Ensure the Aspenware Client has the Configuration Settings, Terminal ID and , Terminal Number, Square Access Token, Square App Id, and Square Location Id added. The Terminal ID and Terminal Number values do not matter but the setting settings must be added. This data will populate into the TransactionPaymentAuthorization table when an order is created.
The Square related Client Configuration Settings (Square Access Token, Square App Id and Square Location Id) do not need to be added to the Client being used by Aspenware but do need to be added to any client that is processing sales and refunds directly in RTP.
Linked refunds is enabled in the Unity rtp-config.json file by adding the following setting. Once this setting is added, Unity will no longer use the ‘Aspenware clearing’ payment method for orders. Orders will fail if the setting below is enabled but the RTP admin setup above is not setup properly.
Settings, Language Strings, and HTML Widgets
There are no Commerce settings, language strings , or html widgets that apply to enabling Linked Refunds unless you would like to introduce a “save credit card” warning or checkbox. The following settings need to be added and set to TRUE.
Common Troubleshooting Guide