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Insert excerptArrive Parking ReservationsArrive Parking Reservationsnopaneltrue

Table of Contents

Setup Checklist


Arrive Tasks


  • Obtain Arrive Parking’s endpoint(s) and key(s) specific to resort.





Hoorooh Tasks


  • Obtain Hoorooh’s endpoint(s) and key(s) specific to resort.





Infrastructure Tasks


  • Install and enable the Arrive Parking Plugin.





Aspenware Commerce Tasks


Configure Arrive Parking Plugin



Verify Square is Installed and Active



Create Category for the Parking Product



Create Product for the Parking Product





Add a Customized Parking Sales Report (Optional)



titleDetailed setup

Prerequisite Tasks


Arrive Tasks


IMPORTANT: Enabling this feature requires working with two third-party vendors, Arrive Parking and Hoorooh Digital Services. If you are interested in turning this feature on, reach out to your Aspenware Service Representative (

This function requires synchronization with Arrive/Parkwhiz and Hoorooh. If Arrive/Parkwiz or Hoorooh is down, or cannot connect for any reason, parking cannot be sold through Aspenware Commerce.

While the integration with Hoorooh does act as a middle layer enabling higher volumes to shop for Arrive Parking products at once, Arrive Parking does limit the number of times their data can be accessed, which could cause some orders to fail.

  • Obtain and provide Aspenware with the following from Arrive Parking:

    • Arrive URL (production and sandbox)

    • Client ID (production and sandbox)

    • Client Secret (production and sandbox)

    • Coupon Code (may be different between production and sandbox)

  • The URL and API Key values will be different between production and test, with test values configured in the Arrive Parking sandbox environment and production values configured in production.


NOTE: Arrive Parking Sandbox has limited functionality; Arrive Parking-generated emails and refunds are not able to be tested in a test site when hooked up to Arrive Parking Sandbox and can only be tested when Aspenware test is temporarily hooked up to Arrive Parking production.

Hoorooh Tasks


IMPORTANT: Enabling this feature does require working with two third-party vendors, Arrive Parking and Hoorooh Digital Services. If you are interested in turning this feature on, reach out to your Aspenware Service Representative (

  • Obtain and provide Aspenware with Hoorooh’s endpoint(s) and key(s) specific to the resort.

    1. Availability URL (production and sandbox)

    2. Availability API Key (production and sandbox)

Infrastructure Tasks

  • Install and Configure the Arrive Parking Plugin

    1. Go to Configuration > Local Plugins and change the “Group” filter to “Aspenware.”

    2. Locate the “Arrive Parking” plugin and click Install.

    3. Restart the application by clicking the green Restart application to apply changes button.

    4. Once complete, ensure the application is installed and enabled


Detailed Setup Guide


Configure Arrive Parking Plugin


Verify Square is Installed and Active


Create Category for the Parking Product


Create Product for the Parking Product


Add a Customized Parking Sales Report (Optional)

1. Configure the Arrive Plugin


Go to Configuration > Local Plugins and change the “Group” filter to “Aspenware.”


Locate the “Arrive Parking” plugin and click Configure.

Configure the following fields: Note that these will be different between test and prod.


Availability Api Key: Input key obtained from Hoorooh.


Arrive Coupon Code: Input Coupon Code obtained from Arrive.


Click Save Settings.


Share Refund Webhook API Key and Refund URL with Arrive Parking (see notes below).


IMPORTANT: When sharing the generated Webhook key with Arrive, ensure that they add this API key in a header called 'parkwhiz-auth.”

The refund URL provided to Arrive Parking is always "https://<site url>/arrive/bookings/cancel", where "<site url>" would be your resort domain, i.e. ''


NOTE: Refunds are only generated by a customer request through the ParkWhiz app or ParkWhiz email confirmation and must be requested 1 hour prior to the lot opening. If the ParkWhiz app email matches the Aspenware booking email, then the guest can request a refund through the app or email. If emails don’t match they can only request a refund through email.

