confirm.checkoutbuttontext | Pay over time with | Within the confirm Affirm payment screen. This is the button to accept Affirm payments. The Affirm logo will always display after this text. |
affirm.confirm.backbuttontext | You have no subscription products. | Within the confirm Affirm payment screen. This is the button to go back to the payment screen. |
affirm.confirm.text | If you finance your purchase with Affirm, the first payment date is only an estimate. Your loan and payment schedule will be finalized 5 days before delivery or 90 days after checkout, whichever comes first. | Within the confirm Affirm payment screen. This is the description for Affirm payments. |
Account.Subscriptions.NoSubscriptions | You have no subscription products | My Account - Subscriptions - Message that shows if guest doesn’t have subscription products for themselves or anyone else in their household |
reservation.cancel.modal.text | Are you sure you want to cancel this reservation? | My Account - Subscriptions -Displays beneath modal title, when guest has selected “cancel” in reservation component. |
reservation.cancel.modal.title | Reservation Cancellation | My Account - Subscriptions - Top of cancellation modal |
| | We were unable to cancel your reservation. Please contact services at ###-###-#### for assistance. | My Account - Subscriptions -Displays beneath modal text in red if success = false is returned. |
account.login | Sign In | Login - Displays top of login page | |
account.create.createaccount account.register.title | Create an Account | Create Account - Top of create account page | |
account.resortcharge | Resort Charge | My Account - Resort Charge - Nav |
Account.ResortCharge.Title | Resort Charge | My Account - Resort Charge - Title | |
Account.ResortCharge.Description | Sign up or modify your resort charge settings. You can change the credit card associated with resort charge. The same credit card will be used for all members of your family. | My Account - Resort Charge | |
Account.ResortCharge.CreditCardHeader | Resort Charge Credit Card | My Account - Resort Charge | |
Account.ResortCharge.CreditCardMissing | No credit card registered for resort charge | My Account - Resort Charge | |
Account.ResortCharge.GroupMembersHeader | Your group members | My Account - Resort Charge |
Account.ResortCharge.WaiverModalMainText | Add Resort Charge to | My Account - Resort Charge - when updating group member | |
Account.ResortCharge.WaiverModalSubtext | By registering for resort charge you agree to | My Account - Resort Charge - when updating group member | |
Account.ResortCharge.CCUpdateSuccessToast | Your resort charge credit card has been added! | My Account - Resort Charge - when updating group member | |
Account.ResortCharge.CCUpdateErrorToast | There was a problem adding your resort charge credit card. Please try again later. | My Account - Resort Charge - when updating group member | |
account.printvouchers | Print Vouchers | My Account - Vouchers |
account.printvouchers.description | Vouchers assigned to members of your can be viewed and printed below | My Account - Vouchers |
account.printvouchers.terms | Vouchers are non-refundable and non-transferable | My Account - Vouchers |
account.novouchers | There are no vouchers on your account | My Account - Vouchers |
account.waivers.description | Sign waivers for yourself and your family before you come to the resort | My Account - Waivers | |
account.communicationpreferences.description | Default is no text. | My Account - Communication Preferences |
account.fields.optoutemailcheckbox | Opt out of our marketing emails. | My Account - Communication Preferences |
voucher.plugin.cta.text | GOT A BUDDY PASS? OR OTHER VOUCHER TO REDEEM? DO IT IN ONE CLICK HERE: | Vouchers Banner | |
voucher.plugin.input.text | YOUR VOUCHER NUMBER | Vouchers Banner | |
voucher.plugin.modalheader.text | Voucher Validation | Vocher Validation Modal | |
voucher.plugin.validationwait.text | Please wait while we validate your voucher code. | Vocher Validation Modal |
voucher.plugin.validationsuccess.text | Voucher code successfully verified. Click redeem to continue. | Vocher Validation Modal |
voucher.plugin.invalidcode.text | Voucher code is invalid. | Vocher Validation Modal - error |
voucher.plugin.continuebutton.text | Redeem | Vocher Validation Modal - button |
voucher.plugin.button.label | confirm voucher | Vocher Validation Modal- button | |
voucher.plugin.cta.title | Have a voucher to redeem? | Vouhers Banner | |
account.login.checkout.assign.steptitle | Assign | Checkout - Assign Products - Breadcrumbs | |
account.login.checkout.assign.title | Assign Products | Checkout - Assign Products - Step Title | |
account.login.checkout.complete.error | There was a problem processing your order. | Checkout - Confirm - Error when Checkout Issue | |
account.login.checkout.complete.title | Congrats! | Checkout - Order Complete page | |
account.login.checkout.confirm.steptitle | Confirm | Checkout - Confirm - Breadcrumbs | | | Delivery | Checkout - Delivery - Breadcrumbs | | | Delivery | Checkout - Delivery - Step Title | |
account.login.checkout.payment.appliedgiftcardlabel | Gift card applied | Checkout - Payment - when Gift Card Applied |
account.login.checkout.payment.appliedvoucherlabel | Voucher applied | Checkout - Payment - when Voucher Applied |
account.login.checkout.payment.error | There was an unexpected error while processing your payment. | Checkout - Confirm -Error when Checkout Issue |
account.login.checkout.payment.error.processor_declined | Payment was declined. Please contact your bank or update your payment method. | Checkout - Confirm - Error when Payment Issue |
account.login.checkout.payment.giftcardlabel | Gift Card | Checkout - Payment - if Gift Cards Turned on |
account.login.checkout.payment.nopayment | No credit card payment required | Checkout- Payment - if no CC payment required |
account.login.checkout.payment.steptitle | Payment | Checkout - Payment - Breadcrumbs |
account.login.checkout.payment.storedvaluebalance | You have <strong>${balance}</strong> in MyMoney available. Apply this to your order? | Checkout - Payment -if Stored Value Turned on |
account.login.checkout.payment.storedvaluelabel | Stored Value | Checkout - Payment -if Stored Value Turned on |
account.login.checkout.payment.title | Payment | Checkout - Payment | |
account.login.checkout.payment.vouchergiftcardplaceholder | Gift card/voucher code | Checkout - Payment - if Gift Cards Turned on |
account.login.checkout.personalize.steptitle | Personalize | Checkout- Personalize - Breadcrumbs | |
