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Setup Checklist

This section is a comprehensive and high level summary of all tasks and prerequisites required for this feature to function properly. This section is purposed for use after an administrator is familiar with configuring this feature as an “audit” checklist. For detailed set-up instructions, jump down to “Prerequisite Tasks” and “Detailed Setup Guide” and then follow up with this checklist to ensure all steps are completed.

1. Planning Tasks

  • Complete the Identity Implementation Worksheet after meeting with your Aspenware representative to kick off the implementation and send it to your Aspenware representative. REQUIRED


2. Infrastructure Tasks

  • Set Up Azure Architecture REQUIRED

  • Set Up SSL and DNS for Identity URL REQUIRED

  • Set Up Email for Integration REQUIRED

  • Add your GTM ID for Google Analytics tracking and configure GTM according to documentation (coming soon) REQUIRED

  • Set Up Twilio for Integration OPTIONAL

  • Terms and Conditions configuration OPTIONAL


3. Identity Tasks

  • Configure Settings and Language Strings REQUIRED

    • Required Identity Settings

    • Email Template Customization Settings

    • Create Account/Claim Account Settings

    • General Messaging and Hard-Coded Error Messages

    • Login Page Language Strings

    • Reset Password Page Language Strings

    • Create Account Page Language Strings

    • Claim Account Language Strings

    • Force Password Reset Language Strings


  • Configure Theming for Identity REQUIRED

  • Configure Multiple Store-Fronts and Identity OPTIONAL


4. Commerce Tasks

  • Install and Enable the Identity Plugin in Aspenware Commerce


Prerequisite Tasks

This section describes all requirements that must be completed before you can begin setting up this feature. Once these tasks are complete continue to the next section.

Planning Tasks

  • Complete the Identity Implementation Worksheet after meeting with your Aspenware representative to kick off the implementation and send it to your Aspenware representative

Infrastructure Tasks

  • Set Up Azure Architecture

    Identity requires Azure setup to create the web application and database and encryption keys in the Azure Key Vault. The Identity App Service can and should exist within the App Service Plan that also hosts Commerce and Arrival App Services. The Identity database stores configuration for the Aspenware Identity application. This database can consistently be set to an s3 service level under normal and increased traffic times. One database is used for both production and test.


    • Identity may be integrated into the same version of Unity utilized by Commerce and Arrival if applicable. The Unity server needs to be able to accept inbound traffic from Identity. Aspenware will work with you on secure measures to ensure required traffic for Identity to work is allowed.

  • Set Up SSL and DNS

Aspenware also recommends that your resort use a custom domain for the Identity app, such as IIS Windows Server. This will also require Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) setup and DNS entry. If you don’t have Aspenware Commerce, you’ll also want to set up a custom FQDN and SSL for Unity as well, Commerce customers will already have SSL and DNS for Unity configured. The process to set up SSL and DNS for Identity will be very similar to the process to configure SSL for Commerce detailed in this guide: Work with your Aspenware representative to upload this and also to set up SSL renewal annual reminders.

  • Set Up Email for Integration

NOTE: Aspenware Identity currently supports email integration with Sendgrid and Inntopia Marketing Cloud. For information and comparison of Sendgrid and Inntopia Marketing Cloud and for assistance setting up the service in Aspenware Commerce, see the “Email/Tax Service Setup” section in the Ecommerce Setup Checklist.

Ensure that you have set up service with your chosen email provider and securely share the required API keys and additional fields with your Aspenware Representative.

  • Set up GTM for Google Analytics Tracking


  • (Optional) Set Up Twilio for Integration

Although not required, if your resort desires a custom number for Twilio communications, Aspenware can integrate with individual Twilio accounts. For setup, we will need Twilio Account SID, Account API Token, and the From Number. Contact your Aspenware Representative for assistance with this. For assistance setting up the service in Aspenware Commerce, see the guide. You’ll securely share the required API keys and additional fields with your Aspenware Representative.

Identity Tasks


The following settings are configurable in Identity and must be set at the Identity client level (configurable per external applications). These cannot be controlled through an Admin interface and must be done by the Aspenware Dev Ops team, contact your Aspenware representative to update these settings.

Required Identity Settings






If an account is found, if TRUE, guest will be texted or emailed a code to verify that they are allowed to claim the account, if FALSE, the guest will be able to create an authentication profile on a found account with no verification required.



If TRUE, guest can login using their pass media or RFID number. If FALSE, login with pass number is disabled. If set to true, there are language strings that should be setup to reflect that this is allowed for guests as well.


13 is the default

Age limit for guests to create accounts



When set to TRUE this setting will enforce a password reset for all users logging in through identity with an RTP password date change of today (automatically set in Azure) minus the “PasswordChangeDays” set below. If FALSE, guests will never be forced to reset their password.