2. Verify Square is Installed and Active

  • Go to Configuration > Payment Methods and search for Square. Check to make sure that Is active is checked if you are using Square as a payment gateway.

    Image Removed

3. Create Category for the Parking Product

  • For details on configuring a category, see Configuration: Categories.

  • Choose a name for your category that is best for your resort, examples include Parking, Paid Parking, Reserved Parking, Parkwhiz Parking.


4. Create Product for the Parking Product

  • Create a product shell following the instructions in Configuration: Products and then include the following specifics for Arrive Parking.

    1. Short Description: Enter the short description for the product. Note that HTML and Long Descriptions are not supported for Arrive Parking products and can cause PDP issues if used.

      Image Removed
    2. Email description: Input the email content HTML messaging that guests should receive when purchasing this product. Guests will receive two emails, one from Aspenware for the order confirmation and a second from Arrive to manage their parking reservations. The Arrive email is controlled within Arrive’s platform.

      Image Removed
    3. Published: Check to enable.

    4. Product tags: Enter tags if you want them displayed in the classification window.

    5. Product Template: Set to “Arrive Parking Product”, then click Save and Continue Edit. This will automatically generate the majority of required attributes for the product.

      Image Removed
    6. Pictures: This product requires two images. Product images should follow standard product specifications - 1700 x 700 px and 275 KB. The remaining lot images are populated from Arrive and must be managed from the Arrive platform.

      1. The first product image that is uploaded is displayed as the product card image and also as the main product image on the PDP when the screen is scaled to display the image.

      2. The second image uploaded is displayed as the parking map image and is required to have the Title set to “Parking Map”.

        Image Removed
    7. Product Attributes: The majority of attributes will automatically be added after the product template “Arrive Parking Product” is saved. Start Date will need to be configured manually with Text prompt [Date], Is Required DISABLED, and the Control type set as “Date Picker”.


IMPORTANT: For Arrive products, the Start Date attribute cannot be marked as required if it is the last attribute in the list, though it will be required for a guest to be able to add to the cart. Marking the start date attribute ‘Is Required’ when it is the last attribute in the list will break the add to cart functionality on Mobile.

If you adjust the display order of Start Date to be -1 so that it is the first attribute in the list, then it can be set as ‘Is Required.'


  • Price: Scroll down to the Price section on the Product detail page (PDP) and enter a value for Price. Parking pricing is supplied from Arrive via the API. The only price you need to define is the lowest price the parking is available for, so that it populates correctly when displayed with the label “STARTING AT”.



NOTE: Parking pricing is supplied from Arrive via the API. You do not need to define a price, except for displaying a “STARTING AT” value.


  • To configure the Arrive Refund email template go to Content Management>Message Templates and Edit to edit the ‘ArriveParkingRefund.CustomerNotification’ email template. 

  • To edit the email HTML, go to Tools>Source Code and adjust the HTML from there in the Source code window. In the body portion of the email template, paste the following code and customize as desired.

    Code Block
    %Store.Name%. Order #%Order.OrderNumber% refunded
    <p><a href="%Store.URL%">%Store.Name%</a> <br /><br />Order #%Order.OrderNumber% has been just refunded<br /><br />Amount refunded: %Order.AmountRefunded%<br /><br />Date Ordered: %Order.CreatedOn%</p>


  • For more details on email configuration, refer to Configuration: Emails.  

6. Add a Customized Parking Sales Report (Optional)

  • In order to track revenue recognition across disparate fulfillment systems, contact your Aspenware Representative ( to add a customized parking sales report.

  • Once added, go to nop4you > SQL REPORT MANAGER > Reports. There are 3 reports available for Arrive Parking:

    1. Online Prepaid Parking Export

    2. Online Prepaid Parking Refunds

    3. Online Prepaid Parking Export with Cancels

      Image Removed
  • Select Aspenware Reports>[Report Name] and enter/select the following:

    1. Enter from date and To date: This is the date range for the report you’d like to see.

    2. Select Payment Status: This enables the selection of the types of transactions you’d like to see.

    3. Click Generate or Export to Excel.

      Image Removed

The report will list all relevant data for the Arrive Parking transactions.