account.login.checkout.personalize.title | Personalize Products | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.unpublishedproduct.error | One or more products you are attempting to purchase is no longer available. | Checkout - Confirm - if Products Have been Unpublished in order |
account.passwordrecovery.emailhasbeensent | Success! Check your email and reset your password to login. Please call ######for assistance. | Password Reset page |
account.register.findme.navigation | Been here before? <a id="FindMeBtn" href="{0}"> Find your account.</a> | Login | new |
account.register.findme.accountnotfound | <p>Sorry, we could not locate an account with that information.</p> | Find Me | |
account.register.findme.alreadyhaveaccount | <p>Looks like you already have an account. We've sent a forgot password email to ${resetAccount].</p><p>Check your email and reset your password to login. You can always call us at 1300 020 589 (Australia) for assistance.</p> | Find Me - Find Me Page if Authorization profile exists in RTP already |
account.register.passimageurl | link to secure image of card | Find Me - Find me by pass helper text/image |
account.register.result.standard | Thanks for registering. | Create Account - After registration complete | |
account.register.standard.title | Registration Completed | Create account - After registration complete | |
account.verfication.notenoughinfo | We don't have enough information on you to verify your account safely. Please call ##### if you have an account at RESORT and want help accessing your account. | Find Me - After find me by pass or other but not enough information to complete |
account.verification.textingrestrictionsmessage | Texting is currently only allowed to SMS enabled numbers within REGION. If none of the numbers below meet this criteria, please email if you have an account at RESORT and want help accessing your account. | Find Me - After find me by pass or other |
account.verification.verificationcodetextmessage | Account Verification Code: | After find me by pass or other |
account.login.createaccount | <a href="{0}">Create an account</a> or <a href="{1}">find your account.</a> | Sign in Message and Link to Find me/Create Account |
account.login.checkout.confirm.button | Confirm Order | Checkout - Confirm | |
products.renewal.description | You and your family are eligible for the following passes for the 18/19 season. | Renewal/Linked Product page |
products.renewal.norenewalproducts | You and your family do not seem to have an eligible pass to renew. If you think this is an error, please contact us, otherwise, be sure check out new passes instead. | Renewal/Linked Product page |
products.renewal.norenewalproducts.title | You have no products to renew | Renewal/Linked Product page |
products.renewal.noteligible | It appears that {0} is not eligible for a RENEWAL pass. If you think this is an error, please contact us, otherwise, be sure check out new passes instead. | Renewal/Linked Product page |
products.renewal.title | Renew Your Season Pass(es) | Renewal/Linked Product page |
ShoppingCart.ItemTotal | Order total | Shopping Cart |
shoppingcart.totals.calculatedduringcheckout | Shipping Calculated During Checkout | Shopping Cart |
shoppingcart.totals.giftcardorvouchernotfound | Your code could not be applied | Checkout- Payment - if Gift Card/Voucher turned on |
shoppingcart.totals.giftcardorvouchernotfound.title | Invalid gift card/voucher code | Checkout - Payment -if Gift Card/Voucher turned on |
shoppingcart.totals.remainingbalance | Remaining balance to be charged | Checkout - Payment -if Additional Payment Methods turned on |
shoppingcart.totals.shipping | Shipping & Handling | Shopping Cart |
account.login.signedingreeting | Hey, {0} | Shop nav, greeting when signed in (displays guest’s first name) |
account.login.signedoutgreeting | Welcome | Shop nav, greeting when signed out |
| | Plan your trip and speed-up checkout by creating an account and <a href="{0}">{1}</a> | Shop nav, when guest is not signed in |
| | Plan the perfect visit! Buy online to get the best deals. | Shop nav, when guest is signed in |
account.login.newcustomertext | <em>Skip the line!</em> Speed up checkout, personalize your experience and retrieve your info automatically. | Text above login |
account.login.title | Sign In To Your Account | Login header |
account.register.helptext | Already have an account? <a href={0}>sign in, </a><a href={1}>find your account</a>, or <a href={2}>reset your password.</a> | Links to sign in and find account from register page |
account.register.navigation | New here? <a id="RegisterBtn" href="{0}"> Create an account.</a> | Sign in drop down |
account.addmedia | Add Media | Add Media Modal |
account.addmedia.success | Successfully added media card. | Add Media Modal |
account.addmedia.numberlabel | Media Number | Add Media Modal |
account.add media.add number button | Add Media Number | Add Media Modal |
account.addmedia.addnumberbutton.processing | Adding... | Add Media Modal |
account.login.checkout.loadingmessage.personalize | Personalizing products... | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.continue | Continue | Checkout |
account.login.checkout.continue.processing | Continuing... | Checkout |
personalization.addresortcharge | Add Resort Charge? | Checkout- Personalize |
personalization.addresortcharge.description | Add resort charge to use your pass in the same way you would use a credit card for on-site purchases at the resort. | Checkout- Personalize |
checkout.resortcharge.usepaymentcreditcardforresortcharge | Use this credit card for resort charge? | Checkout- Payment |
| | Resort Charge Credit Card | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.creditcardinformation | Credit Card Information | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.nameoncreditcard | Name on credit card | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.nameoncreditcard.placeholder | Name on credit card | Checkout- Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.nameoncreditcard.required | Name on credit card is required | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.cardnumber | Card Number | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.cardnumber.required | Credit card number is required | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.cardnumber.invalid | Not a valid card number | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.cardexpirationdate | Card Expiration Date | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.cardexpirationdate.required | Expiration date is required | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.resortcharge.cardexpirationdate.invalid | Expiration date is not valid or not in the future | Checkout - Payment |
