Configuration: Product Attributes

Configuration: Product Attributes


Setup Checklist

1. POS Tasks


1. POS Tasks


Create products in POS Required

Copy down product header codes in RTP|One or DCIs in Siriusware for each product that will map to an attribute combination in Commerce prior to setting up product attributes in Aspenware Commerce.

Talk to your Aspenware Representative if you would like access to a “product inventory” worksheet to copy down codes in an easy to setup fromat, or inquire about professional services to help map out best practices for designing products in commerce based on POS setup.


2. Aspenware Commerce Tasks


Set up Product Shell Required

A product shell must be set up in Aspenware Commerce prior to assigning attributes.


Create product attribute if not already added. REQUIRED

Detailed Setup

Add attributes to the product. REQUIRED

Detailed Setup

Add attribute values to the attribute(s). REQUIRED


Generate attribute combinations and assign SKUs and Prices. REQUIRED


Set up conditional attributes. OPTIONAL


Add attribute descriptions. optional

detailed setup

Prerequisite Tasks

1. POS Tasks

  • All unique products that will eventually be mapped to each attribute combination must be created in the POS prior to setting up product attributes in Aspenware Commerce.

    1. For RTP|One: Create the Product Header for the product variant that is associated with the attributed product and copy down the code for later use.

    2. For Siriusware: Create the DCI, or Department + Category + Item, that should have inventory associated to it. Copy down the DCI for later use using the pipe characters to separate Department, Category and Item (i.e. DEPARTMENT|CATEGORY|ITEM).


NOTE: For DCI entry, the pipe character can be typed by holding down shift and the forward-slash key at the same time (i.e. DEPARTMENT|CATEGORY|ITEM)

2. Commerce Tasks

  • A Product shell must be set up in Aspenware Commerce prior to assigning attributes. To set up products, follow the Basic Product Setup instructions HERE. Products are the products with which guests interact on the store site.

Detailed Setup Guide

  1. Create Product Attribute

  2. Add Attribute to Product

  3. Add Attribute Values

  4. Generate Attribute Combinations

  5. (Optional) Set Up Conditional Attributes

  6. (Optional) Add Attribute Descriptions

1. Create Product Attribute

  • Go to Catalog > Attributes > Product attributes and click Add New to create a new attribute if it doesn’t already exist.

HINT: Attributes should be created so that they can be shared across products when possible. For example, when creating an “Age” attribute, don’t create a distinct attribute for each category, such as Pass Age, Ticket Age, Lesson Age, instead create a single “Age” attribute that can be used across product categories. Values can differ from product to product, so even if a lift ticket and lesson do not follow the same age delineations, the same “Age” attributes can be used on both and each can offer only the attribute values that are associated with that product.

  • Define a Name for the attribute. Please note that the Voucher Id attribute is case sensitive (i.e., Voucher Id instead of Voucher ID).

  • Description can be used to display text above the attribute values on the PDP when the attribute is saved to the product to be displayed in the center of the PDP.

  • Select Save and Continue Edit.

  • (Optional) Expand the Predefined values section and click Add New Value.

  • Specify the attribute value Name.

  • Check Is pre-selected if this is the first attribute value in the list or it is the value you want to have defaulted when the Product Detail Page loads for guests.

  • Select Save.

  • Repeat for all values that will be commonly used as options for the attribute.

NOTE: Create new predefined attribute values for each option that will commonly be offered as an option when the attribute is used. These predefined values are not necessary to be used by a product with the parent attribute but are rather a template that can make product setup easier. For example, perhaps the “Age” attribute has the following predefined attributes:

  • Adult (18-64)

  • Senior (65+)

  • Junior (17 and under)

If a lesson product requires different age options of 4 - 5 years old, 6 - 8 years old, 9 - 12 years old, and 13+, that product can still use the “Age” attribute, but in this case, when the predefined values are added as a “template” in product configuration they should be changed or removed and replaced with the correct values.

2. Add Attribute to Product

  • Go to Catalog > Products, find the desired product, and click Edit to open the Edit product details page.

