2.24 Commerce Release Guide - KountCommand

2.24 Commerce Release Guide - KountCommand

This guide will review how to set up KountCommand in Aspenware Commerce. For general release notes, see 2.24 Commerce Release Notesarchived


Kount Command is now available as a plugin for all payment gateways that Aspenware supports. This enhancement utilizes APIs provided by Kount to insert the KOUNT query/response either PRE or POST authorization. - known as KOUNT Command. Specific features include:

  • Integration to the Kount API before the credit card is sent to authorize. https://kount.github.io. This happens in the pre-payment validation step - Kount begins tracking the session as soon as the customer clicks “checkout”, before a call is made to the payment gateway. The resort doesn't incur transaction fees for a decline.

  • In addition to passing in all required fields, the Product Date is also passed through to Kount as a user-defined field so that resorts can prioritize investigating same-day bookings or bookings for tomorrow as these have the highest fraud potential.

NOTE: The new KountCommand plugin differs from our legacy Kount plugin in that it supports all payment gateways, while the earlier Kount plugin was limited to only Auth.net and Braintree users.

Configuration Guide

Kount Tasks

  • Ensure that you have a working agreement with Kount and that you have access to your Kount Dashboard/Administration screen.

  • Create a user-defined field (UDF) called STARTDATE ( all caps, all one word). This will allow the earliest Start Date on any product in the transaction to be displayed, and can be used in setting rules for declines.

    • Click Add UDF and enter the following:

      • Label: STARTDATE

      • Description: STARTDTE

      • Type: Select Date

    • Click Save UDF.

  • Ensure that all Kount rules have been defined per your resort’s Kount strategy. Rules need to be included in a rule set, and the rule set must be activated for the rules to apply to transactions.

Commerce Tasks

1. Install the KountCommand plugin.

  • Go to Configuration > Local plugins.

  • Scroll down to the KountCommand plugin.

  • Click Install.

  • Make sure the plugin is both installed and enabled.

  • If it is not enabled, click Edit and check Is enabled? and click Save.

2. Configure the KountCommand plugin.

  • Once installed, click Configure to get to the Configure - KountCommand Plugin screen.


    • Enter data into the following fields:

      • Multi-store configuration: Select the appropriate choice if you have a multi-store configuration.

      • Use Sandbox?: Checked for dev, Unchecked for prod

      • API key: Find your unique API key in your Kount login admin.

      • Device Data Collector Endpoint: https://tst.kaptcha.com

      • Risk Inquiry Service Endpoint: https://risk.test.kount.net

      • Merchant ID: Find your unique merchant id in your Kount login admin.

      • Site ID: DEFAULT

      • Connection Timeout: Set to 60000

      • Failed Kount Validation Message: Enter the text that will be displayed to the user if Kount declines the transaction.

      • Click Save.

NOTE: These can also be set through Settings > All settings and set the following settings:




Find your unique API key in your Kount login admin.






Find your unique merchant id in your Kount login admin.






3. Log into your Kount Dashboard and verify that you can see transactions in Kount.