Configuration: Renewal/Linked Products

Configuration: Renewal/Linked Products

Setup Checklist

1. POS Tasks


1. POS Tasks


RTP|One only

  • Create renewal specific product headers- must be set to ‘Display’ Required

  • Set up ‘Product component link’ Required


2. Commerce Tasks


Ensure Linked Products Plugin is installed required


Create ‘IsRenewal’ Specification Attribute - Required


Create Product Shell(s) for all renewal products (note these products cannot have core product attributes added to them) Required


Confirm the following product classifications are added- Required

  • ‘Is Renewal Product’

  • ‘Renewal Lock’


Update the following language strings optional

  • products.renewal.description

  • products.renewal.norenewalproducts

  • products.renewal.norenewalproducts.title

  • products.renewal.noteligible

  • products.renewal.title


The ‘Renewal Homepage Banner’ is configured in HTML widgets Required


1. Create Renewal Product(s)

  • Add renewal product to a hidden category Required

  • Define product header code in SKU field Required

  • Define product Price Required

  • Add ‘AssignedTo’ attribute with ‘{ "lock": true } [Assigned To]’ in the Text Prompt field with Control type set to ‘Textbox.’ Required

  • Add any add-on attributes, ensuring they are set to ‘Checkboxes’ Control Type optional

  • Add the ‘IsRenewal’ Specification Attribute Required

Detailed Setup

2. Add Product Classifications to Renewal Product(s)

  • Add the following Product Classifications Required

    1. Requires Assingment

    2. Is Renewal Product

    3. Renewal Lock

Detailed Setup

Complete product setup, adding waivers, and other set up. optional

Detailed Setup

Prerequisite Tasks

POS Tasks

  • Renewal-specific product headers must be created in RTP|One.

IMPORTANT: Renewal product headers must be set to ‘Display’ in RTP|One in order for them to display in the Aspenware Commerce renewal area. Conversely, to take renewal products offline, they must be unpublished in Aspenware Commerce and also set to not display in RTP|One.

IMPORTANT: Renewal product headers must be distinct from standard non-renewal product headers. For example, create both an ‘Adult Season Pass’ product header for non-renewers and a ‘Renewal Adult Season Pass’ product header.

  • A ‘Product Component Link’ must be added in RTP|One, linking the previous year’s access component to the current or upcoming year’s linked Product Headers.

    • When creating a ‘Product Component Link' in RTP|One, first select the prior access component code that must be present on a guests' profile to make them eligible for the new renewal.

    • Then choose the linked product header(s) that are “unlocked” based on having the prior access component. These should be distinct renewal product headers.

    • A modal will pop up for each added product header, complete the following information:

      • Display order: will control the order that the product is displayed on the Aspenware Commerce Linked Product page in relation to other eligible renewal products.

      • Link Effective date: Set to yesterday’s date

      • Link Expiration date: Set to when the link is no longer valid

      • Set Eligibility date type: Set based on your preference

      • Eligibility time frame: Set to ‘Fixed Date’ and the defined date should be set to the earliest previous date someone could purchase last years access. i.e. if your passes went on sale 3/1/2020 last season you will want to define the 'fixed date' as 3/1/2020.

NOTE: The shop’s display order for renewal products is determined by the display order of product headers associated to the product component in product component link setup in RTP|One. Any adjustments to the shop’s display order can be made there.

Commerce Tasks

  • Ensure that the Linked Products Plugin is installed by going to Admin > Configuration > Local Plugins and search for “Linked Products”. Check that it is installed and, if not, install it. This plugin is required for linked products.


  • Create the' IsRenewal' Specification Attribute if it doesn’t already exist.

    • Go to Catalog > Attributes > Specification attributes and click Add New to create a new attribute if it doesn’t already exist.

      • Name it ‘IsRenewal’

      • Add a new option and input 'True' as the name.

    • Save it

  • Product Shells for renewal product(s) should be created according to the configuration guide.

Settings, Language Strings and/or HTML Widgets for this Feature


  • Confirm that the following product classification(s) are created.

    1. The ‘Is Renewal Product’ Product Classification must be added as a classification if not already set up as a product classification.