  • Scroll down to the Product attributes section. (Click the + if collapsed.)

  • Click Add a new attribute to open the Edit product attributes page and select the attribute from the Attribute drop-down list. Examples of attributes include Start Date, Age, Number of Days, Lesson Time, Duration, Discipline, etc.


  • The Text prompt field enables additional information to be given to the user interface about how and where an attribute is displayed. These codes can be entered in the text prompt field to influence attribute display. Use just one or multiple of the values below. For more information about Text Prompts, see the Text Prompt Library.

    1. [Dynamic] - Used if the attribute should display in the product summary area on the Product Display Page (PDP.) The product summary area is the box on the right of the PDP on the desktop. This is often used for the date, number of days, and age selections. The Start Date attribute must be in the Dynamic box. (See example in Figure A below.)

    2. [Date] [Dynamic] - Include this for any date selection attribute that should be displayed in a calendar view. (See example in Figure B below.)

    3. [Add On] - Used if the attribute should appear in the “Upgrade your experience” section. Often utilized for upgrading to premium packaging in tickets, rentals, or adding on other products like leisure center. (See example in Figure C below.) Add-on attributes are discussed in detail on the Add Ons page found HERE.

    4. [Hidden] - Used if the attribute should be used on the product but should not be displayed to the guest. Usually used for add-on products that are always added to the product but don’t need to be displayed to the guest.

    5. [Conditional] - Used to “indent” an attribute. Usually used if an attribute is “conditional” on the attribute above it being selected. (See example in Figure E below.)

    6. [Inline Calendar] - Used to present a calendar to the guest that is “always open.” Commonly used for multi-day nonconsecutive dated products.  (See example in Figure F below.)

    7. [Assigned To] - Used on the AssignedTo attribute display the household module to logged-in guests, which can be used to assign members to products, grouping the assigned products under their name in the cart prior to checkout. This attribute should rarely be Required unless the assignment must happen before adding to the cart. (See example in Figure G below.)

    8. Field left blank - Used if the attribute should be displayed on the left side of the screen, simply leave this field blank if that is desired. (See example in Figure H below.)

    9. [Pricing Calendar] - Used if the product classification to display the large calendar view is enabled. Any attribute with this classification enabled will not only display on the PDP but will also display as a dropdown field on the large calendar view so guests can toggle between attribute value choices to see pricing across different dates. (See example in Figure I below.)

    10. [Reload] - Aspenware strongly suggests configuring the reload step to take place during checkout but if reload is desired on the PDP then this can be enabled by adding [Reload] to the text prompt field and by adding the [Reload] tag to the end of the attribute value if the guest is reloading. See the documentation on reload for step-by-step instructions to set this up. (See example in Figure J below.)

    11. [Activity Time] [Dynamic] - Required to setup RTP’s Time-Based Activities. See the documentation on Time-Based Activities for step-by-step instructions to set this up. (See example in Figure K below.)

    12. [Lock ID] - Required to set up RTP’s time-based activities. See the documentation on Time-Based Activities for step-by-step instructions to set this up. (See example in Figure L below.)

    13. {"lock": true} [Assigned To] - Used to sell products through a hidden “renewal” page. See the documentation on Renewal Products (ie “Linked Products” for step-by-step instructions to set this up. (See example in Figure M below.)

    14. Field input with characters outside of brackets [ ] - If an attribute is set up as a textbox with no default value configured and the Text Prompt field is not populated with any text, then the field will display as blank. You can add text to this field which will then show as an initial greyed selection. Selecting and then deselecting this text on the PDP isn’t explicitly supported as the behavior then leaves the field blank. (See example in Figure N below.)


Description of Example

Example Image (Click to enlarge)


Description of Example

Example Image (Click to enlarge)

Figure A

Example shows the use of [Dynamic] in the Text prompt field. Notice that the attributes Age and Number of Days appear in the Product Summary box on the store page.

