Configuration: Retail

Configuration: Retail

Setup Checklist

1. POS Tasks


1. POS Tasks


  • Ensure that Product Header Codes are configured for any retail items. Each size/color combination needs its own PHC. Make a note of these codes for Commerce configuration. Required

  • Configure retail inventory for retail products. Required

  • Configure tax rates for retail products in RTP|One. required

  • If shipping fees are needed, set up Product Header Code(s) for those shipping fee items. optional

  • If delivery locations are needed, set up delivery location codes and make note of these codes. optional


2. Infrastructure Tasks


  • If you would like to enable order-level shipping charges, Aspenware must configure your RTP|One shipping product header code in Unity rtp-config.json.  ) optional

  • If you wish to enable the retail inventory sync scheduled task, which updates inventory in Aspenware Commerce from RTP|One on-hand inventory nightly, Aspenware must configure your retail inventory location code in Unity rtp-config.json.  optional

    • Add these two permissions in RTP|OneTest and RTP|One:

      • GRANT SELECT ON dbo.ProductLocation TO awunityrole

      • GRANT SELECT ON dbo.ProductHeaderLocation TO awunityrole


3. Commerce Tasks


  • Ensure that the ‘Retail Product’ template is set up. Required

  • Configure tax rates for retail products in Aspenware Commerce.  required

  • Configure any discounts used for the Retail item(s). optional


1. Configure Retail Product Required

2. Configure Retail Product Attributes required

3. Configure Retail Tax required

4. Configure Retail Shipping/Delivery required

Detailed Setup

Prerequisite Tasks

POS Tasks

  • Ensure that Product Header Codes are configured for any retail items. Each size/color combination needs its own product header code. Make a note of these codes for Commerce configuration.

  • Configure retail inventory for retail products.

  • Configure tax rates for retail products in both Aspenware Commerce and RTP|One. If using RTPConnect, a fixed-rate tax must be created. If using Unity, you have the option to set tax rates by shipping location (different tax rates by region, state/province, or postal code.)  The tax rates by region, state/province, or postal code must be configured exactly the same in both Aspenware Commerce and RTP|One.  Please refer to the tax setup and rules in the Taxes documentation.

  • If shipping fees are needed, set up Product Header Code(s) for those shipping fee items.

  • If delivery locations are needed, set up delivery locations and methods and make note of these codes.

HINT: For Delivery Location (aka Delivery Detail) codes, you’ll need to retrieve these from the db. Work with your Aspenware representative if you don’t have this access.

Infrastructure Tasks

  • If you would like to enable order-level shipping charges, Aspenware must configure your RTP|One shipping product header code in Unity rtp-config.json. Please provide your Aspenware Representative with the product header code for your general shipping product. (Must be set up prior to selling a product live.)

  • If you wish to enable the retail inventory sync scheduled task, which updates inventory in Aspenware Commerce from RTP|One on-hand inventory nightly, Aspenware must configure your retail inventory location code in Unity rtp-config.json. Please provide your Aspenware Representative with the retail inventory location code you wish to use for the ecommerce inventory location. (Must be set up prior to selling a product live.) The retail inventory location code does not need to be the same as the sale location code (though it can be the same code). The sale location code can continue to be your existing e-commerce sale location, and the retail inventory code can be any retail store, or the warehouse if you have a retail warehouse location configured in RTP|One

NOTE: The inventory sync scheduled task can only be scheduled to run once per day after the RTP|ONE overnight cycle completes. See RTP|ONE retail inventory sync details below.

Commerce Tasks

  • If you do not have a ‘Retail Product’ template already set up, configure a retail product template for your store. In Admin, go to System > templates > product template

    1. Name:  Retail product  

    2. View Path:  ProductTemplate.Retail

    3. Display order:  {any numeric value}

  • If you are planning to use discounts for retail products, configure any discounts (See the Discount Configuration to configure.)

  • Configure tax rates for retail products in both Aspenware Commerce and RTP|One. If using RTPConnect, a fixed-rate tax must be created. If using Unity, you have the option to set tax rates by shipping location (different tax rates by region, state/province, or postal code.) The tax rates by region, state/province, or postal code must be configured exactly the same in both Aspenware Commerce and RTP|One.  Please refer to the tax setup and rules in the Taxes Configuration Guide.

Detailed Setup Guide

  1. Configure Retail Product

  2. Configure Retail Product Attributes

  3. Configure Retail Tax

  4. Configure Retail Shipping/Delivery

1. Configure Retail Product

Products must be created for each unique product being sold in the store, for each size and color combination. Color and size variants will be configured in the Configure Retail Product Attributes section.

IMPORTANT: Do not configure Autofulfill on any of your retail products, since retail orders must always be fulfilled by the retail fulfillment staff, when that staff person packs and ships the retail item(s).

  • Go to Catalog > Products page in Admin.

  • Click Add new to create a new product.

