Common Troubleshooting: Email Management

Common Troubleshooting: Email Management

Q: Can a user change their account to a username?

A: Usernames are not supported with this feature.

Q: What happens if a user has two different emails?

A: When they change the email, whatever emails are currently in place for both the account and communications email will change. They can change the current communications email to their current account email and vice-versa.

Q: If a user changes their account email, will this affect their biometrics enrollment?

A: Changing their account email will have no effect on their biometrics enrollment. They will be required to use the new account email, and will still be prompted to use biometrics at sign-in. Their biometrics enrollment isn’t tied to the email, it is tied to their account ID and device.

Q: What if I want my emails to be different?

A: If they are currently different, they can leave them as is. If they want to change one, both will change when using this feature. If they want emails to be different, they will need to call the resort to change them to be different emails. We do not recommend that the emails be different to reduce the confusion that has historically been associated with multiple emails being used.




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