Overview: Related Products

Overview: Related Products

This feature is supported for: All implementations of Aspenware Commerce.

Key Terms

A product that is configured to have a “Related Products” relationship with another product and will display at the bottom of the product detail page of the configured product.

Feature Description

A product can be configured to have a “Related Products” relationship with another product. If such a relationship exists, the related product will display at the bottom of the product detail page of the configured product. For the two related products to show up on one another’s product details page, the related product relationship must be configured in the product editor admin page for each of the two products (i.e. each must have the other assigned as a related product).

Using related products can lead to a larger number of items per order, or higher overall cart values. It also aids the guest experience by clearly presenting more options and helpful product suggestions to customers. Consider monitoring sales and analytics data, and then create related product relationships for products that are frequently purchased together.


Related products can be products that are purchased in “addition to” or “instead of” the product they are displayed through. If the desire is to configure an “instead of” or “upsell” relationship between products, you could consider using attribute selections instead of related products. If a product was a candidate for cross-selling, but cross-sell was considered to be too intrusive for highlighting the product relationship, consider instead setting up a related product relationship between the two products as it is more subtle.

Administrators can select any number of products to show beneath the general description on the product detail page. If more products are related than can be shown on the screen at one time, those products will be accessible by a scroll arrow. Related products cards show the product name, the product image, and the price. Because many prices are modified according to attribute selection, all prices on the related product cards being with “starting at”. If no price is set for a product on the product setup (and prices are only set at the attribute combination level) then no price is shown on the related product card.

Mobile View

NOTE: Related products only function when using the Simple Product product template. Products using the Retail Product template will not work with Related Products.



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