checkout.validationprompts.validatecode | Validate | Checkout - Personalize | |
checkout.validationprompts.validated | Validated | Checkout - Personalize |
checkout.validationprompts.processing | Processing | Checkout - Personalize |
checkout.validationprompts.placeholder | Enter Your Code | Checkout - Personalize | |
checkout.validationprompts.unknownerror | Unknown Error | Checkout - Personalize |
checkout.validationprompts.invalidcodeerror | Invalid Code Error | Checkout - Personalize | |
checkout.validationprompts.duplicatecodeerror | Duplicate Code Error | Checkout - Personalize |
shoppingcart.discountcouponcode.button | Apply Discount Code | Shopping Cart Discount Code | |
shoppingcart.discountcouponcode | Discount code | Shopping Cart Discount Code | |
shoppingcart.discountcouponcode.add.button | Apply | Shopping Cart Discount Code | |
shoppingcart.discountcouponcode.remove.button | Remove | Shopping Cart Discount Code |
shoppingcart.discountcouponcode.wrongdiscount | The coupon code you entered couldn't be applied to your order | Shopping Cart Discount Code |
account.login.checkout.expired.title | Products unavailable | Checkout |
account.login.checkout.expired.message | One or more of your products is no longer available and has been removed from your cart: | Checkout | |
account.printvouchers.description | Vouchers assigned to members of your group can be viewed and printed below | My Account - Vouchers |
| | Pass Media | Checkout - Media |
| | Pass Media | Checkout - Media |
| | "Your order contains products that require a Peak Pass ...." | Checkout - Media - Description for the media linking step in checkout. Include info that is specific to how media works at your resort |
Peak Pass | Checkout - Media -Name of your distinct media card (i.e. JCard, ONE PASS, SugarXpress Card) |
| | | FREE | Checkout - Media - Display to show that the reload option is free (i.e. FREE or $0) |
| | One card is all it takes | Checkout - Media -Title to give more information on reload and adding new media to a guest in checkout |
| | You can use any of these cards for all your products at <RESORT NAME>. | Checkout - Media - Title to give more information on reload and adding new media to a guest in checkout |
AssignMedia.ResponseMessage.Error.MediaAlreadyExistsOnAccount | This Peak Pass card is already associated to this account. | Checkout - Media - Displays when media code that is entered is already associated with the customer. |
AssignMedia.ResponseMessage.Error.MediaIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser | This Peak Pass card is assigned to another customer. This card may be attached to another account under your name. If you wish to use this card and continue using this account, call us at <NUMBER>. If you wish to proceed using another account, please log out and create another account through the find me by pass number <link> to proceed attaching a product to this card, otherwise add a new card. | Checkout - Media - Displays when media code that is entered is associated with another known customer. |
AssignMedia.ResponseMessage.Error.MediaHasInvalidCode | Invalid Peak Pass code. | Checkout - Media - Displays when media code that is entered is invalid. |
AssignMedia.ResponseMessage.Error.UnableToAddMediaToUser | There was an issue linking this card to the customer. Please contact customer service if you wish to proceed linking this customer card. | Checkout - Media - Displays when failure during the merge of the temp customer into the customer |
| Forgot your username?
| Link to username recovery page from login page |
| Recover Your Username
| Username Recovery Page Title |
| Please enter your email below. You will receive an email with your username. | Username Recovery Page Description |
account.usernamerecovery.usernamesent | Your username has been sent to the email address provided. | Username Recovery Page Success Message |
account.usernamerecovery.usernamenotsent | We've encountered a problem locating your username. Please contact customer service at XXX-XXX-XXXX | Username Recovery Failure Message |
account.usernamerecovery.recoverbutton | Send Me My Username
| Username Recovery CTA |
| This email will be your username
| Create Account Page under Email field |
account.passwordrecovery.username | Username (May be your Email Address) | Forgot password (when username enabled) - Title for forgot password field |
account.passwordrecovery.tooltip | Please enter your username, which may be your email address, below. You will receive a password reset link to your entered email or the email associated to your username. | Forgot password - Description for forgot password page |
Peak Pass | Card label on contact cards |
| |
shoppingcart.addtocartmobile | Add | PDP - Mobile Add to cart button - short |
shoppingcart.addtocart | Add to Cart | PDP - Mobile Add to cart button - long |
Account.Login.LoginModal.Username | Email, Pass Media and RFID Number | Login - Label for username field on login |
| Find your Peak Card Number | Login - Link for guest to go to a view with image of pass number highlighted. |
Account.WaiverSigning.Title | Waiver signing | My Account - Waivers - Title |
account.waiversigning.description | Sign waivers for your family members before you arrive at the resort. | My Account - Waivers - Description |
Account.ResortCharge.WaiverSuccessToast | Your waiver has been added! | My Account - Waivers -Success message |
Account.ResortCharge.WaiverErrorToast | There was a problem adding your waiver. Please try again later. | My Account - Waivers - Failure message |
Account.ResortCharge.GroupMembersDescription | Toggle resort charge to add/remove resort charge for group members | My Account- Resort Charge -Instructions for adding resort charge to family members | |
Account.ResortCharge.WaiverModalTitle | Add Resort Charge | My Account - Resort Charge - Confirm modal title | |
Account.fields.optoutemailcheckbox | Opt out of our Marketing Emails | Label for opt out of marketing comm checkbox |
Account.Login.Checkout.Delivery.RentalLocationTitle | Select a rental pickup location from the list | Checkout - Delivery- Rental Location Selection default image text overlay |
Account.Login.Checkout.Delivery.RentalLocationDescription | Rental locations are designed for your convenience on the mountain, at lodging locations or in town. | Checkout - Delviery- Rental Location Selection description |
Account.Login.Checkout.Delivery.RentalLocationSelectionLabel | Select a location: | Checkout - Delivery - Checkout Rental Location selection label |
Account.Subscriptions.Selectmessage | Select subscriptions to update the payment credit card | My Account - Subscriptions - Only add if Subscription functionality turned on for site |
