Common Troubleshooting: Discounts

Common Troubleshooting: Discounts

Q: Are shopping cart discount codes shared between guests or unique per guest?

A: These are typically shared codes that are not unique per customer. Unique codes are best offered through the Discount Voucher configuration (See Vouchers to configure) or with using Validated Prompts (See Validated Prompts in Legacy Documentation to configure.) Another option, if interested in unique discount codes using NopCommerce discounts, is to talk with your Aspenware Service Representative about scripting discounts into your admin (Professional Service Fees apply.)

Q: What discounting options do I have with Discount Codes?

A: Discount Codes can be configured as a flat-rate discount, a percentage-based discount, or a dollar-based discount off of specified products or off of the order total. Order total discounts can be specified to apply only if certain products are added to the cart. Shopping Cart Discount codes can be assigned to regularly priced product(s) and the discount is subtracted from the regular price of the product when a code is validated.

Q: Can I restrict Discount Codes to only be available to use if a guest is buying within a certain time frame?

A: Yes. You can have start and end dates for the promo code sale dates (purchase dates.)  Promo codes can also be restricted to specific product dates.

Q: Can I use discounts in conjunction with attributed add ons or shipping fees?

A: No, discounting attributed add ons and shipping fees is not currently supported.

Q: Where and when does the guest enter the Discount Code when making a purchase?

A: In the shopping cart, there is a configurable ‘Apply Discount Code’ field and an ‘Apply’ CTA. A guest can enter one or multiple codes. If the guest already has the promoted product in their cart, the old price will be crossed out and the new price will be displayed. The total, subtotal, and tax amounts will be updated. If a guest does not yet have the promoted products in their cart, the prices/order total will be updated as soon as the product is added. If using discount vouchers, the voucher code is entered in the banner rather than in the discount box. If it’s confusing to have both on the same page, then consider having a voucher entry dedicated page. It is not currently an option to have a dedicated discount entry page.  



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