Creating Storage Containers for Theme Designer and Asset Collection Requirements for Theme Migrations

Creating Storage Containers for Theme Designer and Asset Collection Requirements for Theme Migrations

Each application to be themed requires an Azure Storage Container. Resorts cannot share the container, nor can individual apps share a container. This is due to technical limitations in the TD architecture that will hopefully be addressed in a Theme Designer update.

To create a TD storage container in Azure

  1. Head to the Azure Portal and navigate to the awcusthemedevsa Storage Account, or click here.

  2. In the left sidebar, click the Data Storage > Containers link.

  3. You should see a list of all the current storage containers.

  4. Each resort will require 2-4 initial containers. Each container name starts with the 4 character resort slug. You can find the 4 character slug in the dev-ops dashboard right next to the resort name. If a resort is not added to the board yet, contact DevOps via their support channel for the slug. The slug is followed by a hyphen, followed by the environment type (test or prod). Non-commerce apps get an additional hyphen and the app name.

    If the resort is using ID2, the container names for their Identity container should end in -identity
    If the resort is using ID3, the container names for their Identity should end in -accounts

    Big Mountain Resort is a new subscriber and will be using ID3
    Create 4 containers, 2 for Commerce and 2 for ID3: bigm-test, bigm-prod, bigm-test-accounts, bigm-prod-accounts
    Bigger Mountain Resort is also a new subscriber and will be using NOP login only
    Create 2 containers for Commerce: bigg-test, bigg-prod

  5. Click the + Container button in the top bar to add a new container

  6. Enter the container name from step 4

  7. From the dropdown, select Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs)

  8. Click Create

  9. Repeat for each container identified in step 4

  10. Provide all of the container names to the CS team member that has requested them. They will use these container names when setting up the theming for each respective application.

Asset Collection

If the resort is migrating to either PUI or the full Theme Designer theme, then a CS team member will request their current image folder and brand data from their theme directory in Commerce. Provide the following assets and information.

  1. A copy of their image folder. This will include any logos, favicons, and hero images that may be required for the theme migrations. Make a copy of the entire images folder and zip it up.

  2. A list with the following information.

    1. All brand colors (primary, secondary, tertiary, hover colors, and text color)

    2. The exact name(s) of the brand font families listed in their theme CSS.

    3. The URL for the current font provider that is hard coded in the resorts theme. It may be located in either SCSS and the CSHTML files as an import if the resort is using a font provider.
      If the resort will be using Aspenware Font Hosting then also zip up their brand fonts and provide them as well as any font-face definitions provided for those fonts (usually in the typography.scss file in their theme directory). CS will upload them using the TD app.

  3. Provide the zip of the images from step 1 and the brand and fonts/font url from step 2 to the requesting CS team member. See below for example of what to send to CS team.

Example of Completed Request

Golden Resort


Commerce Prod: gldn-prod
Commerce Test: gldn-test
Identity or Auth0 prod: gldn-prod-accounts
Identity or Auth0 test: gldn-test-accounts


primary: #0288b9, secondary: #558e0a, tertiary: #ffffff, text: #2d2926, primary-hover: #0288b9, secondary-hover: #558e0a, tertiary-hover: #e5e4e4,



Primary Family:

font-family: Circular Std

  1. file: CircularStd-Medium.otf font-weight: 600 font-style: normal
  2. file: CircularStd-Book.otf font-weight: 400 font-style: normal

Secondary Family:




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