1. POS Tasks | |
2. Infrastructure Tasks | |
3. Payment Provider Tasks | |
4. Commerce Tasks | |
Decide if you are syncing credit cards to RTP|One. (Tokenized RTP|One DB required)
Complete POS accounting tasks for products sold online.
Ensure that you are using a tokenized version of RTP|One with CardDog/TRI/First Data.
Update the Azure appsettings to 'AllowTransferofCC' from false to true and give it a test.
Validate the credit related settings in the UnityPeakProd rtp-config.json when that switch occurs.
Testing should include verifying the RTP|One Credit Card Profile visually looks correct and that the data in the PaymentCardToken table looks good.
Perform a 'charge to the card on file' and a return to verify those are working.
Follow Payeezy getting started guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vgCMI3bYbUNYWVL4gtMcgLggubwelRp99o3qGaoKTHk/edit?usp=sharing
Set up a merchant account on the Payeezy site to get a Merchant ID.
Contact Aspenware Representative to set up an API dev account.
Add Merchant to Aspenware dev account by emailing Payeezy. Email payeezyboarding@firstdata.com to request having the client added as a merchant on our dev account. Include:
Customer’s Merchant ID
DBA name
Developer account email address: Rt.clark@aspenware.com
Payeezy will confirm the request and follow up with an email (May take a few days)
Then, Submit PaymentJS integration request following these steps under Step 4 in this guide exactly
When integration request complete, Email Payeezy to Confirm Values Match Merchant account values. (only required if issues with payment)
Once done Aspenware will get API key, API Secret, JS Key, and Token from the Payeezy developer account.
Obtain TaToken from Payeezy and make note of this for future Commerce configuration.
The transarmor token (tatoken) can be located in customer’s existing Payeezy account by logging in at https://globalgatewaye4.firstdata.com/terminal and clicking on the terminal to view the details. The TA token will be a 4 character code.
If using CVV2 verification (recommended)
Complete the steps within Step 7 in this guide.
Change Payeezy from test to live when ready: To process live transactions, your APIs will need to be configured as follows:
Log into https://developer.payeezy.com
Navigate to the “APIs” page
Select your API and then
“Edit <API>”
Make sure that ‘Live’ is checked.
Work with your Aspenware Representative to set up the GL Report so you can reconcile GL reporting in the POS and payment gateway.
Go to the Configuration > Payment > Payment Methods page.
Click Edit on the Payeezy payment gateway.
Check Is active on the desired payment method and click Save. Ensure that only the desired payment method is set to ‘is active.’
Select ‘Configure’ on the desired payment method.
Complete the following fields:
Use Sandbox: - Should be checked for ‘test’ and unchecked for ‘prod’
API Key: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account
API Secret: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account
JS Key: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account
TaToken: Obtained in previous step above or get from Resort’s Payeezy account.
Token: Obtain from Aspenware Payeezy developer Account
Requires Billing Address: This is likely required, so check to make sure it is collected for checkout.
Requires Phone Number: Check if phone number is required at checkout.
Click Save.
Test a live credit card for each type of accepted credit card (Visa, Amex, Discover, Mastercard) to ensure the gateway is processing payments properly once setup is completed.
A: We support CVV2 in all versions. (Set up guide within Step 7). We support AVS in version 2.16 or later. We strongly encourage customers upgrading to 2.16 who use Payeezy as a payment gateway. For more details on AVS, checkout this article https://support.payeezy.com/hc/en-us/articles/203817169-Address-Verification-System-AVS-Overview
A: As part of Aspenware’s push certification process a live credit check and confirmation is required before we “flip” the new version live. Typically Aspenware will run these tests in a staging environment prior to flipping the code live, however, because Payeezy has added security measures that require that the domain a payment is made from match the prod domain (i.e. shop.yourresort.com) this check cannot be made in staging. Our process for this check for Payeezy customers is to flip the new code live, close the store, run the transaction. As soon as the resort accounting contact confirms that they see the transaction in the Payeezy gateway, we open the store back up.
Looks like you need to set the config to accept Discover cards:
See Step 8c: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vgCMI3bYbUNYWVL4gtMcgLggubwelRp99o3qGaoKTHk/edit?usp=sharing
Uncheck the S code on cvv2 filters if you want to accept Discover (in Payeezy):
A: The true indicator of whether a product made it to RTP successfully is the order queue. If you see orders showing as Pending in the Sales>Orders area, check if any products in these orders have Shipping checked on the product editor
This won't cause problems per-say but is really only used for retail products that are shipped, so it shouldn't be checked. Because Nopcommerce is often used as a retail platform, what processing means in Nop is similar to what Open means in RTP. The order is paid for, but the order has not been fulfilled, aka shipped. For ski, we send the order to RTP for fulfillment and don't do any fulfillment in NOP - we use the delivery plugin for shipping ski media and ignore Nopcommerce shipping, so it's not a problem, but my guess is that if you uncheck shipping on these products and save it, you will start seeing these orders show as completed.
A: Unfortunately, Payeezy announced that they are not taking any additional customers as of Jan 2021. If you were already migrated to use Payeezy as a payment provider, your functionality is not impacted, but new customers cannot choose this payment gateway, unfortunately.
A: Good news is that using Payeezy allows you to enable a number of advanced features, most notably Payment Plans and Subscriptions. Because Payeezy is the tokenization provider for RTP|One, if RTP is your POS, resorts that use Payeezy can offer guests resort charge, direct to lift, and capturing tokens for refunds in the POS. Apple Pay, Google Pay, Pay Pal, and Storing CC for future purchases are currently supported with Payeezy.
A: Step 1: Resort needs to tokenize their RTPOne db.
Step 2: Once that is done, we will need to update the Azure appsettings to 'AllowTransferofCC' from false to true. The credit-related settings in the UnityPeakProd rtp-config.json should also be validated when that switch occurs.
Step 3: Test it. Testing should include verifying the RTP Credit Card Profile visually looks correct and that the data in the PaymentCardToken table looks good. A 'charge to the card on file' and a return should also be performed in RTP to verify those are working (and maybe an auto-charge too if Copper does this but the card on file test may be sufficient).