750 is the default

Only needed if PasswordExpiredEnabled is True. This setting subtracts the number of days from today’s date to determine how recently users must have changed their password in order not to force a reset. For example, if set to 7, any user who has created their account or reset their password in the past week will not be sent down the password reset flow.

Optional Identity Settings
  • (Optional )Marketing Email Opt In/Out

COMING SOON: Identity can be configured to allow guests to opt in to or out of marketing emails as part of the account creation or sign-in process.

  • (Optional/Restricted)Loyalty Program Enrollment

If you license Aspenware’s Loyalty module within Commerce and Unity, a checkbox can be configured to opt guests into a Loyalty program, updating their loyalty program enrollment status in RTP|One. In order to complete this configuration, please collect the following below and work with your Aspenware representative to implement. Include all the required copy and links. Be sure to include your preference for the default setting (checked or unchecked for each T&C setting.)

  • Copy for Link and Link for Modality - Example: Click here to read terms. (embedded link: Home - My Terms and Conditions ) The following can be customized by sending the desired copy to your Aspenware Representative.

    • Consent Text - i.e. "Enroll in Boyne Rewards."

    • Consent Link URL - i.e. "https://www.[yourresort].com/terms.html "

    • Consent Link Text - i.e. "Click here to read terms and conditions."

HINT: The following HTML elements are supported in checkbox labels:

<b> <strong> <i> <em> <a> <span> <p>

href and the target attributes on an <a> tag. This means that <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Google</a> will render as a working link.

Additionally, <b>, <strong>, <i>, and <em> can be used to format labels with bold or italics if desired. <p> and <span> can be used to break up the content or force line breaks.

Any tags or attributes not listed above will not render. They will be stripped out of the HTML before the content is rendered to the page. This is to ensure that nobody is inserting <script> tags or other elements that could lead to security risks or broken layouts.

  • The following settings need to be configured as well, depending on how you want the Terms and Conditions features to behave. Again, please let your Aspenware Representative know your preferences and answers to the following settings so we can properly configure your environment.

    1. Do you wish to display the Loyalty enrollment checkbox?

    2. Will there be a link within the text next to the checkbox?

    3. Is enrolling required to proceed with Create Account and/or Login?

    4. Should the consent checkbox be pre-selected by default or un-checked?

IMPORTANT: These checkboxes should only be enabled if Loyalty is configured for your store. This checkbox will only appear if a customer who is logging in does not already have a loyalty sign-up. By clicking the box and accepting, the guest would enroll in the program. In subsequent logins, the loyalty program enrollment would not appear.

Language Strings

Most language strings within Identity are configurable. These language strings are updated using a JSON file and will be defined during the implementation process of Identity. Most language strings can retain default values, however, the following language strings are recommended for customization. View a full list of language strings.

General Messaging and Hard-Coded Error Messages


String Resource

Current Value


Several pages


Return to login [URL]

Bottom of various identity screens


no string

No email profile.

If a user tries to log in and they do not have an email profile, this error is appended to the call services language string.


no string

Multiple email profiles.

If a user tries to log in and they have multiple email profiles, this error is appended to the call services language string.

Login Page Language Strings

String Resource

Current Value



Please sign in or create an account.

Displays beneath page title, is a collapsed and invisible if no text is entered.


Sign In

Displays on top of login page.


Email, Username, or Pass ID

Displays above line where user types in username, email, or pass ID


Email, Username, or Pass ID is invalid.

Displays beneath username entry field when continue button is selected but no characters entered in username field


We’ve encountered a problem logging you in. Please contact customer service at ###-###-####.

Displays beneath username entry field when email profile matches up with multiple authIDs


We’ve encountered a problem logging you in. Please contact customer service at ###-###-####. Error: Account has no email profile.

Displays beneath username entry field when user has a username that is not an email and has no email profile.
Error: var message = string.Empty;            if(account.Status == "UserAccountExistsWithNoEmail")            {                message = "Missing email profile.";            }else if(account.Status


New user?

Displays above login field and below Sign In.


Create an account [URL]

Follows “New user?”


Sign In



Enter your password below. If you forget your password reset it by selecting 'Reset password'

Displays beneath page title, messaging is collapsed and invisible if no text is entered.



Displays beneath customer username and above password entry field.


We’ve encountered a problem logging you in. Please contact customer service at ###-###-####. Error: Account has no email profile.

Displays beneath username entry field when user has a username that is not an email and has no email profile.
Error: var message = string.Empty;            if(account.Status == "UserAccountExistsWithNoEmail")            {                message = "Missing email profile.";            }else if(account.Status

Reset Password Page Language Strings

String Resource

Current Value



To reset your password, please enter your email or username and select continue."