  • Under the Product Info section update the following fields:

    1. Product name: Enter the name of the product that will be displayed to the guest.

    2. Short Description and Long Description: 

      1. The Short description appears on the product card only. The short description is not displayed on the PDP.

      2. The Long description appears in the Dynamic Box on the PDP directly above the ‘add to cart' button. HTML is supported.

    3. Email Content: This is the content that will display in the email for guests who purchase this product, and will not display on the product detail page. 

      1. Click Tools, then Source Code, and paste/enter text.

      2. Click OK to close the source code window and add any additional formatting in the editor.

    4. SKU (Product Header): If there is only one RTP|One Product Header for the retail item (if there are no size or color combinations), enter the RTP|One Product Header in the SKU field at the product level. If the RTP|One Product Headers are defined at the attribute combination level, which is the case for any retail product with more than one size or color, leave the SKU field blank at the product level.  You’ll configure the product header codes at the attribute combination level for any product with more than one size or color. 

    5. Categories: A product can be organized under one or multiple categories. (See Category configuration for category set up.) 

      1. Subcategories for retail (such as shirts, hats, accessories) are not formally supported but might work depending on your configuration.

      2. A multi-category assignment can also be used.

    6. Published: Check to publish the product. If the product is published and belongs to a published category, it will be accessible publicly.

    7. Product Type: ‘Simple’

    8. Product Template: 'Retail product’

    9. Visible individually: Checked

    10. Available start date: Define this if the product should only be available in the store for a set time period (e.g. Dec. 1 through Dec. 31). The available start date will be the date that the product becomes visible on the site.

    11. Available end date: Define this if the product should only be available in the store for a set time period (e.g. Dec. 1 through Dec. 31). The available end date will be the date that the product is not visible on the site. (Core Product Only).

    12. All other fields not noted may remain blank.

  • Click Save and Continue Edit.

  • Scroll to the Price section and update the following fields: (It may be collapsed, click + to expand)

    1. Price: If the price is defined at the product level, specify it here. If the price is defined at the attribute combination level (e.g. Color, size, etc. levels), enter a display price, which will be displayed on the product card as the “Starting at” or default price.

      1. This is the price that will appear on the product card that displays within the category

      2. Should be the lowest advertised price or the price of the defaulted attribute combination.

    2. Discounts: Select any applicable discount from the drop-down.

    3. Tax category: Set your tax category if your retail product requires taxes.

  • Scroll to the Shipping section update the following fields: (It may be collapsed, click + to expand)

    1. Shipping enabled: Check this box if the product is “shippable.”

    2. Additional shipping charge: Set this to be the price you wish to apply for shipping charges on the product if you are charging for shipping.   

      1. It’s possible to have different shipping charges for different products. If this is the desired behavior, refer to Configuration: Delivery/Shipping.

      2. Order-level shipping is only supported for retail products.  Order-level shipping applies the highest-priced shipping charge, and only that one charge, to the entire retail order. 

        1. Previously, line-item shipping fees were applied to retail orders, which was not optimal, since shipping charges for each line item were added together and applied to the order, resulting in over-charging shipping and guest complaints.  Line-item shipping is no longer supported.  Do not configure any retail products to ‘ship separately’.

  • Scroll to the Inventory section (It may be collapsed, click + to expand.)

  • Update the following fields:

    1. Inventory method: Set to ‘Track inventory by product attributes’ if you wish to use the retail sync from RTP|One in order to update Aspenware Commerce inventory daily from RTP|One on-hand inventory levels for each SKU/Product Header code.    

    2. Display availability: If you are tracking inventory in Aspenware Commerce, check this, since it will provide meaningful messages to the guest if he/she tries to add more products to the cart than are available in on-hand inventory.  

    3. Display stock quantity: If you are tracking inventory in Aspenware Commerce, check this, since it will provide meaningful messages to the guest if he/she tries to add more products to the cart than are available in on-hand inventory.

    4. Allowed quantities: You have the option to set this to allow a guest to add more than 1 item quantity to their cart, it can be set to whatever number of quantities you want to support for add to cart. This WILL NOT update as your inventory is sold/decremented from on-hand.

    5. Leave all other fields as they are.

  • Scroll to the Pictures section (It may be collapsed, click + to expand.)

  • Add images for the product.

    1. Upload the file, and once uploaded, click Add Product Picture.

    2. Dimension recommendations for image sizes:

      1. See the HINT below for detailed Retail image specs and guidelines.

    3. The images you add here will display on the PDP as thumbnail options.  They will also be available for an association to the attribute values for color options, as shown below.  

2. Configure Retail Product Attributes

As in RTP|One, every size and color combination for apparel that has sizes and colors requires an individual SKU (RTP|One product header code) to be entered on the attribute combination for each product.  For example, if a shirt has 3 sizes and 3 colors, the admin needs to have 9 SKUs (one for each size/color combo, just like in RTP|One retail inventory).  

