Overview: Kount Command

Overview: Kount Command

This feature is supported for: All versions of Aspenware Commerce and all payment gateways.

IMPORTANT: The KountCommand plugin differs from our legacy Kount plugin in that it supports all payment gateways, while the earlier Kount plugin was limited to only Braintree users. Both plugins CANNOT be installed simultaneously or checkout will fail.

Feature Description

Aspenware has partnered with Kount, third-party fraud prevention, and detection provider, to use in conjunction with your integrated payment gateway. Users can configure Kount to decline transactions to eliminate potential fraud or focus extra scrutiny on approved transactions, declining them after the fact and whitelisting the media. Aspenware published this article about the benefits of using Kount to avoid costly chargeback from car-not-present transactions. An independent account and agreement with Kount must be established to use this plugin.

This enhancement utilizes APIs provided by Kount to insert the Kount query/response either PRE or POST authorization. - known as Kount Command. Specific features include:

  • Integration to the Kount API before the credit card is sent to authorize. https://kount.github.io. This happens in the pre-payment validation step - Kount begins tracking the session as soon as the customer clicks “checkout” before a call is made to the payment gateway. Therefore, the resort doesn't incur transaction fees for a decline.

  • In addition to passing in all required fields, the Product Date is also passed through to Kount as a user-defined field so that resorts can prioritize investigating same-day bookings or bookings for tomorrow as these have the highest fraud potential.





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