The Aspenware Design Team will create a theme for the resort and allow one round of feedback for the resort to provide change requests. In order for Aspenware to begin work on the theme, the Resort Marketing Team will need to provide Aspenware with their choices for the following theme decisions as well as the required marketing collateral outlined in this document.
Theming Process
In a joint marketing meeting, Aspenware and the resort review theme decisions, asset requirements, and preview the Theme Designer.
The resort provides required materials and decisions through Aspenware’s Monday Board within 5-business days of the marketing meeting.
Aspenware’s Implementation Representative reviews and submits the resort’s provided information.
Aspenware’s Design Team creates the theme and returns it to the resort for final review.
The resort may be eligible to provide theme edit requests based on Aspenware’s allowances outlined in the Theme Revision Guidelines.
Aspenware returns the final theme to the resort for go-live.
The standard minimum required sizes for resort-provided images are listed below in-line with each image requested. Images must be below 400k in size to maximize site load times and it is recomended to provide image files as close to 300k as possible. It is recommended that the resort crops the images prior to sharing with Aspenware, since quality will be affected if Aspenware needs to stretch them. If the resort is unable to modify the image, Aspenware will crop the image. In order to reduce load times, Aspenware will optimize images to balance file size with quality.
Additionally, the more complex and intricate the image provided, the more noticeable the compression will be. As such, Aspenware recommends providing images that are relatively simple and do not contain large areas of complicated textures, e.g., detailed trees.
HINT: For a free tool for reducing image sizing go to https://tinypng.com. It can often be used with no noticeable degradation in quality to reduce an image size.
The preferred format for logos is .svg. This format allows for resizing and transparency without any loss in quality. Aspenware can also work with .eps and .png, so long as the .png file has transparency and no background.
Colors for web are generally provided in HEX values, which is preferred in order to prevent shifts in brand colors if Aspenware needs to convert from one format to another.
Provide theme decisions
Decisions on all of the items in this list must be completed.
1. Provide three theme colors
Colors (HEX) |
Primary color |
Secondary color |
Tertiary color |
2. Select desired hero height
Options | Examples | Mobile Examples |
Tall | ||
Medium | ||
Short (Aspenware Recommended) |
3. Select hero mechanism
Options | Examples | |
Dynamic Hero changes randomly to a product card image from the active category. | ||
Static Hero is a static image and will not change based on different product cards in the active category. |
4. Provide header background color in HEX
5. (Optional) Provide a link for header logo and side-bar logo
The header and side-bar logo are set to a clickable link. Please provide the full link.
6. Provide the following details for the footer
NOTE: The header and footer will be added as editable widgets that the resort team can modify once initially created. They are only simple designs and complex customizations are not applicable.
7. Select Background Body Style
Option | Example |
Flat (no dropshadow) | |
Drop Shadow |
8. Provide Page Background Color
Color (HEX) | Examples |
Page Background Color |
9. Provide Card Liner Background Color
Color (HEX) | Examples |
Card liner background color |
10. Select a product card display option
Option | Product Card Elements | Examples |
Card Option A |
| |
Card Option B |
| |
Card option C |
| |
Card Option D |
11. Select “Sub-Category” Tab Style
Option | Tab Elements | Example |
Tab Option A |
| |
Tab Option B |
| |
Tab Option C |
| |
Tab Option D |
12. Select PDP image display
Option | Examples |
Image slider Multiple images can cycle through different photos on swipe or click. Alternatively you can upload a single photo and it will behave as a static image on the PDP. | |
Dynamic PDP hero replacement Product images can replace the hero image when navigating to the PDP. | |
No product image No product image will display on PDPs. (Note: Retail products will still display a PDP image.) |
Provide required marketing assets
NOTE: Images must be below 400k in size to maximize site load times and it is recomended to provide image files as close to 300k as possible.
HINT: For a free tool for reducing image sizing go to https://tinypng.com. It can often be used with no noticeable degradation in quality to reduce an image size.
IMPORTANT: Newly themed resorts have the ability to update images on their own. For #13, #14, #15, and #21 below; please upload the requested photo to your brand-site or another webpage that is openly accessible and then provide the image URL.
13. Provide Half Hero (My Account Page image)
Image dimensions: 1920 × 400
14. Provide Main Hero image (default landing image)
Depending on size selection in #4:
Tall hero image dimensions: 1920x700
Medium hero images dimensions: 1920x550
Short hero image dimensions: 1920 × 400
15. Provide Full Page Background (checkout)
Image dimensions must be 1920 x 1080px
NOTE: Aspenware applies a dark overlay to the checkout background enabling checkout text to stand out.
16. Provide Logo image
.svg file, no default size requirement
Image dimensions must be 400 x 400px (Minimum) for PNG file
Must be transparent
Logo placement: the store header logo, checkout page, vouchers, and footer
17. Provide sidebar logo
File must be in .png or .svg
18. Provide Favicon images of logo
File must be 200 x 200px
File must be in .png or .svg
Provide a file for each favicon type:
Ico favicon
19. Provide Logo for Loading Animation
File must be 200 x 200px (Aspenware can produce for the resort from logo file if necessary)
Aspenware will apply the loading animation and only providing a static image is required
20. Provide Link to Webfont (eg Google Font)
Specify the font(s) to be used on the Ecommerce site
Provide AW with the path(s) to the CSS font file where the @font-face font definitions exist
Example Google Font Path:
21. Provide Brandbook
Recommended if the resort has one available to help Aspenware’s Design Team stay on brand.
*Sirisware POS Only:
21. Sign in image:
Provide a 1920 x 1080px image for sign in page, primarily for mobile.
Computer | Mobile |