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This feature is supported for: {example 1}, {example 2}, and {example 3} |
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Key Terms
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Feature Description
This section contains a paragraph or two describing the feature and how it enhances the functionality of Aspenware Commerce. Include here business use of the feature both from the resort perspective and from the guest perspective
Section Links
Child pages (Children Display) | ||
All versions of Aspenware Commerce. |
Feature Description
Enabling the Edit Cart feature allows guests to make adjustments to their cart items including adding on additional tickets with identical attributes or removing quantity from configured cart items without having to delete the item entirely. So, if a guest wants to purchase multiple tickets for a family, for example, the cart has two links to both the mini cart and the assignment step to make this multiple ticket purchase easy.
Feature Detail
Hyperlinked Product Title
With Edit Cart enabled, the basic product link appears on the PDP. This URL is a direct link to the product without any attributes selected and represents a faster way for a user to add more of a product that may not have quantity on it. When clicked, the guest is simply taken back to the basic product card and will not have any attributes pre-selected. It will not be a cart item ID product that is currently in the cart.
Example flow: A guest buys a private lesson for a particular day and wants to add another private lesson for another day to their cart. By clicking on the underlined, linked product in their cart, they are returned to the same private lesson product PDP and can add an additional lesson with a different day selected. This is much easier and less time-consuming than navigating through the menu to return to the PDP.
Edit Options Link
Clicking this link directs the guest to a PDP with the ability to update the item that is already in the cart. The link preserves the attributes that are drawn from the cart item ID. The attributes from the product in the cart are retained so that they can be adjusted once back on the product PDP. If the quantity is included on the item then the quantity may be adjusted as well.
Example flow: A guest buys a private lesson, but realizes that they want to select a different day. The guest wants to edit the item and thus selects EDIT OPTIONS and changes the date. Selects UPDATE CART and the item in the cart changes accordingly.