Common Troubleshooting: Retail

Q: What are the recommended Retail Image dimensions and specs?

Image Dimensions:

1200x1200 square

File Size:



Neutral - white or light gray would work best. White may work best with your brand styling, but if you are going to go with grey I wouldn’t go darker than RGB (242,242,242). You can always change the background in post-processing if you have white to begin with.

Subject Placement:

I would keep the subject of the photo in the center of the square with at least a 10% padding between the product and edge of the photo. On a 1200x1200 photo that translates to a 120px padding. This is going to ensure that even after resizing the browser, the product will never get cut off.


The products pictured often look best when they cast a shadow. Note the difference between the sandal photo I’ve attached and the T-Shirt. If you can get a photo with neutral background and shadow you’ll be happiest with the look on your site. I know this type of product photography can be tough to do consistently, so you may need to do post-processing to get the look you want. The key is that consistent background color. At least the edges of every photo need to blend into the same light color - otherwise, you’ll see a hard line on the site that I don’t think looks as nice and will clash with other on-screen elements.

Please contact your Aspenware Service representative if you have any questions about these specifications.




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