Overview: Cross Sell

This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce.

Key Terms

Cross Sell Product

A product that is presented to the guest in a lightbox upon the addition of a “trigger product” to their cart.

Trigger Product

A trigger product is the product which, when added to cart, triggers the display of the cross sold product.

A lightbox is a window that pops up to display the cross sell products to the guest upon the addition of a trigger product to their shopping cart.

Feature Description

Cross Sell is core nopCommerce functionality that has been enhanced and added to Aspenware Commerce, allowing resort customers to dramatically call attention to specific products in an effort to drive sales, while simultaneously assisting customers in completing their purchases.

By applying different filters, you can eliminate cross sold products from displaying if they have already been added to cart, and you can restrict a single product from being presented multiple times if it has been triggered by different items in the cart.

This improves the guest experience, limiting the number of times they may be exposed to a cross sell product and effectively reminding them of items they would wish to include in their purchase.

When a guest adds a “trigger product” to their cart that has been configured with a cross sell product, the cross sell product(s) will be included in the cart notice, offering guests the opportunity to easily add complementary products to their cart.



Cross sell items will also appear beneath the shopping cart, calling out the same cross sell products, but with a less intrusive method.

For resorts using the Legacy PDP, a light box will pop up with cross sell items, but this should be disabled for all shops leveraging the new Cloud header. In the example below, a lift ticket was selected and the lightbox appeared offering a parking pass, rentals, lessons, or a spa package. Attributes like date of use, etc. will pass from the trigger product to the cross-sold product, making customer checkout easy and error-free

The guest can easily select one of the products to add to their cart or simply click “Clear this Window” if they aren’t interested.

Because the lightbox can be disruptive, Aspenware Commerce allows resorts to limit the number of products offered in the cross sell lightbox and also allows limits on the number of times the cross sell lightbox will appear within a shopping experience.




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