Common Troubleshooting: Reservation Products

Common Troubleshooting: Reservation Products


Q: My inventory is not syncing to Aspenware and is not being seen on the PDP.

A: Newly created setup in Aspenware’s Inventory Pool plugin takes a minimum 1 hour to initially sync to Aspenware Commerce. Meaning inventory will not show up on the PDP until this sync is complete.

Q: I have the product setup properly in Aspenware Commerce but I am not seeing the reservation module populate as expected when I book these products

These products must be set up as access products in RTP|One.

Q: My customer has the original product that makes them eligible, but I’m not seeing the reservation category appear when I sign in.

Check that the GPP scheduled task is set to run and is set frequently enough. Aspenware recommends every minute.

Q: Can someone purchase multiple reservation-eligible products? For example, if someone purchases 2 5-packs of tickets, will it show 10 available days to reserve?

A: We have supported this via using customer roles and hiding and showing different reservation products depending on eligibility. So you would create a 5-pack reservation product available and visible to only people who only purchased one 5-pack with 5 days to reserve, and then a “two 5-pack reservation product” available and visible to guests who have two 5-packs with 10 days to reserve, and so on.

Q: Occasionally, but not always I get an error when I try to cancel a reservation date. It seems intermittent.

A: Cancellations will not work if an order is open in RTP|One. Having an order open locks it out. Try closing the order on that machine and then retrying the cancellation.

Q: The reservation page is loading blank, how do I fix it?

A: If the reservation page is loading blank consider adding this css to the Reload Sign In message widget, below the existing CSS. The options CSS has changed in the update and this has impacted the CSS for Sign in Message in their HTML widget.

To fix, Aspenware Customer Success will need to add an HTML widget with the following CSS and assign it to the body start head after widget zone.
Fix Version 1: Fix with Black bar background (Recommended version. The text is very difficult to read on the yellow background)

<style> div[category="members-hub"] .option-group .option:has(.has-overlay) { position: relative !important; } </style>

Fix Version 2: Fix with Yellow Bar background

<style> div[category="members-hub"] .option-group .option { position: relative !important; } #commerce-store .reloadSignInMessage { background-color: #ffd100 !important; } </style>


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