December 5, 2023 - Commerce 2.44.8

Release Date: 12/5/23

Current Releases

(as of 12/05/23)

Current Releases

(as of 12/05/23)

Cloud UI


Identity (Auth0)

Identity (Legacy)



Resort Tools












Commerce 2.44.8 Release Notes

Commerce 2.44.8 Release Notes


Theme Updates to Store Closed Pages

The Aspenware Services Team can now theme the Store Closed page. Resorts no longer have to wait for a release to see their updates. Resorts must upgrade to the latest Commerce release to make any further theme updates on the Store Closed page. Please contact your Aspenware Service Agent ( for more details.

We’ve also made a minor update to color customizations per page. Previously, the title on each page was tied to a store-wide color setting. We’ve added the ability to customize the color for all checkout pages via Theme Designer.

FreedomPay- Credit Card Requirement

Customers using the FreedomPay gateway are no longer required to enter a credit card if the transaction value has been reduced to zero by applying discounts, gift cards, and vouchers. Instead, the customer sees a “No Credit Card Payment Required” message and can click CONTINUE to complete the transaction. This language string is not customizable.

If the product has Resort Charge enabled, the customer will be asked to enter the credit card information regardless of the balance due, as the credit card info is required to create the token to be stored in support of resort charge. The customer is reminded that they are activating Resort Charge functionality with the “Reminder: This card information is being stored for use with Resort Charge.” This language string is not customizable. The guest may then click CONTINUE to complete the sale.

Resolved Issues

Fast Flow Waiver Assignment

Previously, resorts using Fast Flow and Reservations features together were seeing issues on PDP assignment, in the reservations widget, and on waiver assignment. We resolved these issues, and users will now be able to successfully use Fast Flow, make reservations (and be blocked from making multiple reservations on the same day for the same individual), see the proper assignment, log in, or use guest checkout, and see appropriately assigned waivers in the checkout flow.

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