Use Cases: Age Rules

Use Cases: Age Rules

Most commonly, age rules are assigned to products that resorts want to price at various levels or to restrict to certain age ranges but age rules can also be used in creative ways. This document outlines a number of use cases resorts have implemented through Age Rules.

  • Kids Ski Free Pass (age-restricted add-on) - Purchasing a product such as an Adult season pass can include a free or reduced-price season pass for a family member within a specified age range. The screenshot below shows how a guest 18+ years old can checkout with a season pass priced for an Adult and with that purchase a kids ski free pass can be assigned to a group member that is under 15 years of age at no charge.


  • Season Passes (age as of season start date) - Resorts often start selling winter season passes in the spring which is months in advance of opening day. For this scenario, Aspenware Commerce enables enforcing age ranges based on a specified date. For example: if a child pass is free for skiers 7&Under and you only want to offer this to kids that remain under 8 years old for the entire upcoming season, you can do this with age rules by setting up the range to be for guests that are 7&Under until a specified date.

NOTE: For products with these types of rules, it is recommended to add text on the PDP and checkout’s assignment page that the product being purchased is “age of XX date.”


  • Child Lessons (age as of lesson start date) - There are lesson products where participants should be within a certain age range based on the date they are participating. Resorts can set an age range to be effective as of the activity’s start date. For this example, if the participant is 12 years old today but is turning 13 years old prior to the first date of the lesson, then this guest would not be able to be assigned to this product.

Note: for products with these types of rules it is recommended to add text on the PDP and checkout’s assignment page that the product being purchased is “age as of xx date”.


  • Alpine Coaster (age as of purchase date) - Resorts can utilize age rules to restrict product assignment to guests of a specified age range based on their age when they complete an order. For this example, a guest that is 13+ years old can be assigned to this product for purchase today. If they are 12 today and turn 13 tomorrow, then they would not be able to be assigned to the product today but if they returned to the store tomorrow then they could be assigned to the product and complete their purchase.


  • Monthly or Yearly Memberships - Resorts that are utilizing a monthly or yearly membership that grants free access or discounted products at their resorts are able to distinguish the price a guest receives for the membership. Most commonly for monthly memberships, age based on today’s date is used. For yearly memberships that go on sale for a short time frame, resorts will typically use the purchase date for age determination but also use the memberships end date since sometimes the guest will have a birthday at some point during the yearly membership.

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