NOTE: Upon order completion, guests will receive two emails, one from Aspenware for the order confirmation and a second from Arrive Parking to manage their parking reservations. The Arrive Parking email is controlled within Arrive Parking’s platform.


Insert excerpt
Arrive Parking Reservations
Arrive Parking Reservations

Table of Contents

Setup Checklist

Insert excerpt
Set-up Checklist
Set-up Checklist

Arrive Tasks

  • Obtain Arrive Parking’s endpoint(s) and key(s) specific to resort.



Hoorooh Tasks

  • Obtain Hoorooh’s endpoint(s) and key(s) specific to resort.



Infrastructure Tasks

  • Install and enable the Arrive Parking Plugin.


  • Configure catalogsettings.hiddenattributes setting



Aspenware Commerce Tasks

  • Configure Arrive Parking Plugin


  • Verify Square is Installed and Active


  • Create Category for the Parking Product


  • Create Product for the Parking Product


  • Configure Arrive Parking Refund Email Template(Optional - only with Square)


  • Add a Customized Parking Sales Report


  • Customize Arrive Parking Language Strings


titleDetailed setup

Prerequisite Tasks

Insert excerpt
Prerequisites Tasks Excerpt
Prerequisites Tasks Excerpt

Arrive Tasks


IMPORTANT: Enabling this feature requires working with two third-party vendors, Arrive Parking and Hoorooh Digital Services. If you are interested in turning this feature on, reach out to your Aspenware Service Representative (

This function requires synchronization with Arrive/Parkwhiz and Hoorooh. If Arrive/Parkwiz or Hoorooh is down, or cannot connect for any reason, parking cannot be sold through Aspenware Commerce.

While the integration with Hoorooh does act as a middle layer enabling higher volumes to shop for Arrive Parking products at once, Arrive Parking does limit the number of times their data can be accessed, which could cause some orders to fail.

  • Obtain and provide Aspenware with the following from Arrive Parking:

    • Arrive URL (production and sandbox)

    • Client ID (production and sandbox)

    • Client Secret (production and sandbox)

    • Coupon Code (may be different between production and sandbox)

  • The URL and API Key values will be different between production and test, with test values configured in the Arrive Parking sandbox environment and production values configured in production.


NOTE: Arrive Parking Sandbox has limited functionality; Arrive Parking-generated emails and refunds are not able to be tested in a test site when hooked up to Arrive Parking Sandbox and can only be tested when Aspenware test is temporarily hooked up to Arrive Parking production.

Hoorooh Tasks


IMPORTANT: Enabling this feature does require working with two third-party vendors, Arrive Parking and Hoorooh Digital Services. If you are interested in turning this feature on, reach out to your Aspenware Service Representative (

  • Obtain and provide Aspenware with Hoorooh’s endpoint(s) and key(s) specific to the resort.

    1. Availability URL (production and sandbox)

    2. Availability API Key (production and sandbox)

Infrastructure Tasks

  • Install and Configure the Arrive Parking Plugin

    1. Go to Configuration > Local Plugins and change the “Group” filter to “Aspenware.”

    2. Locate the “Arrive Parking” plugin and click Install.

    3. Restart the application by clicking the green Restart application to apply changes button.

    4. Once complete, ensure the application is installed and enabled

      Image Added
  • Configure catalogsettings.hiddenattributes setting

    1. Go to Configuration > Settings > All settings (advanced).

    2. Search catalogsettings.hiddenattributes

    3. Click Edit.

    4. Enter the following in the Value field: Arrive Parking Lot Id, Arrive Parking Date, Arrive Parking Price, Arrive Parking Event Id, Arrive Quote Id, Parking Time, Arrive Booking Id

    5. Click Update.

Detailed Setup Guide

  1. Configure Arrive Parking Plugin

  2. Verify Square is Installed and Active

  3. Create Category for the Parking Product

  4. Create Product for the Parking Product

  5. Configure Arrive Parking Refund Email Template(Optional - only with Square)

  6. Add a Customized Parking Sales Report (Optional)

  7. Customize Arrive Parking Language Strings (Optional)

1. Configure the Arrive Plugin

  • Go to Configuration > Local Plugins and change the “Group” filter to “Aspenware.”

