Overview: Advanced Dynamic Pricing Calendar

This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce product that are utilizing Dynamic Pricing.

This feature is NOT supported for: Non-dynamically priced products.

Feature Description

The Advanced Dynamic Pricing Calendar allows for further customization of the calendar by resorts to enable color-coding that correlates with either POS inventory or dynamic pricing level inventory to denote “Sold Out,” “Limited” and “Plenty” for each calendar date. Different colors will display on each calendar day depending on POS inventory or dynamic pricing level numbers and how they relate to the globally predetermined thresholds. The enhanced calendar also features language strings that allow for further customization of the legend and the calendar boxes.

NOTE: On the large Dynamic Pricing calendar view, background color displays when a customer hovers over a specific date. While the background colors respect the selected threshold in most cases, if inventory reaches below its threshold but has not yet reached the pricing count threshold, then inventory trumps the pricing count and the calendar background color will still change even if it has not yet hit the pricing count threshold.





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