1Risk Waivers for Resort Tools

1Risk Waivers for Resort Tools

This guide will review how to set up 1Risk Waivers in Aspenware Resort Tools. Aspenware currently supports 1Risk Waivers for Self Registration only (and not Guest Check-in). For more information on Resort Tools see Aspenware Resort Tools Documentation and for more information on 1Risk waivers see 1Risk Documentation. Once you understand general resort tools and 1Risk waiver setup, follow the guide below for implementation.


Similar to 1Risk waivers presented in the Aspenware Commerce checkout flow, in Resort Tools the 1Risk waiver is presented as an iframe through which the user interacts directly with the 1Risk waiver. Also like Aspenware Commerce, signed 1Risk waivers are stored in great detail within the 1Risk platform while an authorization profile is created for the signing guest in RTP|One. Aspenware also offers tokens to store the waiver ID (AuthTypeCode) signer’s name, date, and browser. See below for an example flow.


Key Terms

Authorization Code (or Auth Type Code)

The Authorization Code is a code set in RTP that is used to categorize the waiver. For the purposes of 1Risk, the code is a reference, as the waiver is presented in the iframe by 1Risk. Before administering waivers in Self Registration refer to the Aspenware1Risk waiver documentation to set up waivers properly and get your waiver url and auth type code.

Custom Comment Tokens

Arrival custom comment tokens allow customer-specific information to be transferred to the custom comment section of the authorization profile. The following custom comment tokens exist for both 1Risk and Aspenware waivers:

  • {AuthTypeCode} {Signer} {Signed Date} {BrowserName} {BrowserVersion}

View in Aspenware Resort Tools Admin Task tab:

View in RTP|One after signing


Prerequisite Steps

  • Once you have set up your waiver in RTP and 1Risk and received your Auth Type Code (RTP), 1Risk waiver url and 1Risk Secret (from 1Risk) follow the steps below:

  • Go to Resort Tools > Select Administration > Login

    • Log in using credentials

  • Select Self Registration > Settings

  • Enter your information into the following text boxes

    • 1Risk URL: Enter the URL provided to you by 1Risk and the same as what is set on other platforms (e.g. Commerce or Resort Tools).

    • 1Risk secret: This is decided by you and given to 1Risk; use the same one across any platform on which you use 1Risk waivers (e.g. Aspenware Commerce or Resort Tools).

    • 1Risk Date Format: Select your date format from the drop-down menu.

    • Point of Sale: Choose your point of sale system from the drop-down menu. Note that Aspenware Resort Tools currently only supports RTP|One.

    • Select SAVE at the TOP of the page

  • After setting up 1Risk on the Arrival General tab, you can proceed to set up your waiver task. You may following the instructions for 1Risk Waiver setup.

  • Go to Arrival Administration > Task Tab

    • Fill in the fields as indicated by the general Resort Tools - Self Registration waiver setup guide

  • For 1Risk Waivers specifically, you will need to add

    • Authorization Code - see above

    • External Waiver ID - given to you by 1Risk (the same url added in general settings)

    • Custom Comment - (optional, see token options above)

  • Select Save


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