Supporting Guide: Enhanced Voucher Configuration - RTP|One

Supporting Guide: Enhanced Voucher Configuration - RTP|One

  • Voucher Templates are created to allow users in RTP|One to create voucher numbers using the predetermined configuration set up on the Voucher Template. When a Voucher Template is created the RTP|One users will also create a Voucher Template ID.

  • Each voucher product in Commerce needs to be configured with a unique RTP|One Voucher Template ID.

  • In the current version only Product, Product/Discount, Discount, and Payment Value Vouchers are supported for Commerce redemption.

  • Vouchers must be created in RTP|One using the Voucher Template with the ID that is configured to the Commerce product in order to redeem successfully.


Setting Up Voucher Templates

Navigate to Voucher Tools in RTP > Voucher Template Management > Create New Voucher Template

General Tab

  1. Enter a Voucher Template ID - This can be anything and is the value configured on the voucher product in Aspenware Administration.

  2. Set Voucher Type - Product, Product/Discount, Discount, and Payment Value Vouchers are supported for Aspenware Commerce redemption.

  3. Set Voucher Template Category to Test if creating for testing purposes- This adds the template to a category that is selected when creating actual vouchers and has no impact on functionality.

  4. Add a Description - This can be anything and is what will display in commerce under My Account and when on the Print/View Screen.

  5. Set Usage Limit to 1 - Ensures a single voucher number can be used only once.

  6. Set Quantity Limit to 9999 - Sets how many of these specific vouchers can be created at once.

  7. Effective Type can be either Create Date or Fixed Date - Create Date defaults to date the voucher is created. Fixed Date is a date in the future defined by the administrator.

  8. Expiration Type can be either Days or Date - Days causes the voucher to expire after a defined number of days. Date is an expiration date in the future defined by the administrator.

  9. Comments - Comments will be shown on Print/View Screen in Aspenware Commerce.

Once all fields are filled out in the General tab, navigate to the Product tab to add products to vouchers.


*Product Voucher Type must be added to the product in RTP|One in order for the product to be added to a voucher in Voucher Tools.


Product Tab

  1. Sales Channel - This allows for voucher products to be sold through specific Sales Channels in RTP|One.

    1. eStore Sales Channel will allow a product to sell through the store.

  2. Set Selection Limit to 1 - This limits how many products can be selected when a voucher is redeemed in RTP|One.

  3. Leave Required checked

  4. Leave the other two checkboxes unchecked

  5. Select Add Product

  6. Enter PHC - Enter the Product Header Code. If the product is configured with eStore Sales Channel and Product Voucher Type it will add successfully. Click OK.

  7. Set Quantity to 1

  8. Repeat steps to add more products.

  9. Click Finished once all products are added.

The Voucher Template is now created with a Voucher Template ID.


Creating Voucher Numbers With Voucher Templates

Navigate to Voucher Tools in RTP > Enter quantity of vouchers to create > Select a Voucher Template

Click Continue to create vouchers with predetermined values from Voucher Template. Review the voucher to confirm the configuration is as needed. You can change the Description, Usage Limit, Effective and Expiration Dates, and Comments. Voucher Type and Products cannot be changed when creating vouchers with a Voucher Template.

Click Finish to create voucher numbers.

My Account > My Vouchers on Commerce

Product Vouchers only appear in commerce My Account > My Vouchers when the voucher numbers are created through a transaction with a customer assigned to it in RTP|One. In most cases, product vouchers will be created when a product with a voucher component is sold in RTP|One and not created manually as in the steps above. (e.g. a season pass is configured with a voucher component that creates X amount of Buddy Passes when sold online or through RTP|One.)

Product, Product/Discount, and Discount vouchers that are displayed on My Account > My Vouchers can be configured to show View/Print, Email, or Redeem when the voucher product is configured in Aspenware Commerce. These voucher CTAs can be displayed or hidden based on how the voucher product is configured in Administration.



Vouchers that are configured to View/Print will pull voucher description, number, comments, expiration date, transaction ID, and date from RTP|One. The term language in the bottom left corner is a language string in Aspenware Commerce.



Checking Voucher Status in RTP|One

A single-use voucher will become inactive once a guest completes checkout online. There are a couple of ways to see if a voucher is active or inactive in RTP|One.

1. Voucher Tools > Voucher Management

Voucher Tools is the easiest way to check the status of a single-use voucher. If an RTP|One user has created a batch of vouchers using a Voucher Set you can check the status of an entire set of vouchers at once. The Active checkbox can be toggled or untoggled to see if a voucher is active or inactive.

2. One Resort > Sales Transaction > Voucher Toolbar

It is recommended to check voucher status in Voucher Tools in live to avoid redeeming any vouchers mistakenly in One Resort Sales Transaction. This is a quick way when testing to see the status of a voucher without having to navigate and toggle the active check box in Voucher Management. By running a voucher number through the voucher toolbar in a Sales Transaction RTP|One will either allow the voucher to be sold or prompt an error.

NOTE: The Voucher Toolbar can be turned off or on in ONE | Resort Tools.

Product Vouchers with usage limits set to more than 1 function the same as single-use vouchers. The only difference is the voucher is decremented until there are no uses left at which point it is inactivated in RTP|One. You can check the status of a multiuse voucher the same way as the steps above. To see how many uses are left on a multi-use voucher you can run the voucher number through the Voucher Toolbar in RTP|One.

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