account.login.checkout.payment.paymentplanmessagetext | Payment methods are limited to credit card when your order contains a payment plan product. You must also choose a saved card or select to save the payment for future user. | My Account - Payment Plans - Payment step of checkout when payment plan products in cart |
account.login.checkout.payment.paymentplanmessagetitle | Saved Credit Card Required For Payment Plans | My Account - Payment Plans - |
account.paymentplans | Payment Plans | My Account - Payment Plans - Title of Payment Plan screen and left bar selection in My Account screens | |
account.paymentplans.description | The following orders were purchased with payment plans. These indicated credit cards will be automatically charged the amount shown on the payment date. You may update the credit cards as well as make the payment now rather than wait for the payment date. | My Account - Payment Plans - Top of the screen on the Payment Plan section of My Account Page | |
account.paymentplans.nopaymentplans | You have no active payment plans. | My Account - Payment Plans |
account.paymentplans.paynow.button | Pay Now | My Account - Payment Plans - |
account.paymentplans.paynow.failed.title | Your payment failed. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
account.paymentplans.paynow.message | Are you sure you would like to pay now? | My Account - Payment Plans - |
account.paymentplans.paynow.title | Pay Now | My Account - Payment Plans - |
acount.paymentplans.paynow.message | These payments will be paid now because they share the same payment date and order. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.buttontext | View Payment Schedules | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.modal.duenow | $${totalDepositDue} will be charged now. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.modal.footergrandtotal | Product total with deposit: $${productGrandTotal} | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.modal.headerbottommessage | - | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.modal.paymentscheduledisclaimer | Payment plan payments will be charged to the credit card used in your original purchase. If necessary you can update these later in the My Account page. Note that this disclaimer cuts off on small screen in checkout especially if there is more than one payment plan product. Limit text to a couple of sentences. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.modal.remainingtotal | The remaining $${paymentsTotal} will be charged on the following schedule: | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.multiproduct.modal.title | Payment Plan Schedules | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.buttontext | View Payment Schedule | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.depositpaid | $${depositDue} was paid at time of purchase. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.duenow | You will be charged a $${depositDue} deposit now followed by payments based on the schedule below: | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.footergrandtotal | Product total with deposit: $${productGrandTotal} | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.headerbottommessage | You will be billed on the following schedule: | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.paymentscheduledisclaimer | Payment plan payments will be charged to the credit card used in your original purchase. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.remainingtotal | - | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.modal.title | Payment Plan Schedule | My Account - Payment Plans - |
paymentplans.singleproduct.textabovebutton | Your remaining balance will be billed in ${numberOfPayments} payments. | My Account - Payment Plans - |
swpaymentplans.paymentschedulemessage | Payment plan payments will be charged to the credit card used in your original purchase. | My Account - Payment Plans - Only for Siriusware |
checkout.guestcheckout.continuebuttontext | NEXT |
| |
checkout.guestcheckout.description | We use this information to follow up with you after the order is complete |
| |
checkout.guestcheckout.headerguest | CHECKOUT AS A GUEST |
| |
checkout.guestcheckout.modal.description | Would you like to sign in? | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.modal.nobutton | NO | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.modal.title | We found an account for you
| Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.modal.yesbutton | YES | Guest checkout breadcrumb | | | Guest checkout breadcrumb | ||
checkout.guestcheckout.placeholder.firstname | FIRST NAME | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.placeholder.lastname | LAST NAME | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.sectiontitleguest | PURCHASER INFORMATION | Guest checkout breadcrumb |
checkout.guestcheckout.sectiontitlelogin | EXISTING ACCOUNT | Guest checkout breadcrumb |
checkout.guestcheckout.switchtoguestregister.buttontext | GUEST | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.switchtoguestregister.description | PREFER TO CHECKOUT AS A GUEST? | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.switchtologin.buttontext | LOGIN | Guest checkout breadcrumb |
checkout.guestcheckout.switchtologin.description | ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT? | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.validation.emailinvalid | Invalid email address | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.validation.emailrequired | Email address is required | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
checkout.guestcheckout.validation.firstnamerequired | First name is required |
| |
checkout.guestcheckout.validation.lastnamerequired | Last name is required | Guest checkout breadcrumb | |
account.myvouchers.productvoucherstab | My product vouchers | Create account flow |
account.fileds.dateofbirth | Date of birth | Create account flow | |
account.fields.dateofbirth.minimumage | You must be {0} years old to create an account | Create account flow | |
account.fields.dateofbirth.required | Date of birth is required | Create account flow | | | Create account flow | || | The email and confirmation email do not match | Create account flow |
| | Email is required | Create account flow | |
account.fields.firstname | First name | Create account flow | |
account.fields.firstname.required | First name is required | Create account flow | |
account.fields.lastname | Last name | Create account flow | |
account.fields.lastname.required | Last name is required | Create account flow |