  • Locate the “Arrive Parking” plugin and click Configure.

  • Configure the following fields: Note that these will be different between test and prod.

    1. Availability Url: Input URL obtained from Hoorooh.

    2. Availability Api Key: Input key obtained from Hoorooh.

    3. Arrive Url: Input URL obtained from Arrive.

    4. Client ID: Input Client ID obtained from Arrive.

    5. Client Secret: Input Client Secret obtained from Arrive.

    6. Arrive Coupon Code: Input Coupon Code obtained from Arrive.

    7. Arrive API Scopes: Input ‘partner’

    8. Refund Webhook API Key (Share with Arrive Parking): Click Generate Key to populatethis field. ONLY CLICK GENERATE KEY ONCE. This is a key generated by Aspenware Commerce for each store, and must be provided to Arrive, along with the refund URL, to complete the configuration. Note that refunds are only available to resorts using Square as a payment provider.

      Image Added
  • Click Save Settings.

  • Share Refund Webhook API Key and Refund URL with Arrive Parking (see notes below).


IMPORTANT: When sharing the generated Webhook key with Arrive, ensure that they add this API key in a header called 'parkwhiz-auth.”

The refund URL provided to Arrive Parking is always "https://<site url>/arrive/bookings/cancel", where "<site url>" would be your resort domain, i.e. ''


NOTE: Refunds are only generated by a customer request through the ParkWhiz app or ParkWhiz email confirmation and must be requested 1 hour prior to the lot opening. If the ParkWhiz app email matches the Aspenware booking email, then the guest can request a refund through the app or email. If emails don’t match they can only request a refund through email.

2. Verify Square is Installed and Active

  • Go to Configuration > Payment Methods and search for Square. Check to make sure that Is active is checked if you are using Square as a payment gateway.

    Image Added

3. Create Category for the Parking Product

  • For details on configuring a category, see Configuration: Categories.

  • Choose a name for your category that is best for your resort, examples include Parking, Paid Parking, Reserved Parking, Parkwhiz Parking.


4. Create Product for the Parking Product

  • Create a product shell following the instructions in Configuration: Products and then include the following specifics for Arrive Parking.

    1. Short Description: Enter the short description for the product. Note that HTML and Long Descriptions are not supported for Arrive Parking products and can cause PDP issues if used.

      Image Added
    2. Email description: Input the email content HTML messaging that guests should receive when purchasing this product. Guests will receive two emails, one from Aspenware for the order confirmation and a second from Arrive to manage their parking reservations. The Arrive email is controlled within Arrive’s platform.

      Image Added
    3. Published: Check to enable.

    4. Product tags: Enter tags if you want them displayed in the classification window.

    5. Product Template: Set to “Arrive Parking Product”, then click Save and Continue Edit. This will automatically generate the majority of required attributes for the product.

      Image Added
    6. Pictures: This product requires two images. Product images should follow standard product specifications - 1700 x 700 px and 275 KB. The remaining lot images are populated from Arrive and must be managed from the Arrive platform.

      1. The first product image that is uploaded is displayed as the product card image and also as the main product image on the PDP when the screen is scaled to display the image.

      2. The second image uploaded is displayed as the parking map image and is required to have the Title set to “Parking Map”.