Figure B

Example shows the use of [Date] [Dynamic] in the Text prompt field. Notice that the date picker calendar pops up when the user clicks on the date

Figure C

Example shows the use of [Add On] in the Text prompt field. Notice that the Add On product (Rental Insurance) appears on the main part of the page, but in a separate “Upgrade Your Experience” box.

Figure D

Unable to show example as the attiebute marked as [Hidden] will not be dispayed on the PDP.


Figure E

Example shows the use of [Conditional] in the Text prompt field. Notice that the VIP/General Admission radio buttons appear indented underneath the Adult/Child options once the Adult ticket is selected.

Figure F

Example shows the use of [Inline Calendar] in the Text prompt field. Notice how the calendar is “always open.”

Figure G

Example shows the use of [Assigned To] in the Text prompt field. Notice that as a logged-in user, a household selection enables a product to be assigned prior to adding to cart.

Figure H

Example shows the use of Field left blank in the Text prompt field. This will result in the attribute being displayed on the left side of the screen between the short and long descriptions.

Figure I

When setup properly, [Pricing Calendar] will display the attribute on the Large pricing calendar as well as the PDP.

Figure J

When setup properly, [Reload] is used to indicate the guest is reloading their media on the PDP. AW recommends reloading in checkout instead of this method.

Figure K

Example shows available times that are populated from RTP’s Time-based Activities when setup properly with the Text prompt [Activity Time] [Dynamic]

Figure L

No example applicable for Text prompt [Lock ID]


Figure M

{"lock": true} [Assigned To]

example pending

Figure N

Field input with characters outside of brackets [ ]


  • Check Is Required if the attribute selection is necessary for mapping to the correct SKU in the POS (Product Header Code in RTP|One or DCI in Siriusware.)

  • Select the Control type. Only the following Control types are supported:

    1. Drop-down list - Use this for attributes that are required, should show up in the dynamic box, and don’t require much description. (Shown above in Figure A)

    2. Radio button list - Use this for attributes that are required, should show up next to the dynamic box, may use an icon, and may require more description. (Shown above in Figure C)

    3. Checkboxes - Use this for add on attributes and for attributes that are not required, can be turned on and off, and may require more description. The use of Checkboxes allows for a deselection of the attribute.

    4. Date picker - Use this for any date selection attributes that should be displayed in a calendar view. (Shown above in Figure B.)

    5. Textbox - Used with Text prompts for specific features. Documentation for the specific feature will reference when Textbox should be used.

    6. Button Chip Selector (Cloud UI Only) - See the Cloud UI PDP Configuration Guide for more information.

  • Default Value is not used, please leave blank.

  • Enter a Display order if you have more than one attribute associated with the product. It controls the order in which attributes are listed on the Product Detail Page (PDP.) An entry of 0 would display that attribute at the top of the display box, 1 would show below it, and so on.

  • Set Enable linked attribute to True if both of the following are true for the product:

    1. The product is a core product with attributed add ons or the product is an attributed add-on.

    2. The attribute is added to both the add on product and the core product this add on is linked to. 

  • Click Save and Continue Edit.

3. Add Attribute Values

Most attributes will need values added to them. A value is an option of an attribute, (e.g. if ‘Number of days’ is the attribute, ‘1-day’ is a value.) All standard attributes on both core and add-on products require the configuration of values. 

  • If the attribute is a Control type other than Date Picker, scroll to the Values section on the Edit product details page. (Click the + if the section is collapsed.)

  • If the attribute added has predefined values configured within the Catalog > Attributes > Product Attributes section, these will be generated when the attribute is added to the product (Shown below.) These can be removed and changed. 

  • If you would like to edit or delete predefined values, click Edit or Delete next to the value you wish to change. Either edit predefined values or add new values.

  • If you would like to add a new attribute value to the attribute, click Add a new value.

  • When adding a new value, specify the value Name

  • Check Is pre-selected if this is the first attribute value in the list or it is the value you want to have defaulted when the Product Detail Page loads for guests.

  • Specify the Display order to determine the order in which the add-on attributes will appear.

  • Select an image under Picture to display an icon image next to the attribute value. Select an image that was previously uploaded with the icon title to display. 

