Overview: Taxes

Overview: Taxes

This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce.

This feature is not supported for:

  • Itemized taxes are only supported for stores that are configured to use Exclusive Tax. Itemized taxes are not supported for Inclusive Tax.

  • Tax calculation based on shipping location is only supported for resorts on RTP|One POS and for Retail products.

  • Subscription product monthly charges cannot be configured with tax.

  • Unity does not support RTP|One config with Inclusive Tax with Discount/Commission.

Key Terms

Exclusive Tax

Exclusive taxes are not yet a part of the product price, so the tax amount is added to the subtotal of the sales transaction before the checkout is finalized.

Inclusive Tax

Inclusive taxes are already a part of the product's price, so no additional taxes are added to the subtotal of the sales transaction.

Itemized Taxes

Using this feature enables taxes displayed to the guest to be broken out according to their “tax category” in the cart, order summary, and confirmation letter. In order to itemize taxes, you must use Exclusive Tax. Itemized taxes are not supported for inclusive taxes.

Feature Description

Aspenware Commerce tax functionality can be used to assign tax rules at the product level. Tax can be assigned to core products and/or add-on products. Commerce supports displaying and charging tax to the customer using inclusive tax rules (e.g. prices that include tax) or exclusive tax rules (e.g. prices don’t include tax, and tax is calculated from the product price and added to the total).

If different products in your store have varying tax categories, itemized taxes are supported for stores that are configured for Exclusive Tax. When taxes are itemized, tax amounts are calculated and displayed next to their corresponding category as in the example below.




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