Common Troubleshooting: Product Attributes

Common Troubleshooting: Product Attributes

Q: Can discounts only apply to a specific attribute. For example, only guests that select “child” can have a discount applied

A: Discounts can only be configured at the product level. However, add-on products can have unique discount rules applied, so consider if an add-on product can be set up behind the scenes for an attribute value if offering a discount on an attribute value is important. Discounts can also be set up to only apply to specific dates, so talk you your Aspenware representative if date-specific discounts would meet your needs.

Q: I need to add dynamic pricing to a product, but the product technically doesn’t require any attributes, how do I set this up?

A: A product that is dynamically priced must have something defined in the attribute combination table. To support dynamic pricing on a simple product, a “dummy” product attribute can be added to a product and hidden from guests.

  1. Start by creating a new product attribute

    1. Assign this new product attribute a single default value

  2. Next, go to Configuration>Settings>All settings (advanced) and find the following setting: ‘catalogsettings.hiddenattributes’

    1. Add the name of the newly created dummy attribute to the comma-separated list for the value of this setting. DO NOT add standard attributes to this list.

  3. Next, go to Catalog>Products, and edit the desired product, opening the Product Attributes section (could be collapsed). 

  4. Click Add new attribute and select the newly created “dummy” attribute from the Attribute dropdown

    1. Add [Hidden] in Text prompt

    2. Check Is Required

    3. Set type to Radio button list

    4. Click Save and Continue Edit

    5. Select to add a new attribute value

    6. Set Attribute value type to Simple

    7. Check that the Attribute Value is Preselected

    8. Update the Name

    9. Leave all other fields untouched

    10. Save the value

    11. Go back to Product Details

  5. Within the Product Attributes Section go to the Attribute Combinations Tab

    1. Click Generate several combinations

    2. From the modal, only check the “dummy” attribute and click generate

    3. Only one attribute combination row should have been generated.

    4. Edit it and add the SKU and overridden price

Q: I want to add attributes to a time-based activity, is this supported?

A: Currently only a single attribute selection is supported for time-based activities, and add ons are not supported.

Q: I added an “Age” attribute to my product, but it’s not properly restricting assignment to people of the correct age.

A: Attributes serve as selections on the page to book the correct SKU at the correct price, but they do not enforce rules on the product. Age rules must be set up in addition to attributes to restrict assignment to only guests of the correct age.

Q: I added a new attribute value to a product, but it’s not selectable on the PDP

Check that if the product is dynamically priced, that the new rows created in the attribute combination table are also configured with dynamic pricing in the dynamic pricing table. After checking that, if it is still not working, if the product is limited by inventory constraints, ensure that inventory is configured for the newly created variants.

Q: What if an attribute doesn’t book a different product in my POS but is used for ensuring inventory is checked/deducted from the correct location?

A: If a product has the same SKU regardless of a location, but unique inventory constraints across various locations, start by configuring the core attributes that contribute to the combinations that map to unique SKUs, such as age, number of days, etc. Then add the location attribute as a radio button control type, with a default location preselected. Finally, complete inventory configuration, selecting the location attribute value as part of inventory set up.

Q: What do Checkout Attributes do, I noticed those in admin.

A: DO NOT setup checkout attributes. These can break your store if configured as they are not used by the system.

Q: I want to offer attribute selections on my add on products that are not available on the core product they are offered through, is this supported.

A: No, add-on products can typically only be attributed with the same attributes offered on the core product they are offered through when set up as attributed add-on products. Advanced configuration options may be available, but contact your Aspenware Representative to discuss what you are attempting to see if it is possible.

Q: Can I have attributes defined on renewal products

A: Renewal products can only have a single core SKU per Aspenware product, but they can have attributes that support add-on selection configured. For example, if you offer an adult, child and senior renewal pass, you’ll need to configure Aspenware products for the Adult Renewal Pass, Child Renewal Pass, and Senior Renewal Pass, but all of these products can offer one or many attributes that book separate add on products.

Q: Can I use attribute descriptions on some attributes and not on others in the same product?

A: Yes, attribute descriptions are specific to the attribute. However, keep in mind, that attribute descriptions will show for any product that uses the associated attribute. If you would like different descriptions for a similar attribute (e.g. Age) you will have to create and assign different attributes per product.

Q: Can I use attribute descriptions across multiple products utilizing the same attribute?

A: Yes, see the above caveat when using an attribute and its description across multiple products.Q: Can I use attribute descriptions on some attributes and not on others in the same product?


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