Common Troubleshooting: Product Shell

Q: The product isn’t appearing in the store.

A: Most common resolutions are:

  • Ensure you have saved the product and that you have cleared the cache in Aspenware Admin and refreshed your browser on the store’s category page.

  • Ensure the product is marked as published.

  • Check that the available start date and end date for the product are blank or are active dates.

  • Ensure the display size for the category the product is under is greater than the number of products assigned to the category.

  • Check that the role you have assigned to the product is blank or that you are logged in to with the assigned role.

Q: The updates I made to the product are not appearing in the store.

A: Ensure you have saved the product and that you have cleared the cache in Aspenware Admin and refreshed your browser on the store’s category page.

Q: The HTML on my product isn’t appearing as expected.

A: Most common resolutions are:

  • Ensure that you have a “|” inserted in between the short and long descriptors.

  • The short description on the product card only shows plain text.

  • On the PDP, while most HTML is supported, certain HTML such as iframes are not explicitly supported. If your issue is that the display is still off, then ensure you have saved the product and that you have cleared the cache in Aspenware Admin and refreshed your browser on the store’s category page.

Q: Can I turn off the savings display for a dynamically priced product whose base price matches the lowest override window price?

A: No, if there is a base price set for your product that price will always show as the original crossed-out price.

Q: What if am using the “old price” field but also have a base price for my product set in dynamic pricing?

A: If there is a base price set that price will always show as the crossed-out price on the PDP.

Q: If I have a base or old price set, what is the “price” field for in product setup?

A: If entered, the “price” field will show on the category product card. If using the “price” field, we recommend leveraging the “meta title” field (see Peak Commerce Documentation) to indicate that prices are “Starting At” a certain price or to provide other informative messaging to customers.

Q: Why I am not seeing my amount remaining despite having set the language string properly?

A: Displaying the amount remaining beneath the shopping cart depends on whether the inventory threshold has been met. This can be adjusted by going to Settings > All Settings > and searching for catalogsettings.dynamicpricingcalendar.inventorymessagethreshold

NOTE: Settings for threshold with dynamic pricing savings (as opposed to the dynamic pricing calendar) display only work for inventory (i.e. amount remaining overall for a given day not for amount remaining in tiered pricing (at a certain price).


Q: A few guests are reporting the site is not loading for them with an error screen, but it is loading without issue for other guests, why is this occurring?

A: There could be a number of explanations for this, on the product config side it could be that a bad character such as a long dash “-” was used in naming the product. See the image example below and ensure the bottom long dash is not used.


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