For each waiver, copy down 1RiskID
For each waiver, copydown the waiverFormid (Only required if using Optional Order Confirmation Link Waiver signing flow)
Copy down your unique 1Risk URL (provided by 1Risk’sBill Brouse (bbrouse@1risk.com))
Q: Can I email out two different types of waivers (waivers with two different Auth Type Codes)?
A: Yes, any 1Risk waiver with the Send waiver emails checkbox checked will enable the feature for that waiver.
Q: What happens if the age set for a minor in Aspenware Commerce differs from the age set as a minor in 1Risk?
A: The minor age within Aspenware Commerce > Waivers refers specifically to what age will trigger an email option for a participant. If the minor age is set to 17, all participants under 18 will be offered an option to EITHER sign the waiver on behalf of the participant or email it to another guardian.
Q: What happens if I do not set a minor age?
A: If no minor age is set then the logged-in user will always be able to sign on behalf of any participant, regardless of their age. If you would like this option, Aspenware recommends changing the default language string to remove any reference to “legal guardian”.
Q: What happens if I allow for some waivers to be emailed and others not?
A: If Waiver A is selected to Send waiver emails while Waiver B does not have this box checked, the logged-in user will be forced to email Waiver A to all adult participant waivers while they will still be able to sign on behalf of all participants assigned to Waiver B.
Q: I emailed a participation waiver out and completed signing. Why don’t I see the authorization profile updating in RTP?
A: 1Risk is in the process of developing functionality to write authorization profiles to RTP - please reach out to your 1Risk representative for more information. Until then you may manually update authorization profiles in RTP according to whether they have been signed in 1Risk.
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