Pass Checker enables guests to enter their card number (passmedia# or RFID#) to check if their media will work at a specific lift. Among many use cases, guests can check if their pass is hotlisted due to incomplete tasks or if their pass is blacked out for the selected date.
Pass Checker can be configured to reflect the ticket and lift configuration of any resort, from the simplest to the most complex.
In a simple configuration, the guest can validate against date of use only, assuming that all lifts are included. More complex configurations allow guests to verify validity against a date as well as collections of lifts that may have limited access.
Example 1: Day Ticket, All Mountain Access.
This ticket should allow the guest to ride every lift on the mountain, on the date of use indicated.
Configuration Tips: Do not create AccessLoation, or populate Access Location Items. In the general Tab, populate the xxx field with the RTP | One Location Code of any lift included in that access pool.
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