The colors of the retail product are supported at the attribute value level (not at the attribute combination level).  For example, if you wish to have your black shirt show as the guest selects the color black, you will be able to do so by adding the picture at the attribute value level on the color attribute (described below).

  • On the Edit product details screen for the product, scroll to the Product attributes section

  • To add a new attribute (e.g. Size), click Add a new attribute and select the attribute from the drop-down.

    1. Examples of attributes: 

      1. Size

      2. Color

    2. If you do not have these as options in the Attribute drop-down, you will need to add them in Catalog > Attributes > Product Attributes 

  • In order to have a product change the picture to match the color attribute selected, you will need to have both size and color attributes on the product.

  • Scroll down to the Values section and assign the image with the appropriate color attribute you would like it to display. 

  • Click Save and Continue Edit.

  • Within the attribute combination table, attribute combinations are mapped to SKUs (RTP|One product header codes) and prices. To generate the attribute combinations, go to the Attribute combinations tab under the Product attribute section. 

  • Click Generate all possible combinations.

    1. If PHC (SKUS) and/or prices are defined at the attribute combination level, there should now be a combination for every PHC (SKU).

  • Click Edit next to each attribute combination. Update the following fields:

    1. Stock quantity: You may enter the stock quantity if you wish to test out of stock messaging, but remember that the stock quantity for each SKU will be updated daily from the retail inventory sync schedule task, so any values you enter manually will be overwritten by the sync, if the sync is set up for your store.

    2. Allow out of stock: If you select ‘Allow out of stock’ this will allow your product to oversell beyond the on-hand inventory.  If selected, your fulfillment personnel will need to handle the operational matters related to backorders in order to fulfill those retail orders.

    3. SKU (PHC): Enter the correct RTP|One PHC for this attribute combination in the SKU column.

    4. Overridden price: If the product is priced at the attribute combination level, update the Overridden price field with the correct price for that combination.

  • Click Save.

  • Edit each attribute combination in this manner until all have been updated. Once, you are finished, each attribute combination should have, at a minimum, a unique SKU(PHC) defined.


3. Configure Retail Tax

For resorts using Unity, Aspenware Commerce supports Taxes by shipping location, which will apply the tax rate configured for the shipping address entered by the guest during checkout.  

Resorts using RTP|Connect cannot utilize this feature and need to use Fixed Rate taxes, since RTP|Connect cannot specify a shipping address when creating an RTP|One order, which is required for tax by shipping location in RTP|One.   

  • For resorts using Unity, if you wish to apply taxes by shipping location, go to Configuration > Tax providers.

  • Next to ‘Manual,' click Configure.

    1. Select ‘By Country’ by toggling at the top of the page.

    2. Configure tax by location for each region, state/province, or postal code that requires a unique tax rate.  (This will be the tax that is assigned to/set up in the product shell under ‘Price’ in the first step.)

  • If taxes are NOT priced by location, then you will want to set this up with a flat rate (i.e. flat 7.45% tax). This requires a new tax category, you will assign a tax rate to United States as a whole.


4. Configure Retail Shipping/Delivery

One or more delivery locations must be set up for each delivery method configured.

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Delivery to open the Delivery Methods page.

  • Click Add Delivery Method.

  • On the Add Delivery Method page, specify the following: 

    1. Name: Enter the name of the delivery method shown to customers during checkout selection.

    2. Lead Days: For non-date-based products, such as Retail Products, leave this blank.

    3. Shipping Code: Enter the RTP|One delivery method code that correlates to this delivery method.

    4. Ship To Address: Check this box if this delivery method requires the customer to provide a shipping address at checkout.

    5. Override Shipping Fee: check this. It is ONLY used for Retail Products and required to apply the shipping cost, which will sell the PHC defined in the rtp-config.json Unity file as a separate line item in RTP|One.

  • Click Add.


  • Next, click View Delivery Locations.

  • Click Add Delivery Location to open the Add Shipping Location page. (The terms ‘Delivery’ and ‘Shipping’ are used interchangeably in Aspenware Commerce.)

  • Enter the following details:

    • Name: Enter the name of the delivery location,

    • Description: This can be left blank.

    • Shipping Method: Select the associated delivery method (added above).

    • Code: Enter the RTP|One delivery location Code. (known as Delivery Detail in RTP|One)

    • All other fields can be left blank.

  • Click Add.


  • Click Return to Delivery Methods.

  • To assign delivery methods to products click Assign Delivery Methods to Products, or to assign delivery methods to the ‘Retail’ category, click Assign Delivery Methods to Product Categories.

  • Choose the appropriate product from the Product dropdown if assigning to Products, or choose the appropriate category from the Product Category dropdown if assigning to Categories.

  • Under Delivery Methods, select the delivery method(s) that should be available for the selected category or product. Use Ctrl+Click to select multiple methods. If a product should charge delivery fees, make sure the method selected has a location with delivery fees set up associated with it. 

  • Click Add.


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