Displays beneath title, if no description is entered area is collapsed.


Email or username

Displays beneath description above entry field.


Success! An email and link for resetting your password has been sent to this address.

Displays beneath email.username field after password reset email is sent.


Invalid email address, please try again.

Displays beneath email.username field if invalid entry.

Create Account Page Language Strings

String Resource

Current Value



Create an Account

This is the heading on top of the
Create Account page.


Already have an account?

Displays beneath page title. Text area is collapsed if no text is entered.


Sign in [URL]

This is the active url after “Already have an account” text.


This is the first line of create account (becomes username; required).

Field is required.

Displays validation response if email is not entered.


First Name

This is the second line of create account (required).


Field is required.

Displays validation response if first name is not entered.


Last Name

This is the same line as First Name (required).


Field is required.

Displays validation response if last name is not entered.


Date of Birth

This is third line of create account (required).


Field is required.

Displays validation response if DOB is not entered.


This is the fourth line of create account (required).

Field is required.

Displays validation response if phone number is not entered.


Postal Code

This is the fifth line of create account (required).


Field is required.

Displays validation response if postal code is not entered.



This is the sixth line of create account (required).


Field is required.

Displays validation response if password is not entered.


Confirm Password

This is the seventh line of create account (required).


Field is required.

Displays validation response if confirm password is not entered.


Unable to create account.

Displays beneath “Create” button if account cannot be created. Hard coded meaningful message will display appended.


We found you but additional information is required to create an account. Please contact ###-###-#### or email ___@ to recover your account

Displays below email field.


You must be {0} years of age to register.

Displays below email field. By adding {0} into the language string, it will be replaced with the Age Limit

Claim Account Language Strings


String Resource

Current Value


Claim Account → Select Account page


Select Account

Title displays at top page.

Claim Account → Select Account page


We found two or more accounts that match information you entered. Please select an account to continue.

Description displays beneath title. If no text is entered, this text box will collapse.

Claim Account → Select Account page

Select Account

Displays beneath description and above selection dropdown.


String Resource

Current Value


Claim Account → Verify Account page


Verify Account

Title displays at top of page.

Claim Account → Verify Account page


We found a matching account. Please select a delivery method for your verification code.

Description displays beneath title. If no text is entered, this text box will collapse.

Claim Account → Verify Account page

Select Account

Displays beneath description and above selection dropdown.


String Resource

Current Value


Claim Account → Verify Code page


Verify Code

Title displays at the top of page.

Claim Account → Verify Code page


Please enter the code that was sent to your account.

Description displays beneath title. If no text is entered, text box collapses.

Claim Account → Verify Code page


Verification Code

Displays beneath description and above verification code text entry field.


String Resource

Current Value


Claim Account → Create Login page


Create Login

Title displays at the top of page

Claim Account → Create Login page


Your account has been verified. Please enter email and establish password to claim your account and login.

Description displays beneath title. If no text is entered, text box collapses.

Claim Account → Create Login page

Email (Username)

Displays beneath description and above email (username) entry field.

Claim Account → Create Login page



Displays beneath email and above password entry field.

Claim Account → Create Login page


Confirm Password

Displays beneath password and above confirm password entry field.

Claim Account → Create Login page


Password must contain at least 6 characters, a lower case character, an upper case character, at least one digit, and a non-alphanumeric character.

Displays beneath password entry field.

Claim Account → Create Login page


Password required.

Displays in red beneath password entry field if no password is entered.

Claim Account → Create Login page


Confirm password required.

Displays in red beneath confirm password entry field if no confirm password is entered.

Claim Account → Create Login page


Confirm password must match password.

Displays in red beneath confirm password entry field if passwords do not match.

Claim Account → Create Login page


Please fill in your information below to claim your account.


Force Password Reset (Only if setting PasswordExpirationEnabled is true) Language Strings

String Resource

Current Value



Reset password

Displays at bottom of login page


Forgot Password

Displays top of reset password page


To reset your password, please enter your email or username and select continue."

Displays beneath title, if no description is entered area is collapsed.


Email or username

Displays beneath description above entry field.


Success! An email and link for resettning your password has been sent to this address.

Displays beneath email.username field after password reset email is sent.


Invalid email address, please try again.

Displays beneath email.username field if invalid entry.


Reset Password

Title displays when user taken from email link to reset password page.


Please enter and confirm password below.

Description displays beneath reset password title, if no text is entered, description box collapses.



Displays beneath description above password field.


Confirm Password

Displays above confirm password field.


Password must contain at least 6 characters, a lower case character, an upper case character, at least one digit, and a non-alphanumeric character.

Displays beneath password fields if entry is invalid.


Password Expired


Your current account password has expired. To reset your password, please enter your email or username and select continue.


