Configuration: Order History

Configuration: Order History

HINT: A video tutorial is available for Order History. It begins at 2:00 into the training session.

Setup Checklist





Language String and Settings

  • Hide Order History Tab in My Account optional

  • Configure Order Tab Name and Title optional


Prerequisite Tasks

Settings, Language Strings and/or HTML Widgets for this Feature


The Orders tab will be shown on the left-hand column of My Account for any resort using Aspenware Commerce 2.18 or later. Resort administrators may hide this tab by following the instructions below.

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Configuration > Settings > Customer Settings

    • Scroll to the bottom widget area titled “Additional Custom Settings”

    • Select “Hide ‘Orders’ tab to hide from My Account view


Language Strings

The Orders tab name and title (which are named via the same string) can also be changed via language string. Note that this will not change the name of the setting to show/hide the tab.

  • Go to Configuration > Languages > Edit > Search for “account.customerorders” and “account.customerorders.description”.

  • Edit language string values as desired.

IMPORTANT: Order History displays orders placed online through the Aspenware Commerce platform. Any orders placed over the phone, onsite, or in other e-commerce systems will not display in Order History. Also, changes made to any order within the POS, such as returns, updates, and refunds will not be reflected in Order History. Finally, Reservation product cancellations made online in Aspenware Commerce will not be reflected in Order History as this is essentially identical to a return and refund made in RTP|One.



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