Overview: Product-Triggered QR Codes

Overview: Product-Triggered QR Codes

This feature is supported for: resorts using RTP|One.

In Aspenware Commerce, a QR code is a scannable representation of an order number. Resorts may use QR codes for several reasons. Examples include customers scanning their QR code at the PUB to print their media (rather than having to walk up to a ticket counter) or an admin scanning a customer’s QR code to retrieve an order at the resort service desk. This feature enables a resort to display a QR code on the confirmation email and/or display the QR code on the checkout confirmation page only when specific products are purchased. Both features operate independently.

Feature Detail

This feature consists of several components which may be understood in terms of the following:

  1. A checkbox option on the Edit product details page turns off/on the QR code display on the checkout confirmation page and a language string determines the text to be shown above the QR code on the product confirmation page (optional, has default text).

  2. A checkbox option on the Edit product details page turns off/on QR code display on the order confirmation email and a language string determines the text to be shown above the QR code on the product confirmation email (optional, has default text).

  3. A new message template token %Order.OrderItemQRCode% can be placed anywhere in the email template and will generate a QR code based on the OrderID with the order.confirmation.email.qrcode.message language string above it if at least one product has the ShowQRCodeInConfirmationEmail box checked. (simple option).

  4. For more flexibility, the %Order.OrderItemHasQRCode% message token that can be used in an if-else statement in the email template to show a custom message when at least one product has the ShowQRCodeInConfirmationEmail box checked. This option is only recommended for those who require custom HTML on their QR code-related text (advanced option).

IMPORTANT: Options 3 and 4 should not be used together, they are alternative ways to perform similar actions.


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