      1. To set the ‘Is Renewal Product’ Product Classification up as a new classification go to Aspenware Commerce>Product Classifications and select Add Classification and define the following fields as follows

        1. Name: Is Renewal Product

        2. Description: Assign this classification to renewal products.

        3. Select the checkbox for Is Renewal

      2. Click Add.

    2. The ‘Renewal Lock’ Product Classification must be added as a classification if not already set up as a product classification.

      1. To set the ‘Renewal Lock’ Product Classification up as a new classification go to Aspenware Commerce>Product Classifications and select Add Classification and define the following fields as follows

        1. Name: Renewal Lock

        2. Description: Assign this classification to renewal products.

        3. Select the checkbox for Renewal Lock

      2. Click Add.

Language Strings

  1. Go to Configuration > Languages > English > String Resources to set specific language strings that apply to the renewal page. Use the following language strings to edit what customers see in the following scenarios.

    1. If a customer does not have any eligible products, they will see configurable messaging on the renewals or linked product page. 

    2. If they are not logged in, they will not see any products and will be shown configurable messaging on the page. 

Resource name



Some of your group members are eligible for product renewal.


You have no products available to renew.


No Renewal Products


It appears that {0} is not eligible for renewal products.


Renewal Products

HTML Widgets

  • An HTML widget can be enabled that displays below the category bar and shows configurable messaging that links to the renewal or linked products page for logged in customers and to the login page for users who are not signed in. From Nop Templates > Plugins > HTML Widgets > Manage HTML Widgets, select to edit, or create a new widget for, ‘Renewal Homepage Banner’ widget. From Tools > source code, you can paste in or edit the HTML. The HTML that is configurable is in blue below.

Html widget name

Html content

Widget zone

Renewal Homepage Banner

<div class="renewal-banner" vcloak=""> <h2 class="requires-signin">Renew Your Products Now!</h2> <h2 class="requires-signout"><b><a href="/login?ReturnUrl=/linkedproducts">Login</a></b> to Renew Your Passes!</h2> <p class="requires-signin">Visit the <a href="/linkedproducts">renew products</a> page to see your eligible products.</p> </div>


Detailed Setup Guide

  1. Create Renewal Products

  2. Add Product Classifications to Renewal Product

1. Create Renewal Products

This task assumes that the prerequisite task of configuring the product shell for the renewal products has been configured according to this Configuration Guide.

  • Go to Catalog > Products and choose to Edit the product.

  • Assign the product to a category that has been set up to be hidden. (Instructions on hiding a category here)

    1. These products are set up as very simple products, so define the SKU and Price in the Product info section, unless they are going to be leveraging Aspenware Payment Plan functionality. 

  • Go to the Attributes section and click Add a new attribute to add the AssignedTo attribute. This will lock down the assigned customer so that guests cannot change these options.

    1. From the Attribute drop-down, select ‘AssignedTo’.

    2. Enter ‘{ "lock": true } [Assigned To]’ in Text Prompt field.

    3. Set Control Type to 'Text'.

  • Click Save and Continue Edit

  • From here, add desired add-on products to the product. A renewal product cannot have a core attribute added to it but can have add on attributes. Follow the configuration guide for simple add-on products to add standard add-ons to the renewal product.

    • Attributes used to associate add-on products to renewal products must use the Control type of ‘CHECKBOXES’. Using the CHECKBOXES control type enables the add-on to be selected or deselected on the PDP during the purchase flow.

  • Next, open the Specification attributes section and select Add attribute to add the ‘IsRenewal’ specification attribute. This will ensure that if someone does somehow locate the standard PDP for this renewal product they will not able to add it to the cart, and this product can only be added to the cart through the gated renewal page.

    • Choose ‘Custom text’ from the Attribute type drop-down.

    • Select the ‘IsRenewal’ attribute.

    • Type ‘Yes’ in the Value field.

    • Check Show on product details page.

    • Save it.

  • Save the overall renewals product.

2. Add Product Classifications to Renewal Product. 

  • Go to Aspenware Commerce > Product Classifications > Add Assignment, and select the hidden Category where the renewal product lives, and the renewal Product requiring assignment.

  • In the Classification table, click the Assign checkbox next to the following classifications

    • 'Requires Assignment''

    • ‘Is Renewal Product’

    • 'Renewal lock'

  • Click Add.

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