account.fields.optoutemailcheckbox | Opt Out of Marketing Emails | Create account flow | |
account.fields.password | Password | Create account flow | |
account.fields.password.enteredpasswordsdonotmatch | The password and confirmation password do not match | Create account flow | | | Phone | Create account flow | | | Phone is required | Create account flow | |
account.fields.confirmemail.required | Email is required | Create account flow | |
account.fields.confirmpassword | Confirm Password | Create account flow | |
account.fields.confirmpassword.required | Password is required | Create account flow | |
ShoppingCart.DiscountCouponCode.Apply.Button | Apply | Shopping Cart - Discount Code |
Account.Register.FindMe.UnderAge | The user associated with this information does not meet the minimum age requirements to create an account. | Create Account - Error Message |
AssignMedia.ResponseMessage.Success | Success | Add Media Modal |
AssignMedia.ResponseMessage.Error.MediaIsInactive | Media is inactive | Add Media Modal |
Account.Register.FindMe.EmailOrUsernameAlreadyAssociatedWithAnExistingAccount | The entered username/email is already associated with an existing account. | Claim Account - Find Me |
Account.PasswordRecovery.ContactCustomerService | The account associated with the entered user name does not have an email address on file. Please contact Customer Service. | Claim Account - Error Find Me |
Messages.Order.DueAtCourse | Due at Course: | Golf Cart |
Account.Login.Checkout.Delivery.RentalLocationDescription | Rental locations are designed for your convenience on the mountain, at lodging locations or in town. | Checkout - Delivery -when rental products in cart |
Account.AddMember.Error | There was a problem adding your group member. Please try again. | Add New Member |
customer.signwaiver.description | Please sign the waiver below. | Checkout - Personalize -when waivers required |
Account.Subscriptions.FailedPayments.Message | Membership Payment Failed | My Account - Subscriptions |
Account.Subscriptions.Canceled.Heading | Cancel Membership | My Account - Subscriptions |
Account.Subscriptions.Canceled.Description | Your membership has been canceled | My Account - Subscriptions |
account.addmedia.addnumberbutton | Add Media Number | Family management area |
account.groupmembers | Your Group Members | Family management area |
ACCOUNT.GROUPMEMBERS.TITLE | My Group | Family management area |
| | Select Group Member | Checkout - Assign Products - default drop down text |
account.login.checkout.AssignProducts | Assign Products | Checkout - Assign Products |
account.login.checkout.confirm.button.processing | Completing order... | Checkout - Confirm |
account.login.checkout.confirm.title | Confirm Order | Checkout - Confirm |
| | Delivery | Checkout - Delivery |
| | If you're picking up, please select a pickup location before continuing. | Checkout - Delivery- if rentals in order |
| | Photos must be uploaded within 24 hours of purchase for passes to be shipped. College and student passes must be picked up and cannot be shipped. | Family management upload photo modal |
account.login.checkout.loadingmessage.assignment | Setting up products... | Checkout - Assign Products |
| | Media not printed | Add Media Modal |
account.login.checkout.payment.error.201 | This credit card has been declined. Please update your payment information. | Checkout - Confirm - error |
account.login.checkout.payment.error.gateway_rejected | Payment was rejected. Please update your payment method. | Checkout - Confirm - error |
Account.Login.Checkout.payment.GiftCardPlaceholder | Gift Card Code | Checkout - Payment - alternate payment |
Account.Login.Checkout.payment.VoucherPlaceholder | Voucher Code | Checkout - Payment- alternate payment |
account.login.checkout.personalize.steptitle | Personalize | Checkout - Personalize |
account.login.checkout.value.backtocart | Want to edit items in your cart? Go <a href="/?cart=true&edit=true">back to cart</a>. | Checkout |
account.login.checkout.value.helpnumber | Want more information or need help? Give us a call! | Checkout |
Account.Login.Heading.CreateAccount | Don't have an account? | Login Option |
Account.Login.Heading.FindAccount | Find your existing account | Login Option |
Account.Login.Heading.FindByEmail | Find by email | Find Me |
Account.Login.Heading.FindByOtherMethod | Find me by another method | Find Me |
Account.Login.Heading.FindByPassNumber | Find by pass number | Find Me |
Account.Login.Heading.Login | PLEASE SIGN IN, FIND YOURSELF, OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT. | Login |
account.login.pagetitle | Sign In To Your Account | Sign in |
account.login.returningcustomertext | Made a purchase online before? Login to renew season pass(es). | Login |
account.myaccount.personalinfo | Personal Info | My Account |
| | Save Changes | My Account |
account.pagedescription | If you've never purchased with us before online or at the resort, create a new account. | Create Account |
account.photoinstructions | Photo should be of passport quality, with the head filling the center and majority of the photo. Your face should be looking forward toward the camera. Sorry: no hats, helmets or sunglasses! | Photo upload modal |
account.register.accountretrievedtext | We found your account! | Find Me |
account.register.error | Oops! Looks like there was a problem creating your account, please address the indicated errors. | Create account - error |
account.register.errors.accountnotexists | The specified email already exists. Please navigate to the Login page and use the Find your existing account option to complete registration. | Find me - error |
account.register.forgotpasswordlink | Forgot your password? Try the <a href="/passwordrecovery">password recovery</a> page. | Login |
account.register.pagedescription | Please provide the email and password you will use to sign in to your new account, and then give us a little information about you. | Create Account |
account.register.pagetitle | Create Your Account | Create Account |
account.register.processing | Creating... | Create Account |
account.register.result.standard.title | Registration completed! | Create Account |
account.register.retrieveaccount | Retrieve Account | Find Me |
account.register.retrieveaccount.error | Problem Retrieving | Find Me |
account.register.retrieveaccount.processing | Retrieving | Find Me |
account.register.retrieveaccount.success | A code has been sent to your email. Enter it below to retrieve your account. | Find Me |
account.register.retrieveaccount.title | Retrieve your account using code | Find Me |
account.register.sendcode | Send code | Find Me |
