Use Cases: Private Lesson Prompts

Private Lesson Prompts are limited to five prompts but these can still be customized to fit your needs.

  • Custom Text - Since the text displayed to guests can be modified, you can customize the dropdown selections and also customize the text question you are asking. This can be useful to ensure you are collecting relevant info for your resort’s private lessons.

  • Private Lesson Product’s PDP - In addition to customizations to prompts, resorts also utilize info collected on the PDP.

    • Discipline: provides information if the lesson is for skiing or snowboarding and maps to a ski or snowboard specific product header.

    • Start time: This can be linked to the private lesson screen in RTP|One to help with bookings.

    • Nonconsecutive multidate selection: If a guest wants to plan a rest day they are able to easily book their lesson without going through checkout multiple times.

    • Group member count: This is used to determine the price and also the number of waivers that need to be completed during checkout.

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