Use Cases: Standard Login

Several resorts have used the Standard Login feature in creative ways to make account access and pass reload a seamless, streamlined process. Others have taken advantage of the two-factor authentication features to enhance the security of customer accounts. These use cases highlight the many ways Aspenware Commerce offers flexibly options to meet the unique needs of your resort.


  • Mt. Bachelor and Boreal - Pass Number Support with Language String

Both Mt. Bachelor and Boreal utilized the functionality in the Login with Card Help HTML widget to provide their guests with a supportive visual guide for finding their pass number on their media card. This language string allows for the embedding of an image of a guest pass with the pass number highlighted. They have also noted at the bottom of the card instructions on how to quickly and easily reload the card on their websites. Mt. Bachelor has even taken reloading a step further by including a handy QR code directly on their pass for easy reload.



  • Australian resorts- Two-factor authentication to meet national security standards

For Australian resorts, as security protocols are stricter, requires two-factor verification for accessing customer accounts. They have utilized the integration with Twilio so guests can receive a verification code by email or text to maximize the chances that guests will be able to verify their accounts if found.

  • Many US Resorts - Uses flexibility to speed customer checkout and enhance conversion rate

For many US resorts, in an effort to minimize customer input and speed the account creation/sign-in process, turned off the two-step verification process within the find me flow. They don’t collect email or phone numbers during the ticket window account creation process for a speedier turnaround, so they have turned off the two-step verification and allow guests to add passwords to their account when they successfully find an account by media number or personal info.