Common Troubleshooting: V1 Legacy Dynamic Pricing

Q: The pricing calendar is not properly pulling back the dates that I have dynamically priced or loads blank.

A: Check the following to remedy this problem:

  1. First, confirm that all required attributes have [Pricing Calendar] added to the text prompt.

  2. Next, confirm that base pricing is configured for all relevant dates in addition to override pricing. Both need to be present for the calendar to function properly in many cases.

  3. Finally, confirm that the override windows have the display order of 101, 102, 103, and they are ordered with the lowest display order number being base at 100, the override window with pricing closest to the arrival date being 101, the second closest window from the arrival date 102, and so on.

Q: My orders are failing to send to RTP.

A: Check RTP to ensure that that pricing date ranges and/or pricing seasons are valid for the product dates being utilized. Also that the AW client/location is added to the product header.

Q: I don’t see all of my attributes for pricing.

A: Most likely you added or modified the product’s attributes after it was dynamically priced. Dynamic pricing is not currently compatible with making changes to attributes on the product once it has been dynamically priced. The product will have to be recreated with all of the correct attributes before dynamic pricing is configured.

Q: When I attempt to upload my pricing import spreadsheet, I get an error.

First, check to see that your sheet has data defined for all of the rows and that data is formatted properly. An error may be thrown if there is bad data in your sheet somewhere. The sheet could also be too large. We see success when sheets have less than 15k lines. Consider breaking your sheet into smaller sheets and uploading them 15k rows at a time.

Q: I made updates to my dynamic pricing during a high volume event and the prices didn’t update for up to an hour until after I made the changes.

A: Your site was likely autoscaled or manually scaled due to a high volume sales event. When a site is scaled out, admin changes take at least 1 hour to appear on the store. More details here.

Q: Can I put dynamic pricing on a season pass?

A: Technically dynamic is only supported for date-based products, which a season pass is not. However, we have had resorts go live with a hidden radio button date product configuration that has dynamic pricing added to it, and that has been a successful implementation of adding dynamic pricing to season pass products. Contact your Aspenware Service Representative for more details. Keep in mind that this configuration is not supported for renewal products.

Q: Dates are showing up as selectable on my product detail page calendar that I have not configured pricing for.

A: Check to see if base pricing is configured for these dates. If base pricing is configured for a date, but override pricing is not, a product could sell for $0, so ensure that both base and override pricing is configured for all eligible dates. If a date is configured for base pricing but should not be, remove it. If you cannot remove pricing for that date, contact your Aspenware Representative.

Q: I am able to remove pricing myself on some dates and for some rows but not for others.

A: If a product variant has a sale for a date that is dynamically priced it will no longer be able to be removed via the admin tool. The assumption is that if you have sold that day in production that it should be a valid date. If you want to have the date no longer be available for purchase, consider eliminating the date using Inventory control functionality. If the product is not an inventoried product and you would like this date no longer available, contact your Aspenware Representative and we can remove the sales data for that date in the database so you can delete it.

Q: Products on the store are being sold for $0 that are priced using dynamic pricing.

A: Dynamic pricing quantities should always be set to exceed what you expect to sell online. If you sell out of the defined quantity and have base pricing configured for those dates, the product could sell at $0. To avoid this, always set quantities well above expected sales.

Q: Can I turn off savings display for a dynamically priced product whose base price matches the lowest override window price?

A: No, if there is a base price set for your product that price will always show as the original crossed-out price.

Q: What if am using the “old price” field but also have a base price for my product set in dynamic pricing?

A: If there is a base price set that price will always show as the crossed out price on the pdp.

Q: If I have a base or old price set, what is the “price” field for in product setup?

A: If entered, the “price” field will show on the category product card. If using the “price” field, we recommend leveraging the “meta title” field (see Peak Commerce Documentation) to indicate that prices are “Starting At” a certain price or to provide other informative messaging to customers.

Q: Why I am not seeing my amount remaining despite having set the language string properly?

Displaying the amount remaining beneath the shopping cart depends on whether the inventory threshold has been met. This can be adjusted by going to Settings > All Settings > and searching for catalogsettings.dynamicpricingcalendar.inventorymessagethreshold

NOTE: Settings for threshold with dynamic pricing savings (as opposed to the dynamic pricing calendar) display only work for inventory (i.e. amount remaining overall for a given day not for the amount remaining in tiered pricing (at a certain price).