This guide will review how to set up the Loyalty Dialog Customization in Aspenware Identity.
With this enhancement, Identity now runs a check on loyalty “member status” during login. Depending on what is returned for member status (e.g. TRUE or FALSE), the customer sees the “Consent Text” Flow (member = FALSE) or the “Updated Consent text” flow (member = TRUE).
Resorts should determine their custom copy, as well as define any URLs that will be specified. Once completed, please send a request to your Aspenware Service Representative ( to complete the customization on your behalf.
Sample Consent Text Flow
If the guest is not a member, they will be presented with a checkbox to execute loyalty membership, with custom language and URLs.
Sample Updated Consent Text Flow
If the guest is currently a member, the checkbox for enrollment is not presented. Instead, custom language reflects agreement with current terms and conditions.
Configuration Guide
After your resort has determined what text/URLs you would like to display for each member status scenario, please contact your Aspenare Representative to complete the customization.
Customization (Aspenware Staff Use Only)
Log in to the Identity Admin UI
Click on Consent Models, use this copy as a guide. Lines highlighted in RED are customizable text.
Must set “showUpdatedConsentText": to true, (Default setting is “false,”) for text to display
" ": [
"id": 1,
"isConsented": false,
"isConsentedDefaut": false,
"showCheckBox": true,
"showConsentText": true,
"showConsentLink": false,
"checkedRequired": false,
"consentText": "Enroll in <a href=' target='_blank'>BoyneRewards</a> to earn points on every purchase and accept the <a href=' target='_blank'>terms and conditions</a>.",
"consentLinkUrl": ",
"consentLinkText": "Click here to read terms and conditions.",
"updatedConsentText": "By continuing you agree to the <a href=' target='_blank'>terms and conditions</a>.",
"showUpdatedConsentText": true,
"alreadyConsented": false,
"customApiActions": [
"customApiActionTypeId": 1,
"apiUrl": "{nodeId}/overview?loyaltyProgramStatusCode=1&loyaltyProgramCode=1",
"apiHeaders": {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "448d47d47aeb46ce811e8e89feeb045f",
"unity-api-version": "3"
"apiPostPayload": null
"customApiActionTypeId": 2,
"apiUrl": "{nodeId}/enrollments",
"apiHeaders": {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "448d47d47aeb46ce811e8e89feeb045f",
"unity-api-version": "3"