2.25 Commerce Release Guide - Edit Cart

2.25 Commerce Release Guide - Edit Cart

This guide will review how to set up Edit Cart in Aspenware Commerce. For more information about product set up see Aspenware Commerce Documentation or for general release notes, see 2.25 Commerce Release Notesarchived


Previously, it was difficult for guests to make adjustments to their cart items including adding on additional tickets with identical attributes or removing quantity from configured cart items without having to delete the item entirely. Now, if a guest wants to purchase multiple tickets for a family, Aspenware has added two links to both the mini cart and the assignment step to make this multiple ticket purchase easy. See the end of this article for feature limitations. Aspenware will be working on to further enhance additional product setups including multi-day datepicker-based products.


Feature Detail

Hyperlinked Product Title

Basic product link is now on the PDP. This URL is a direct link to the product without any attributes selected and represents a faster way for a user to add more of a product that may not have quantity on it. The product will not have any attributes selected and will not be a cart item id product that is currently in the cart.

The product in the cart is underlined and linked to the original product in order to quickly add additional quantities.

Example flow: A guest buys a private lesson for a particular day and add another to their cart. By clicking on the underlined, linked product in their cart, they are returned to the same product PDP and can add an additional lesson with a different day selected. This is much easier and less time consuming than navigating through the menu to return to the PDP.

Edit Options Link

Link including attributes that draws from the cart item ID and directs the guest to a PDP with the ability to update currently existing item in the cart. The attributes from the product in the cart are retained so that they can be adjusted once back on the product PDP. If the quantity is included on the item then quantity may be adjusted as well.

Example flow: A guest buys a private lesson, but realizes that they want to select a different day. The guest wants to edit the item and thus selects EDIT OPTIONS and changes the date. Selects UPDATE CART and the item in the cart changes accordingly.

Configuration Guide

Prerequisite Steps

Settings, Language Strings, and HTML Widgets

The enhanced cart with the edit capabilities must first be enabled globally to add the checkbox option to the pdp admin page.


Upon installation the global Edit Cart setting will be set to TRUE. If you have not disabled it, you can either confirm by following the steps below or skip to the next step.


  • To enable the enhanced cart globally:

    • Go to Configuration > Settings > All Settings (advanced)

    • Search for the shoppingcartsettings.showenhancedminicart setting.

    • Edit the setting to set to TRUE.

    • Note: even when enabled globally, the Edit Cart default setting for each product will be False (I.e. showing edit cart links is not automatic and box must be selected on a per product basis).


Once enabled globally, this function can now be added to individual products.

  • To enable this functionality at the product level:

    • Go to the Edit Product Details page for the product.

    • Scroll down to the Additional Product Settings section on the product page.

    • Check Is Enhanced Cart Enabled?


Note: You must select the “SAVE ALL SETTINGS” button to save changes as selecting Save or Save and Continue from the top of the admin page will not save your changes.

To update language strings in the minicart you can add/adjust the following:


String Resource




String Resource



Located in the mini cart beneath any product that has enhanced cart enabled


Edit Options


Located on the PDP in the place of “Add to Cart” when cart is being edited


Update Cart


Located on the PDP on mobile

in the place of “Add to Cart” when cart is being edited limited to 6 or 7 characters




Unsupported products and product setups for Edit Cart

There are a few products that may not work as expected, or have not yet been thoroughly tested with Edit Cart. Please keep these in mind when assigning Edit Cart to individual products.

  1. Fast Flow

    1. Because Fast Flow products do not use assignment in the same way that conventional products do, assignment cannot be retained when returning to page via the “Edit Options” mode. If enabled, the “Edit Options” link will load the Fast Flow page but will not load the assigned user or date.

  2. Multiday non-consecutive date-based products with date picker

    1. Aspenware does not recommend using edit cart with these products as the edit mode is unable to reselect multiple dates. If this feature is used, the customer will be returned to the pdp with their first selected date still selected.

  3. Vouchers

    1. In order to preserve the security of vouchers, Aspenware does not yet support edit cart with vouchers as the voucher product will have to be removed from the cart in order to reload and reuse the voucher (e.g. if trying to change a date). Cases in which a voucher code is used to access a product are not yet supported. If enabled, a toast message will warn the user that the voucher code has already been added to the cart. Discount vouchers will work

  4. Quantity

    1. Currently, if a guest selects the “add to cart” button multiple times on a pdp with a particular product-attribute combination, the quantity in the mini cart will increase within the parentheses. However, if “edit options” is selected in the mini cart, updating the pdp will return the quantity to 1. To avoid this issue, we recommend using the quantity attribute.