Email or username


Success! An email and link for resetting your password has been sent to this address.

Message appears beneath user email entry if reset email sent successfully.


Invalid email address, please try again.

Message appears beneath user email entry if reset email unable to be sent.

Identity Theming

When using Identity, your client folder will include a background image and your logo image. Horizontal logo images are recommended when using the Identity application. In addition to language strings (listed above), the following components may be configured by resorts upon implementing Identity. All other UI features default to the application.

NOTE: In a multi-store environment, the following can be customized per storefront.

  1. Background

    1. Background Image

    2. Background Overlay (for text readability)

  2. Logo (long and wide logos work best)

    1. Logo URL

    2. Logo Sizes for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop

  3. Primary Color (Buttons, Mobile Header Bar)

  4. Button Details

    1. Button Color

    2. Button Radius (rounding)

    3. Button Hover Color

    4. Button Font Weight (Bold, Normal, etc)

    5. Button Font Size

    6. Button Letter Spacing

  5. Font Details

    1. Heading Font Color

    2. Body Font Color

    3. Link Font Color

    4. Link Hover Font Color

    5. A single custom font can be supported for those who use CSS to import their custom fonts. Font customizations will apply to the Identity application, but the email font will be standardized as Helvetica for all customers. Supply the font URL to your Aspenware Representative, similar to the example below:

IMPORTANT: At this time fonts are not customizable for those who use Javascript to import their custom fonts. When custom fonts are not available, Identity will use Helvetica and Arial if the browser doesn’t support Helvetica.

Also note that only a single font is supported for Identity, so using different font libraries for headers and body copy is not currently supported.

Email Template Customization

Both Identity password emails and verification code emails have standard email templates for forgot password emails and account verification emails. Email templates can be customized to include the resort's logo, links to the resort website, resort address in the email footer, and the resort name.




Resort LogoUrls

Web-based URL of logo - this setting determines determines what logo displays in the email.


This setting determines what footer text displays in the email.

Typically used for address, phone number and/or contact email.


This setting determines what resort name displays in the email.

(i.e. Peak Resort)


This setting determines where the user is taken if they click the logo in the email.

(i.e. )

(Optional) Configure Multiple Store-Fronts and Identity

Aspenware Commerce can be configured to have multiple store-fronts operating from a single backend admin instance, where product configuration for the shop is done. Each storefront can have its own look and feel, language strings, custom domain, settings, products, and more. Similarly, Identity can be configured to work with multiple storefronts. A single instance of Identity can also be configured to work with multiple completely separate Aspenware Commerce stores, so that if you are logged in to one store you are logged into others, however, there are some limitations around what can be customized across store-fronts or unique shops for Identity.

If using the same Identity across multiple storefronts and/or stores, the custom URL across the single instance of Identity must remain constant. For example, Boyne Resorts uses a single Identity across all of its 7 resorts, so redirects to but guests coming to this page from the Big Sky shop or Arrival see a Big Sky branded experience and language strings that correspond to Big Sky.

Other limitations include language strings, if two stores are operating out of a single Aspenware Commerce Instance, i.e. they share an admin backend, then they can have unique branding, but the language strings must remain the same across the stores. If two stores use the same Identity but have separate Aspenware Commerce admin instances, they can have unique brands AND language strings. For example, Boyne Mountain and Boyne Highlands, sister resorts in Michigan also use the same Identity as the other Boyne Resorts (, however, these two storefronts share a single Aspenware Commerce Admin, so the Identity language strings for these two store-fronts are shared. In the image below, the items in yellow are shared across the store front’s views of identity, and the items in blue are unique.

Commerce Tasks

Install and Enable the Identity Plugin in Aspenware Commerce

IMPORTANT: If you plan on using Aspenware Commerce’s Identity plugin, be sure to notify Aspenware that you will need it included as part of your release.

To begin using Identity, you must install, configure, and activate the Identity plugin. To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Find and install the Identity Plugin

    1. In the Aspenware Commerce admin panel go to Configuration > Local Plugins

    2. Search the list for ExternalAuth Methods : Identity Authentication

    3. Select Install.

    4. Once installation is complete, select Restart application to apply changes at the top of the page.

NOTE: This restart can take up to 7 minutes to complete and should occur during low-traffic times.

  • Configure Identity External Authentication

    1. Go to Configuration > External Authentication

      1. If the Identity plugin has been successfully installed you will see it on the admin screen.

    2. Select Configure.

      1. Enter your OpenID, ClientID, and OpenID ClientSecret (these are created and provided by Aspenware).

      2. In the Authority to use when connecting to OpenID field enter the web address (URL) that will be using Identity.

      3. Select Save.

    3. Return to the External Authentication Admin page and select Edit.

      1. Select the check box under the Is active column then select Update.

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