Configuration: Commerce Site Navigation Categories

Configuration: Commerce Site Navigation Categories

This guide will review how to update categories that appear in the navigation and menu and utilize the new category capabilities of the Commerce Site Navigation.

The configurable elements outlined below can be completed within the Aspenware Commerce Administration area.

Detailed Setup Guide

  1. Configure Externally Linking Categories (Optional)

  2. Configure Focused Header Categories for Desktop (Optional)

  3. Customize Settings for Linking to the Marketing Site

  4. Customize Language Strings for the Slide Out Menu and Empty Cart

  5. Special Considerations

1. Configure Externally Linking Categories (Optional)

A category can be configured as an Externally Linking Category and is configured in Aspenware Commerce Admin. An Externally Linking Category represents a category on another site (typically the resort’s marketing site) and is accessed from the Commerce Site Navigation by a URL.

To configure an Externally Linking Category:

Once the category is created and saved, it can be configured as an Externally Linking Category. To configure:

  • Go to Catalog > Categories

  • Search and click Edit on the category you wish to make external linking.

  • Scroll to the External Category Settings section.

  • In Category External Url, paste the URL the category should link to when a customer selects this category. Please note that the “https” portion of the URL must be included.

  • Check the Is External Url Category checkbox.

  • Click Save.


2. Configure Focused Header Categories on Desktop (Optional)

Up to four categories can now be flagged as focused header categories that will appear in a shop header when viewing the shop from a desktop. If more than four categories are configured as focused header categories, the shop will append a More… link as a fifth option, and selecting this will open the sidebar navigation, where the complete set of categories can be viewed (inclusive of focused header categories).

Either a parent category or subcategory can be configured as a focused header category and will not be distinguishable from each other when featured as a focused header category, for example, Child Lessons in the example above is a subcategory of Lessons and both are flagged as focused header categories. Focused Header Categories can be interchanged easily without interrupting the overall shop category taxonomy. Hidden categories will not appear in this list.

The order that these focused categories appear from left to right will respect the following category display order.

  • Parent category with lowest display order defined in Admin (detailed in Step 1 of Configuration: Categories) will be farthest left. Second lowest display order will be next, and on and on until 4 categories are displayed. Any categories fifth in display order will appear under the “More…” display farthest right in the header.

  • Any subcategories flagged as include in top menu in Category Configuration belonging to a parent category that has also been checked to include in top menu will appear in the dropdown below the parent header item following their nested display order within the parent category. Note that the parent category must be in the top four display order (not included in the “More…” item).

To configure a Focused Header Category:

  • Follow Step 1 in Configuration: Categories.

  • Select Include in top menu.

  • Click Save.

IMPORTANT: Previously, Aspenware Commerce required that all categories were set to Include in top menu for the category to work, but this selection now is no longer required during configuration and is now used to enable this new feature.

Consequently, if there are existing Aspenware Commerce categories that were configured previously with the Include in top menu box checked, those will need to be unchecked if you do not want them displayed as focus categories in the Commerce Site Navigation.

3. Customize Settings for Linking to the Marketing Site

Users can link back to the marketing site from the Commerce Site Navigation by either clicking on the main logo in the top navigation or by clicking “Main Site” within the Slide out Menu. The URL that customers are directed to when they go to the marketing site can be updated using a store-wide setting in Aspenware Admin.

Setting Name


Setting Name



Feature: Commerce Site Navigation

Acceptable Value: URL

Function: Users can link back to the marketing site from the Commerce Site Navigation.

4. Customize Language Strings

There are several language strings available for customization in Commerce Site Navigation.

String Resource Name



String Resource Name




Default: No items in your cart

Function: Appears when shopping cart is empty


Default: Your Account

Function: Title of My Account button when logged in

Note that this string does support a parameter to personalize. If you set the text to ‘Welcome {}’, then it will populate the parameter with the user’s first name (e.g. “Welcome, Sarah”)



Default: None

Function: Indicate what the user can find in My Account such as access vouchers, payment plans, and more.

Goes underneath the “Your Account” shown above.


Default: Sign In/Create Account

Function: On menu for a user who is not logged in



Default: Sign Out

Function: On menu for a logged-in user



Default: Shop

Function: Shop Link Text



Default: Main Site

Function: Main (or marketing) site link text



Default: Continue Shopping

Function: Linking back to the default category from the full-page shopping cart, is visible under the checkout button. This link uses resort’s body font and can be set to force caps or not.





"Finish Impersonation”





To customize a language string:

  • Go to Configuration > Languages

  • Click Edit on English.

  • Expand String Resources Tab.

  • Search for the string resource in Resource Name.

  • Click Edit.

  • Enter the desired text to display.

  • Click Update.


Special Considerations

  • Categories fenced by customer roles are supported.

  • Some content elements cannot be configured, such as the cart notice title “Item Added,” “Subtotal,” “View Cart,” “Checkout”, and header content, including “Menu”, Login, Logout, and “More…” which appears if more than four focused header categories are enabled. These will be converted to language strings and customizable in Admin in a future release.

  • For customers using the Loyalty feature, The setting for loyalty.fab.attach.to, which controls the location of the loyalty Fab must be set to #HERO for it to display correctly. The fab position of #BRANDHEADER is not supported for ResortOS shops. (Refer to the Configuration: Loyalty for more details on editing this setting.)

  • For customers using the loyalty feature, the Loyalty Styles HTML widget’s HTML should be updated to the code snippet below. Note that the change is to --fab-position-top-mobile: 80px so that the fab is always located below the header and above the products and shop banner. (Refer to the Configuration: Loyalty for more details on editing this HTML widget.)

<style><!-- #loyalty-fab-target .v-application--wrap{ min-height: 0; display: block; max-width: inherit;} :root { --fab-link-text-color: #1976d2; --fab-position-top-mobile: 80px; --fab-position-top: 100px; --fab-position-right-mobile: 0; --fab-position-right:0; --fab-z-index: 999; --fab-main-text-color: #333; --fab-footer-bg-color: #e4e4e4; --fab-toggle-bg-color: #222;} --></style>

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