Overview: Conditional Content Wrappers

This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce 2.28 or later.

Key Terms

Conditional Content

Conditional content is copy that is only displayed when it meets certain conditions (or parameters). This feature offers four conditions that must be set in varying combinations. Below we will describe what conditions may be set within the wrapper html.


The widget wrapper applies product and cart logic to the widget (in this case, it is an area of the page where content is displayed), which is then displayed according to the widget zone selected.

Feature Description

Conditional Content Wrappers are applied to widget zones and enabled by the setting of four parameters - 1) being part of the checkout process, 2) whether or not a credit card is required, 3) whether or not the order total is $0, and 4) the product ID is designated as a trigger for the conditional content. Your particular use case may not require all four parameters (e.g. your product total does not have to be $0 or a credit card does not have to be required), but they still must be set per the configuration guide.