  • Save and repeat for all attributes on the product. Values need to be assigned for all attributes that are associated with a product except Date and AssignedTo attributes (e.g. Number of days, Discipline, Duration, and Age may all be required on a single lesson product.)

4. Generate Attribute Combinations

Within the attribute combination table, attribute combinations are mapped to POS system SKUs (PHCs in RTP|One or DCIs in Siriusware) and prices, unless the product is dynamically priced, in which case prices will be configured within Dynamic Pricing. Follow these steps after all the required standard attributes and their attribute values are configured.  

  • To generate the attribute combinations, scroll to the Attribute combinations tab under the Product attribute section on the Edit product details page.


  • If all of your required attributes are set up (e.g. Age and Number of Days), then you can generate attribute combinations, AND THEN you can add all other non-required and add-on attributes.

  • Before generating the attribute combination table, confirm that standard attributes that are added to the product have Is Required checked. 

  • Click Generate all possible combinations.

  • The following message box will appear asking you if you are sure you want to generate all possible combinations. If you are certain that none of your attributes with add ons are added, click Yes.


  • If SKUs (RTP|One PHCs or Siriusware DCIs) and/or prices are defined at the attribute combination level, there should now be a combination for every variant.

  • If a product is dynamically priced, only combinations that should have a price set through dynamic pricing should be in this table. If a combination that should have unique pricing is not defined in this table, it will not be able to be uniquely priced through dynamic pricing.

  • Click Edit next to each attribute combination.

    1. Enter the correct RTP|One PHC or Siriusware DCI in the SKU field.

    2. If the product is priced at the attribute combination level (and is not dynamically priced), update the Overridden price field.

    3. Leave all other fields alone. They are not used.

  • Click Update. Check to be sure that all attribute combinations now show the correct SKU and Overridden price.

5. (Optional) Set Up Conditional Attributes

Some attributes are conditional on a previous attribute selection (e.g. purchasing an Adult ticket to an event may have the option to select a VIP Event Package or General Admission, but a Youth ticket doesn’t have those options.)

  • From the Edit product details page, go to the Product attributes section. (Click the + if the section is collapsed.)

  • To add a conditional attribute, click Add a new attribute and set up the attribute and associated values similar to a standard attribute.

    1. Select the attribute from the drop-down; if the attribute does not exist, first add it under Catalog > Attributes > Product attributes following the instructions in the sections above.

  • (Optional) Enter [Conditional] in the Text prompt field. This should be entered if a product attribute is dependent on another product attribute value being selected and the conditional attribute should be indented. (e.g. VIP Package is conditional on the selection of an Adult ticket.)


  • Once the attribute is saved, the Condition section will appear in the Edit product attribute page, open it and check Enable condition, and select the Attribute and Attribute Value that this attribute requires to be previously selected in order to display.


  • To update the pricing on the various attribute combinations that include the conditional attribute, select the Attribute combinations tab and click Generate several combinations.

  • Select the attribute combinations.


  • Review the attribute combinations that appear and click Delete for any that are not applicable.

  • Click Edit to enter appropriate SKUs (PHCs for RTP|One and DCIs for Siriusware) and appropriate Overridden Price for each attribute combination.


  • When finished, the attribute combination table should show each attribute combination with an associated SKU and Overidden Price.


  • In the image below, you can see an example of the conditional attribute displayed.


6. (Optional) Add Attribute Descriptions

  • To add descriptions to your attributes (you may do this at the time of adding your attributes or after) go to Catalog > Product Attributes > Find your attribute (e.g. Discipline)

    1. Select Edit.

    2. In the Description field add whatever details you would like shown above your attribute (See example below.)

    3. Use the Formats tab to add design elements to your description.

    4. For example, if you would like your attributes to be distinguished into large and small text you may highlight a line of text and select Formats > Headers > Header 1. This will import your resort’s theme color and size for “Header 1”


      See an example of the above attribute description below:

    5. If you would like to further customize your attribute description you can also use the CMS tools/WYSIWYG editor.



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