account.register.sendcode.processing | Sending code | Find Me |
account.register.verifyaccounttext | Please provide the email and password you will use to sign in to your new account. | Find Me |
golf.catalog.viewteetimes | View Tee Times | Golf |
golf.checkin.slotmissingcustomer | Missing Customer Info: Slot customer is missing | Golf |
Golf.CheckIn.NoReservation.Title | No Reservation Found | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.NoReservation.Message | Online check-in is only available on the date of play. Check your reservation details and try again. | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.TooLate.Title | You are a bit too late to check in | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.TooLate.Message | Online check in is only available on the date of play. You are searching for a reservation for ${DateOfPlay}. Come back on that date to check in. | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.TooEarly.Title | You are a bit too early to check in | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.TooEarly.Message | You are a bit too early to check in. “Online check-in is only available on the date of play. You are searching for a reservation for <Date of Play>; please come back on that date to check in. | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.Button.Search | Search | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.Button.SearchNew | Search | Golf - Checkin page |
Golf.CheckIn.Button.Next | Next | Golf - Checkin page |
products.productattributes.price.lowquantity | {0} left at this price | Inventory |
unity.dynamicpricing.inventoryremaining | {CountRemaining} left on this date
NOTE: The text can be changed, but the {CountRemaining} token must stay intact in order to display the real time inventory number remaining. In the example to the right, the {CountRemaining} = 614 | Inventory - PDP | |
products.renewal.addtocart | Add To Cart | Renewal/linked products |
products.renewal.addtocart.processing | Adding... | Renewal/linked products |
products.renewal.customize | Customize | Renewal/linked products |
Products.Renewal.Customize.Processing | Processing | Renewal/linked products |
products.renewal.lockmessage | This choice is locked based on renewal or reload options | Renewal/linked products |
products.renewal.productincart | This product has been added to your cart. | Renewal/linked products |
products.renewal.updatecart | Update | Renewal/linked products |
products.renewal.updatecart.processing | Processing | Renewal/linked products |
shoppingcart.addtocart.processing | Adding... | PDP |
ShoppingCart.SelectMember | Select a member to purchase this product. | Reservation Product |
ProductReservedDays.ReservationDayCount | ${firstName} has reserved ${reservedDays} out of ${maxReservations} total reservation days. | Reservation Product |
ProductReservedDays.Message | Configurable message. | Reservation Product |
ProductReservedDays.NoSelection | Please make a member assignment to view remaining available days. | Reservation Product |
ProductTemplateSimple.SameDayBooked | The selected person has already booked the selected date. | Reservation Product |
product.availability.outofstock | This product is not available. | Inventory sold out |
shoppingcart.quantityexceedsstock | Your quantity exceeds stock on hand. The maximum quantity that can be added is {0}. | Inventory sold out |
Aspenware.Waivers.SignaturePanelText | By completing the information below, I represent that I am {0}, a parent or legal guardian, or otherwise legally authorized to sign on their behalf. | Checkout - Personalize- Text right above the signature panel (bottom of the release).
Aspenware.Waivers.ScrollMessage | View/Scroll to the bottom of the document to sign | Checkout - Personalize- Text indicating that the waiver must be scrolled to the bottom to sign |
Aspenware.Waivers.WetSignaturePrompt | SIGN HERE | Checkout - Personalize- Text just to the left of the wet signature canvas |
Aspenware.Waivers.SignatureAffirmationStatement | I state that I can sign for {0}. | Checkout - Personalize- Text underneath the wet signature |
Aspenware.Waivers.ClearButtonText | CLEAR | Checkout - Personalize- Text on the button to clear all signature data |
Aspenware.Waivers.SignButtonText | SIGN | Checkout - Personalize- Text on the button to Submit signature data |
account.login.wrongcredentials.lockedout | You have retried too many times and are locked out. Please try again later.” | Checkout - Personalize- Login error message |
aspenware.fastflow.title | Title | Fast Flow box, text bolded at the top of the box | |
aspenware.fastflow.subtitle | Sub-title | Fast Flow box below the bolded Title text | |
aspenware.fastflow.textbox.placeholder | Textbox Placeholder | Fast Flow box’s entry field text that is displayed before any text has been populated in the field Directly above Fast Flow box’s entry field after text has been input in the entry field | |
aspenware.fastflow.button.validate.text | Button Validate Text | Fast Flow box’s button text before a validation has been attempted | |
aspenware.fastflow.button.validated.text | Button Validated Text | Fast Flow box's button text after a validation has succeeded | |
aspenware.fastflow.button.invalid.text | Button Invalid Text | Fast Flow box's button text after a validation has failed | | | Message Validated Text | Fast Flow box's button text after a validation has succeeded | |
aspenware.fastflow.message.invalid.text | Message Invalid Text | Fast Flow box's button text after a validation has failed | | | Message Media Assigned Text | Fast Flow box's bottom text after a validation has succeeded. Tokens that can be returned on validate from the stored procedure:
| |
aspenware.fastflow.qrscan.validated.text | Qr Code Validated Text | Fast Flow pop-up when the QR code scan returns a successful value | |
aspenware.fastflow.qrscan.invalid.text | Qr Code Invalid Text | Fast Flow pop-up when the QR code scan returns an invalid value | |
account.customerorders | Order History | My Account Order History Tab |
account.customerorders.description | Description Text of Order History | Order History Section of My Account |
products.relatedproducts | Recommended titles include
| Related products section of the pdp |
Aspenware.Commerce.MissingCustomerInfo | Missing Customer Info | Confirm page of Checkout | |
