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Table of Contents
Table of Contents

This feature is supported for: Resorts that use RTP|One as their POS.


This feature is not supported for: Resorts that use Siriusware as their POS.

Setup Checklist

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AE:Set-up Checklist
AE:Set-up Checklist

Set up required POS codes for any payment form you are configuring

1. POS



  • Set up general component for AW Additional Payment Component.


  • For each alternate payment method (Gift Cards, Vouchers, Stored Value) being used, complete the following

    • Create payment method product header.

    • Obtain and copy down the payment method code

    • Obtain and copy down new GL clearing account for each payment method.

    • Attach the new GL clearing account to the newly created product header

  • Ensure Aspenware adds the header codes and payment method code to the Unit rtp-config.json file.


  • Share the following report with accounting contact(s) at the resort to see how accounting flows with alternate payments. If questions arise, connect with Kevin Vogle (


  • Work with your Aspenware Representative to create a GL export report with additional payment clearing accounts along with credit account.





Commerce Tasks

Ensure that the Additional Payments Plugin is installed.



Configure Additional Payment


titleDetailed Setup

Update Messaging for Additional Payments on Payment Step


titleDetailed Setup

Prerequisite Tasks

Insert excerpt
AE:Prerequisites Tasks Excerpt
AE:Prerequisites Tasks Excerpt

POS Tasks

  • Set up a general component called AW Additional Payment Component.

  • If using Stored Value:

    1. Set up a stored value product header in RTP|One and send this new header code to your Aspenware Representative.

      1. Price the header at $0 and make it available for a long date range (i.e. out to 2050).

      2. Don’t add any header rules.

      3. The header needs to be set up for the Aspenware/Online sales location

    2. Obtain existing stored value payment method code and send the new payment method code to your Aspenware Representative.

    3. Obtain new GL stored value

    clearing account
  • Do admin for stored value to make payment methods available for use at nop location

  • If store value is not desired, but guests have stored value on their accounts, use the HTML Widget to hide. Add to temporary CSS widget -


stored-value, .stored-value + .or {

display: none !important;


  • If using Gift Cards and Vouchers:

  • Set up gift card product header code. 

  • Obtain the existing gift card payment method code

  • Set up new GL gift card clearing account

  • Set up voucher product header code.

  • Obtain existing voucher payment method code

  • Set up new GL voucher clearing account

  • Admin for gift cards to make payment methods available for use at nop location

  • Admin for vouchers to make payment methods available for use at nop location
    1. clearing account. This must be a unique and new GL clearing account. Send the new GL clearing account to your Aspenware Representative to use for creating the GL export report.

    2. Attach the new GL clearing account to the newly created stored value product header (created in step a).

    3. Aspenware will add the header code and payment method code (created above) to the Unity rtp-config.json file.

  • If using Gift Cards

    1. Set up a gift card payment product header in RTP|One and send this new header code to your Aspenware Representative.

      1. Price the header at $0 and make it available for a long date range (i.e. out to 2050).

      2. Don’t add any header rules.

      3. The header needs to be set up for the Aspenware/Online sales location

    2. Obtain existing gift card payment method code and send the new payment method code to your Aspenware Representative.

    3. Obtain new GL gift card clearing account. This must be a unique and new GL clearing account. Send the new GL clearing account to your Aspenware Representative to use for creating the GL export report.

    4. Attach the new GL clearing account to the newly created gift card payment product header (created in step a).

    5. Aspenware will add the header code and payment method code (created above) to the Unity rtp-config.json file.

  • If using Vouchers:

    1. Set up a voucher payment product header in RTP|One and send this new header code to your Aspenware Representative.

      1. Price the header at $0 and make it available for a long date range (i.e. out to 2050).

      2. Don’t add any header rules.

      3. The header needs to be set up for the Aspenware/Online sales location

    2. Obtain existing voucher payment method code and send the new payment method code to your Aspenware Representative.

    3. Obtain new GL voucher clearing account. This must be a unique and new GL clearing account. Send the new GL clearing account to your Aspenware Representative to use for creating the GL export report.

    4. Attach the new GL clearing account to the newly created voucher payment product header (created in step a).

    5. Aspenware will add the header code and payment method code (created above) to the Unity rtp-config.json file.

  • Share the following report with accounting contact(s) at the resort to see how accounting flows with alternate payments. If questions arise, connect with Kevin Vogle (

View file

  • To see an example of how alternate payments will display within a transaction, review the following screenshot.

    Image Added
  • If using alternate payments:

    • Install Nop4U

    • Create Work with your Aspenware Representative to create a GL export report with additional payment clearing accounts along with credit account.

Commerce Tasks

  • Ensure the Additional Payments plugin is installed by going to Configuration > Local Plugins. If the plugin has the Uninstall button listed like the example below, it is installed. If it looks different from the example below, contact your Aspenware Representative to install this plugin on your test and live shops. 


Detailed Setup Guide

Insert excerpt
AE:Detailed Setup Guide Excerpt
AE:Detailed Setup Guide Excerpt

1. Configure Additional Payment

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Additional Payments and enter the following:

    • Allow Multiple Additional Payments: Check to support accepting more than one voucher or gift card value to be entered in a single order. If restricting guests to using only one voucher or gift card per order, leave this unchecked. 

    • Enabled Payment Types: Check each additional payment that should be turned on for your shop: Vouchers, Gift Card and Stored Value. Keep in mind that RTP|One pre-work (detailed above) is required before paying with any of these methods will work. 


2. Update Messaging For Additional Payments on the Payment Step

Most additional payments editable content is built on the premise that both Gift Cards and Vouchers are enabled (in the step above). For example, even if you're not using Gift Cards, that’s fine, but in order to customize the messaging, it is required to have both Vouchers and Gift Cards enabled in the plugin (Detailed above).

  • First, to update the messaging below the Apply button, configure the HTML widget titled ‘Gift Card and Voucher Help’ using the detailed instruction guide for HTML widgets: Configuration and Library: HTML Widgets

  • Second, to update messaging on the payments page for alternate payments, configure the following language strings using the detailed instruction guide for language strings: Language Strings Library

Resource name




You have <strong>${balance}</strong> in snow cash available. Apply this to your order?

Display stored value balance to use for guest if available.


Stored Value

Stored value header if stored value is configured for shop and guest has available stored value balance.


Gift Card or Voucher

Placeholder text inside the Voucher/Gift Card entry box

Image Added


NOTE: If the messaging changes you made don’t take, ensure that both Gift Cards and Vouchers are enabled (in the step above). For example, even if you're not using Gift Cards, that’s fine, but in order to customize the messaging, it is required to have both Vouchers and Gift Cards enabled in the plugin (Detailed above).

Common Troubleshooting


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AE:Like this Page Excerpt
AE:Like this Page Excerpt
