Common Troubleshooting: Age Rules

Common Troubleshooting: Age Rules

Q: Orders that are successful in Aspenware Commerce are failing to send to my POS and the error in the order queue references customer maximum or minimum age.

A: Check that age range rules are consistent across your POS and Aspenware Commerce and that both are correct.

If an age rule is added in your POS, then ensure it is also added in Aspenware Commerce.

Q: My age rules are setup, but the way that ages are being limited is not correct.

A: Check the Age rule type for Season Start date or another fixed date age rule type to ensure that you’ve updated the date of the Age Rule Type to be the correct year.

If that is correct, then check the age rule assignments to ensure that only a single age rule is assigned to the product or variant in question and that the age rule assigned is the correct one.

If both of those are correct, check if the product is a dated product, i.e. does it have a date picker or radio button date selection? If it doesn’t have a date selection but has an age range assigned to it that uses a Trip start calculation date, the age range constraints will not work. For non-date based products, only Age Ranges that use the Age as of Trip Start or Age as of Fixed Date as the Type for calculation will work.

As a last resort, make sure none of the attributes on your product have a number or the word Date or Days in the name of the attribute, with the exception of the Start Date attribute or Number of Days attributes.

Q: A customer was able to buy a product that they were not eligible for because age rules were not properly set up on the product and now the order fails to go into the POS. What are my next steps?

A: If you want the order to go into the POS and then adjust the order from there, temporarily remove the age rule from the product in your POS, reprocess the order, and then add the age rule back to the product once the order has successfully gone through. From there, handle the order in your POS by either refunding and reselling the correct product, or ignoring the age rule discrepancy. If updating the product is not an option, contact Aspenware support and we will update the DOB on the guest in the order in Aspenware in the database and reprocess.

Hint: If making product changes in RTP|One and using Connect for order placement, recycle the Connect App Pool after each product header change.


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