Aspenware.Commerce.MissingCustomerInfo.Description | You are missing… | Confirm page of Checkout |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailSentText | Email Sent! | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailSendButtonText | SEND | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailMinorDisplayEmailText | Not {first} {last}'s legal guardian? %Email% this waiver | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailMinorSignWaiverText | Are you {first} {last}'s legal guardian? %Sign% this waiver now | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailMinorResendEmailText | Didn’t receive the email? Resend the email | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailAdultDisplayEmailText | {first} {last} must sign this waiver | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
Aspenware.Waivers.EmailAdultResendEmailText | Didn’t receive the email? Resend the email | 1Risk Waivers Email Feature | |
aspenware.arriveparking.fields.datelabel | Choose your date | Arrive Parking | |
aspenware.arriveparking.fields.dateplaceholder | When are you going? | Arrive Parking | |
aspenware.arriveparking.fields.locationlabel | Choose your location below | Arrive Parking | |
aspenware.arriveparking.fields.locationlistinstructions | Choose a date to view parking locations | Arrive Parking | |
aspenware.arriveparking.fields.locationplaceholder | Where would you like to park? | Arrive Parking | |
aspenware.arriveparking.text.locationlistinstructions | Choose a date to view parking instructions | Arrive Parking |
aspenware.arriveparking.text.locationliststarttime | These reservations start at ${Time} | Arrive Parking |
aspenware.arriveparking.text.locationlisttitle | Choose from available parking lots | Arrive Parking |
aspenware.arriveparking.text.lotnotestitle | Lot notes | Arrive Parking | |
aspenware.arriveparking.text.lotstarttime | Starts at ${Time} | Arrive Parking |
order.complete.qrcode.message | Scan this QR Code for instant access to your order! | Located above the QR code on the order confirmation page. | | | Scan this QR Code for instant access to your order! | Located above QR code in the message template via the QR code token. | |
heroimage.cart.selectdate | Default: Select a Date Function: For dated products | Cloud UI PPD - Dated Products | |
productattributes.selectoption | Default: Select Option Function: If an option a product page (on the pricing calendar or the pdp) is not set, used to coach users that an option is not set but either required or optional (see below) | Cloud UI PDP and Pricing Calendar | |
optional | Default: Optional (parentheses are added by code, so don’t add parentheses) Function: Used in attribute selection coach messaging to indicate an option is optional, not required to enable add to cart | Cloud UI PDP | |
required | Default: Required (parentheses are added by code, so don’t add parentheses) Function: Used in attribute selection coach messaging to indicate an option is required, a selection is required to enable add to cart | Cloud UI PDP and Pricing Calendar | |
aspenware.commerce.cart.itemsummary | Default: Item Summary Function: Title of Item Summary Box on PDP | Cloud UI PDP - Item Summary |
| | Default: Total Function: Label for the total of everything you are about to add to cart | Cloud UI PDP - Item Summary | |
aspenware.commerce.cart.yousaved | Default: You save Function: Label to summarize online savings compared to window rate for product being added plus all add ons prior to adding to cart (may also be used in cart notice once implemented) | Cloud UI PDP - Item Summary | |
aspenware.commerce.cart.startdate | Default: Start date Function: Label for selected date if product is dated | Cloud UI PDP - Item Summary | |
aspenware.commerce.cart.onlinesavings | Default: Save {}% off list price. (where percentage is dynamically populated). Function: Copy for the tool tip that is available next to the savings badge in the Cloud UI Item Summary and Cart Notice. | Cloud UI PDP - Item Summary and Cart Notice Savings Tool Tip | |
aspenware.commerce.cart.onlineaddtocartdisabledwarning | Default: Please select [{}] to see prices. (where missing required attribute names are dynamically populated in a comma separated list) Function: Warn users why they can’t add to cart | Cloud UI PDP - Error |
product.productattributes.addons.label | Default: Upgrade your experience Function: Title to separate the add on option selections from core product selections | Cloud UI PDP - Add ons | |
productpricingcalendar.dateprompt (Cloud UI only) | Default: Choose Your Start Date Function: Sets the title above the date picker on the Pricing Calendar | Cloud UI - Pricing Calendar | |
productpricingcalendar.salestatustext (Cloud UI only) | Default: Sale Price Function: Legend text that will appear on the pricing calendar if price scarcity legend is enabled | Cloud UI - Pricing Calendar | |
productpricingcalendar.prompt | Default: Function: If no calendar template user description is defined then this shows with the required attribute titles listed after “Pick.” (Shown right). The calendar template user description overrides this if defined. | Cloud UI - Pricing Calendar |
resortos.sidebarmenu.brandsitelinktext (Cloud Header only) | Default: Main Site Function: Main (or marketing) site link text | Commerce Site Navigation |
resortos.sidebarmenu.shoplinktext (Cloud Header only) | Default: Shop Function: Shop Link Text | Commerce Site Navigation | |
account.logout (Cloud Header only) | Default: Sign Out Function: On menu for a logged-in user | Commerce Site Navigation | |
account.login (Cloud Header only) | Default: Sign In/Create Account Function: On menu for a user who is not logged in | Commerce Site Navigation | |
resortos.sidebarmenu.accountbuttontitle (Cloud Header only) | Default: Your Account Function: Title of My Account button when logged in Note that this string does support a parameter to personalize. If you set the text to ‘Welcome {}’, then it will populate the parameter with the user’s first name (e.g. “Welcome, Sarah”) | Commerce Site Navigation | |
resortos.sidebarmenu.accountbuttonsubtitle (Cloud Header only) | Default: None Function: Indicate what the user can find in My Account such as access vouchers, payment plans, and more. | Commerce Site Navigation |
| | Default: No items in your cart Function: Appears when shopping cart is empty | Commerce Site Navigation (Cart) | |
publicui.cartnotice.itemadded (Cloud UI only) | Default: Item added Function: Cart notice title | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice | |
publicui.cartnotice.applycoupons (Cloud UI only) | Default: Apply coupons in the <a href="{cartUrl}" class="ads-link">cart</a> Function: Description to link to the cart so that users know to apply coupons in the cart | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice | |
publicui.cartnotice.checkout (Cloud UI only) | Default: Checkout Function: Direct link to checkout if user is logged in. Will log user in then route to checkout if signed out. | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice | |
publicui.cartnotice.viewcart (Cloud UI only) | Default: View Cart Function: Direct link to full cart page. | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice | |
publicui.cartnotice.carttotal | Default: Cart Total Function: Displays the subtotal (before tax) of the entire user’s cart. | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice |
publicui.cartnotice.itemsubtotal | Default: Per Item Subotal Function: Price per item of what was just added to cart before discounts have been subtracted from the item price. | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice |
publicui.cartnotice.itemstotal | Default: Per Item Total Function: Price per item of what was just added to cart after discounts have been subtracted from the item price. | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice |
publicui.cartnotice.itemupdated | Default: Item Changed Function: Title of cart notice if PDP is in edit mode and customer is changing something about an already added cart item. | Cloud UI PDP - Cart notice when product in edit mode |
account.login.checkout.payment.voucherbuttonlabel | Default: Apply Function: Customize the text displayed on the button beneath the voucher and gift card entry box in checkout. | Checkout |
optional | Default: Select Option Function: If an option a product page (on the pricing calendar or the pdp) is not set, used to coach users that an option is not set but either required or optional (see below) | Cloud UI PDP and Pricing Calendar | |
required | Default: Required (parentheses are added by code, so don’t add parentheses) Function: Used in attribute selection coach messaging to indicate an option is required, a selection is required to enable add to cart | Cloud UI PDP and Pricing Calendar | |
aspenware.commerce.errors. categorynotfound | Category Not Found | Category Not Found Page when linking to an invalid or unpublished category URL in Legacy. |
aspenware.commerce.errors.productnotfound | Product Not Found | Product Not Found Page when linking to an invalid or unpublished product in Legacy. |
aspenware.commerce.errors.returntostore | Return to Store
| Text that accompanies the link to return to the store in Legacy. |
publicui.errors.productnotfound | Product Not Found | Product Not Found Page when linking to an invalid or unpublished product in Cloud UI. | |
publicui.errors.productnotfoundprompt | We're sorry you can't find what you're looking for. Let's get you back on track... | Explanation for when Product Not Found page displays in Cloud UI. | |
publicui.errorpage.action | Continue Shopping | Text that accompanies the link to return to the store in Cloud UI. |
publicui.errorpage.defaulttitle | An error occurred | Displays when an error causes a page to fail to load. |
shoppingcart.continueshopping | Continue Shopping | Linking back to the default category from the full-page shopping cart in Commerce Site Nav, is visible under the checkout button. This link uses resort’s body font and can be set to force caps or not. |
productattributes.nodatesavailable | No dates are available for your selection. | Cloud UI PDP in conjunction with radio button date selection. |
aspenware.sidebarmenu.finishimpersonation | Finish Impersonation | Cloud Navigation Sidebar Menu (Admin View Only) | |
Admin.Catalog.Products.ProductAttributes.AttributeCombinations.Fields.OverrideAttributeTitle | Override Attribute Title | Product Attribute Overrides Admin on Product Editor |
Admin.Catalog.Products.ProductAttributes.AttributeCombinations.Fields.OverrideAttributeDescription | Override Attribute Description | Product Attribute Overrides Admin on Product Editor |
aspenware.kountcommand.messages.failedvalidation | Copy for message guest sees when they are blocked in checkout by Kount. | Kount in checkout |
accounts.userprofile.formtitle.newuser | Default copy: “Almost there! Finish setting up your account.” | Identify v3 (Powered by Auth0) Customer Profile page |
| Default Copy: “Can you help us with a few required details?” | Identify v3 (Powered by Auth0) Customer Profile page |
cloud.notification.note | Default Copy: “Note” This should remain a generic title like “Note” and not be customized to something about pricing or add-ons because it will be used across other notes in the application. | Cloud UI dynamically-priced add-ons | |
cloud.notification.error | Default Copy: “Error” | Cloud UI PDP |
| | Default Copy: “Info” | Cloud UI PDP |
cloud.notification.success | Default Copy: “Success” | Cloud UI PDP |
cloud.notification.warning | Default Copy: “Warning” | Cloud UI PDP |
publicui.product.note.selectdate.pricing | Default Copy: “Select a date to view prices.” This can be specific to dynamically-priced add-ons, but is a store-wide string and will appear before a date is set on any dynamically-priced add-on. | Cloud UI dynamically-priced add-ons | |
publicui.product.note.selectdate.inventory | Default Copy: “Select a date to view availability.” | Cloud UI PDP |
publicui.product.note.selectdate.cutoff | Default Copy: “Select a date to view availability (requires advanced booking.” | Cloud UI PDP |
publicui.product.savings | Default Copy: {0}% OFF where {0} is dynamically populated with the savings percentage. Note that this string will truncate after 13 characters. Label to summarize online savings compared to window rate for item being added (may also be used in cart notice once implemented) | Cloud UI Item Summary and Cart Notice Savings Badge |
Inputting a "blank space" for language strings
Do you want to input a blank space for a language string but the system is preventing you from saving the string? There are a few options to enable this for most language strings.
First, locate the language string you would like to display as a blank space. Then utilizing one of the text options below, save the text in the language string’s “value” field.
WARNING: Before updating the Live environment ensure any values used below have been tested and verified in the Test store. Products have been observed as not functioning when some of these values have been utilized.
Value | Note |
ㅤ<-- value to the left of the arrow is invisible but can be copied | Recommended - this is reccomended as it has not been observed to break any features/products. It does display as space block but is not visible. |
| This works with most langauge strings but has also broken a product. Test purchasing the product or test the feature this langauge string effects. |
<br></br> | In some cases where the language string utilizes HTML this code will remove the langauge from appearing. |