December 9, 2024 - Identity v3 3.3.2

Beta Release Date: 12/9/24


Identity v3 3.3.2

Identity v3 3.3.2


Enhanced Matching Logic for Customer Profile Completion

We’ve updated the logic in Identity v3 (powered by Auth0) for users directed to the Customer Profile page.

Existing users with an authentication profile in RTP who need to add missing information (such as phone number or date of birth) will be directed to the Customer Profile page to update their information. If their profile matches another customer in RTP with the same first name, last name, and email address, we will no longer match to the secondary customer.

Previously, such matches resulted in the merging of the customers, which could unintentionally remove associated media from the user.

Resolved Issues

Deployment automation for single resorts

There was an issue with automating deployment for single resorts. Because Aspenware had only done an automation for a resort group, there was a minor configuration update that needed to occur in order to automate deploys of single resorts.


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