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Pass Checker enables guests to enter their card number (passmedia# or RFID#) to check if their media will work at a specific lift. Among many use cases, guests can check if their pass is hotlisted due to incomplete tasks or if their pass is blacked out for the selected date.

This feature is supported for: Resorts utilizing Arrival on RTP POS.

This feature is not supported for: Resorts not utilizing Arrival and a POS that is not RTP.

Key Terms


Collections are data groupings that can be referenced through Arrival. Pass Checker utilizes Collections for referencing Lift codes and hotlist codes in RTP.

Collection Items

Collection Items are housed under “Collections” and are mappings to RTP codes. Once mapped, text displayed to guests can be customized to be customer-facing. Pass Checker utilizes this for referencing RTP’s Lifts and hotlist messaging.

Feature Description

Validation Methodology

Pass Checker utilizes the same access validation rules that are set up in a resort’s RTP environment. When a guest checks if their pass is valid in Arrival, it is essentially the same as if the guest has scanned their pass at the lift. Pass Checker validates for date of use, and for access control. It does not currently validate for specific time of day. When a pass is scanned, Pass Checker validates against a default setting of 11:30 am MST. If the ticket has a time-limitation on it, and it is not valid at 11:30 am MST, Pass Checker will return a “Not Valid” response.

Navigating to Pass Checker

Guests can be directed to Pass Checker through three methods:

1. Email campaigns where guests receive a “POS” Arrival URL (most often sent to a guest when they have a purchase requiring an Arrival task to complete)

2. Guests navigating to a “non-POS” Arrival URL (most often a QR code on-site for a resort activity)

3. Guests being provided a direct link to the Pass Checker URL (QR code or any method of sharing the guest a link)

Checking Passes

Once on the Pass Checker URL, guests can look up their pass eligibility by either Pass# or RFID#. They can also filter between specific lifts and date combinations to check their pass eligibility. This is useful for resorts that limit lift-access for specific gates and also for passes that have blackout dates. (Where does guest locate their pass # or RFID )

Pass Validation

Once a guest completes their pass check, they are returned with details that their pass is valid or is not valid based on their filters.

For valid passes, a message box will appear notifying the guest that their pass is valid. The product name displayed will match the name of the product in RTP. The text at the bottom of the message box is customizable to provide the guest with useful information.

For invalid passes, a message box will appear notifying the guest that their pass is invalid. Arrival can be configured to display the RTP invalid reason or a reference table can be used that will display text that is more customer-facing. The bottom text line is also customizable to provide the guest with more assistance options.

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