Aspenware Commerce includes a discount feature that enables Administrators to configure promotion codes that guests can enter in the store to receive discounts on Core products and Add-on products in their cart.
This feature is supported for: Order level discounts for Siriusware POS users and Product level discounts for Siriusware and RTP|One POS users.
Key Terms
Key Term 1
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Key Term 2
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Feature Description
Aspenware Commerce includes a discount feature that enables Administrators to configure promotion codes that guests can enter in the store to receive discounts on products in their cart. Discounts can be applied to products with pricing defined in the Dynamic Pricing plugin, at the attribute combination level, or at the product level. If a product has been assigned a discount, but its add-ons have not, only the core product will be discounted. The add-on can be discounted individually as well. INCLUDE EXAMPLES OF EACH SCENARIO (Dynamic pricing, product level or attribute combination level)
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