Configuration: Rental Profile

Configuration: Rental Profile

Setup Checklist

1. POS Tasks


1. POS Tasks


  • Ensure that all products requiring a rental profile are set up. required

  • Update reference values that show when setting the rental profile. (RTP|One only) Required


2. Infrastructure Tasks


  • Configure Skier Types (Siriusware Only) - optional

  • Add new RentalOrderDescription to rtp-config.json (RTP|One Only) - optional


3. Commerce Tasks


  • Ensure that all products that require a rental profile are set up. Required


Setting optional

  • Configure Age Pre-selection setting (RTP|One only) (rentalprofilesettings.prepopulatedselectedage)

Widget optional

  • Add ability help widget


1. Assign Rental Profile to Product - Required

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Product Classifications.

  • Click Add Assignment.

  • Select the Category containing the product requiring assignment from the Category drop-down.

  • Select the desired product from the Product dropdown.  (The product drop-down is in alphabetical order.)  

  • If rental profile collection is specific to a particular attribute combination or add-on selection and does not apply to the entire product, check the desired product attributes or add-on.

    1. If an add-on product requires a rental profile that should be assigned to the same user who is assigned to the add-on product, rather than the parent product assignee, then set up a rental profile at the add-on product level. 

  • In the Classification table, scroll to‘Requires Rental Profile' and check the Assign checkbox.

  • Click Add.

detailed setup

Prerequisite Tasks

POS Tasks

  • (RTP|One Only) Configure pre-defined values
    To update the values that show when setting the rental profile, it is recommended to only change the 'reference' values as opposed to the actual values. Changing the actual values can impede functionality.


Infrastructure Tasks

  • (RTP Only) Add new RentalOrderDescription to rtp-config.json - This will be the description that shows on rental orders that are booked into RTP

  • (Siriusware Only) Configure skier type pre-defined values

    Siriusware users have the ability to override the default Skier Type values for rentals. To enable this functionality, add the AbilityRefOverrides section to the Unity configuration file siriusware-config.json.
    Following is an example of the configuration to display Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 in the drop-down for skier types:

    "AbilityRefOverrides": [{ "listKey" : 1, "listDescription": "Type 1" },{ "listKey" : 2, "listDescription": "Type 2" }, { "listKey" : 3, "listDescription": "Type 3" }

NOTE: Work with your Aspenware Representative to update the config file.

Commerce Tasks

  • Ensure that all products that required a rental profile are set up.

Settings, Language Strings and/or HTML Widgets for this Feature









Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is TRUE)


If True, the age will be preset for the guest and the drop-down selection will not appear or allow guests to change the setting (based on their profile’s date of birth).

Note that the age will be set based on the DIN age in RTP|One.


Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is FALSE)


This will display the shoe size during the personalization step. If the Unity app setting is set to true, this will be ignored and this setting should be set to true instead.



Acceptable Values: Boolean - True/False (Default is FALSE)


If shoe size should be required, set this to true.



Optional HTML Widget

Refer to the HTML Widgets Library and add the “Ability info” widget. This can be used as a link or as a text to indicate each ability.


Detailed Setup Guide

1. Assign Rental Profile to Product

Products or product attribute combinations can be assigned to require rental profile during checkout within the Product Classifications plugin.

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Product Classifications.

  • Click Add Assignment.

  • Select the Category containing the product requiring assignment from the Category drop-down.

  • Select the desired product from the Product dropdown.  (The product drop-down is in alphabetical order.)  

  • If rental profile collection is specific to a particular attribute combination or add-on selection and does not apply to the entire product, check the desired product attributes or add-on.

    1. If an add-on product requires a rental profile that should be assigned to the same user who is assigned to the add-on product, rather than the parent product assignee, then set up a rental profile at the add-on product level. 


  • In the Classification table, scroll to‘Requires Rental Profile' and check the Assign checkbox.

  • Click Add.

  • Assignments for Products to Require Rental Profile can be removed by selecting Delete on the Product Classification Management page.



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