Overview: NEW Cloud UI Assignment on the PDP

This feature is supported for Aspenware Cloud Customers Only.

Feature Description

Group members can be assigned on the Cloud UI PDP. The assignment option will be visible to logged-in users on PDPs which have been configured to display it.

Adding a new group member

Guests may add a new group member on the PDP and if they fall within the attribute selection’s defined age range, the guest will be selected in the drop-down upon creation. Creating a member will save the guest’s details in RTP immediately upon creation. Customers are restricted from creating more than 20 family members to prevent fraud. If a user attempts to add over 20 family members, a generic error message will be displayed to the guest via a configurable language string. The birthdate entry fields will automatically format correctly according to the local language’s standard (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY). First and last name fields cannot exceed 50 characters each.

Age Validation

Group members who fall outside an attribute selection’s defined age range or validation procedures will be unselectable and displayed in grey, along with an annotation indicating that they are age-restricted. If a name is displayed in the “Assign Group Member” box but an attribute selection update makes them ineligible, their name will be removed from the box.

Assignment Display

The assigned group member’s name is displayed at several points during the checkout flow.


Assigned guest’s name will appear in the drop-down and in the item summary for the product


Assigned guest’s name will appear on the cart notice when added to cart


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