FAQs: Identity v3 (Powered by Auth0)

Q: If someone calls to troubleshoot their account, how can my support staff still help?

A: Credentials will still be stored in RTP and you will be able to change their password or username/email as you always have done in the past. Once credentials are migrated out of RTP, AW will setup a tool to allow the Resort team to reset passwords and view username/emails.

Q: What happens if the password strength I setup in Auth0 is ‘stronger’ than what I originally setup in Identity?

A: Nothing adverse will happen to the guest. Auth0 will not validate if the password meets the new requirements if those credentials were in place prior to the transition to Auth0.

Q: What if I use Inntopia to send emails?

A: Inntopia is not supported in Auth0 as an SMTP provider. It is strongly recommended that you utilize Sendgrid to send Auth0 emails or any other supported SMTP provider (noted above in this documentation).

Q: What happens once I turn Auth0 on?

A: The existing Identity pages will still be present but the guests will be routed to the new Auth0 login URL (which can be the same as the identity page). If credentials are still being stored in RTP, the auth profile in RTP will continue to be populated with email and password for the guest.

Q: Can I customize my theme?

A: Yes. There are limits to what can be branded as noted in the theming section.

Q: Can I customize my emails?

A: Yes. We can leverage the templates in Auth0 to customize email content, but cannot use HTML.

Q: Can I customize the error messages?

A: Yes. We are allowing minimal customizations to occur on various error messages as they can be tied to specific metrics we are tracking based on the content.

Q: What happens if I need to revert back to IDv2?

A: Ideally, we will endeavor to fix any issues in IDv3 but do have the ability to roll-back to IDv2 in extreme circumstances.

Q: Does IDv3 work for multi-store?

A: Yes. All IDv3 configurations are on a per store basis. There are limited theming options per store on the login pages and any Google Analytics events can be tied per store.




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