        Image Added
    7. Product Attributes: The majority of attributes will automatically be added after the product template “Arrive Parking Product” is saved. Start Date will need to be configured manually with Text prompt [Date], Is Required DISABLED, and the Control type set as “Date Picker”.


IMPORTANT: For Arrive products, the Start Date attribute cannot be marked as required if it is the last attribute in the list, though it will be required for a guest to be able to add to the cart. Marking the start date attribute ‘Is Required’ when it is the last attribute in the list will break the add to cart functionality on Mobile.

If you adjust the display order of Start Date to be -1 so that it is the first attribute in the list, then it can be set as ‘Is Required.'


  • Price: Scroll down to the Price section on the Product detail page (PDP) and enter a value for Price. Parking pricing is supplied from Arrive via the API. The only price you need to define is the lowest price the parking is available for, so that it populates correctly when displayed with the label “STARTING AT”.



NOTE: Parking pricing is supplied from Arrive via the API. You do not need to define a price, except for displaying a “STARTING AT” value.

5. Configure Arrive Refund Email Template(Optional - Only with Square)

  • To configure the Arrive Refund email template go to Content Management>Message Templates and Edit to edit the ‘ArriveParkingRefund.CustomerNotification’ email template. 

  • To edit the email HTML, go to Tools>Source Code and adjust the HTML from there in the Source code window. In the body portion of the email template, paste the following code and customize as desired.

    Code Block
    %Store.Name%. Order #%Order.OrderNumber% refunded
    <p><a href="%Store.URL%">%Store.Name%</a> <br /><br />Order #%Order.OrderNumber% has been just refunded<br /><br />Amount refunded: %Order.AmountRefunded%<br /><br />Date Ordered: %Order.CreatedOn%</p>


  • For more details on email configuration, refer to Configuration: Emails.  

6. Add a Customized Parking Sales Report (Optional)

  • In order to track revenue recognition across disparate fulfillment systems, contact your Aspenware Representative ( to add a customized parking sales report.

  • Once added, go to nop4you > SQL REPORT MANAGER > Reports. There are 3 reports available for Arrive Parking:

    1. Online Prepaid Parking Export

    2. Online Prepaid Parking Refunds

    3. Online Prepaid Parking Export with Cancels

      Image Added
  • Select Aspenware Reports>[Report Name] and enter/select the following:

    1. Enter from date and To date: This is the date range for the report you’d like to see.

    2. Select Payment Status: This enables the selection of the types of transactions you’d like to see.

    3. Click Generate or Export to Excel.

      Image Added

The report will list all relevant data for the Arrive Parking transactions.



IMPORTANT: The integration ofArrive Parking will require some adjustments to the reconciliation process. For example, say a customer has a transaction valued at $100 which is reported in the credit card gateway report. The transaction comprises $85 worth of lift tickets and $15 worth of parking. The POS is only going to report the $85 in their sales report, and Arrive Parking's reports will only show $15.


NOTE: Upon order completion, guests will receive two emails, one from Aspenware for the order confirmation and a second from Arrive Parking to manage their parking reservations. The Arrive Parking email is controlled within Arrive Parking’s platform.


NOTE: Aspenware will generate an order# and save to RTP|One but currently any Arrive Parking product(s) will show as a blank line item in the order. Therefore resort’s guest services teams will not be able to see or manage Arrive Parking orders within RTP|One and will need to reference Arrive Parking for managing parking reservations.

7. Customize Arrive Parking Language Strings (Optional)

There are several customizable language strings available in conjunction with Arrive Parking. For instructions on editing a language string, see the Language Strings Library. The following language strings are available for customization:

Resource Name

Default Value



Choose your date

Image Added


When are you going?

Image Added


Choose your location below

Image Added


Choose a date to view parking locations

Image Added


Where would you like to park?

Image Added


Choose a date to view parking instructions


These reservations start at ${Time}

Image Added


Choose from available parking lots

Image Added


Lot notes

Image Added


Starts at ${Time}


More info

Image Added


Parking Info and Map

Image Added
