Troubleshooting: When a customer is prompted to call services

Scenario 1: Customer types in email address to login and that email profile is used on multiple accounts that also have authentication profiles

Troubleshooting process for this scenario

  1. Is there a duplicate account for this guest? If so, identify the best account and merge the duplicate accounts into the best account. Guest may need to reset their password if they are not able to login

  2. If answer above is no, then identify which of the multiple accounts that share the same email address the guest trying is to log in. Are there any customer records that share that email profile that can be updated with a more accurate email profile so that email profiles to authentication profiles are 1:1. i.e. the guest calling in - Joan Anderson has as her email profile and her husband’s email profile, but her husband’s email is If you update her husbands email profile to, Joan will be able to login with

  3. If both guest records need to keep the same email profile, then either update the guest’s authentication profile with their email and have them login again OR provide the guest with what they have stored as a username and prompt the guest to login using their username rather than email profile going forward.

Scenario 2 & 3: Customer types in a username or pass id to login and that account does not have an email profile listed

Add an email profile for the guest. Possibly update the username to be the email address as well.

Scenario 4: Customer tries to create an account that matches an existing account and routes the customer down the claim account route, but that account does not have an email profile or phone number listed

Option 1: Add an email profile and/or phone profile for the guest.

Option 2: Create an authentication profile and email profile on the account using the guests email. For the authentication profile, enter in a dummy password. Then prompt the guest to reset their password to login.